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Ever since Tae's little meltdown, Jungkook had been making sure Tae had been taking regular breaks. Although they were on winter break, Tae still had to work and deal with the company. As Jungkook had a lot of spare time he'd work with Tae, and helped him do small jobs.

Tae was currently in his office working. Tae was on a video call with some of his shareholders. While Jungkook was downstairs playing with with Tannie.
"Tannieeee, koo lonely, daddy working, b-but koo bored" Jungkook pouted.
He loved playing with Tannie, but he's been playing with Tannie for at least an hour.

Tannie looked at the little and licked his hand before running off to his bed, laying down.
"Will daddy be angry with koo?" Jungkook asked himself, not wanting to upset the older.
"Koo ish gonna go" Jungkook told himself.
He quickly stood up, taking hold of the tiger plushie he got from Tae for christmas and crawled upstairs. He waddled along the floor boards, creating small noises. He finally got to the office and poked his head around the door.
"D-daddy" Jungkook called, but it wasn't very loud.

Tae was still looking at his computer, listening to someone who was talking about what they should do to make the company better, in the new year. Tae was completely out of it, and didn't hear his boyfriend calling for him.
"Uh Mr Kim I think there's a child in your office or something, who is calling for you and crying" One of the shareholders said.
Tae frowned and looked up from the screen. There stood his boyfriend drowning in one of his own shirts and the plushie he got for the boy in one hand. A few tears were pricking his eyes, not liking that Tae couldn't hear him.
"Ah I'm sorry, that's just my boyfriend" Tae smiled before holding his arms out for Jungkook.

"That was your boyfriend, he sounded like a child" the man laughed.
Tae just ignored his comment and focused on his boyfriend who was shyly walking over to him.
"Come here baby" Tae whispered patting his lap.
Jungkook scrambled onto Tae's lap. Jungkook's back was blocking the screen, till finally Jungkook was straddling the elder's lap and had his arms around Tae's shoulders, with his face dug deep into the crook of his head.
"Don't cry baby" Tae whispered faintly so only the younger would hear.
"Koo missed daddy" Jungkook whispered back causing Tae to smile softly, kissing the boys head.
"Mr Kim...are you smiling?" A woman asked in disbelief.

Tae looked back at the computer seeing the 5 people looking at him with mouths open.
Tae coughed and pulled his chair to the table more.
"Okay let's carry on, where were we?" Tae said glaring at the screen, as if he was starring into their souls.
"Uh sir, are you not going to tell your boyfriend to go away while you work?" One of them asked.
"No, why should what my boyfriend does concern you? You do realise I am the boss of you, which means I can cut all shares with you. If I were you I'd mind your own damn business, and ask no further questions about my boyfriend" Tae glared, making the other gulp.

They got back to work and carried on with their meeting. Tae didn't know if the younger was asleep or not, but ever so often he'd rub the boys back, or kiss the side of his head.
As Tae was writing down some notes he felt something wet in his neck. The younger was sucking on Tae's nape softly. It wasn't painful, it just felt odd. He let the younger carry on, as it was hurting him. But over time Jungkook started whining. Tae turned his attention to the younger and rubbed his waist softly.
"What's wrong baby" Tae whispered.
Jungkook came away from Tae's neck and looked him.
"D-da-dada" Jungkook blabbed, making Tae widen his eyes.
"Koo baby, can you tell daddy how old are you?" Tae whispered softly, looking straight at Jungkook.
Jungkook slowly put his hand up and held up one finger. Tae cooed at the boy and softly kissed his forehead making the younger giggle.

Tae was still listening to the meeting, and he was taking in everything. But he was also paying attention to the little, who was currently in baby space. Tae wrapped both arms around the boys lower back and began moving his legs up and down, causing the younger to bounce up and down, emitting into giggles.
"Just wait for a few minutes till daddy finishes his meeting and we can play" Tae whispered pulling the boy back into his chest, focusing back to the meeting.

Not too long later they were coming to the end of the meeting.
"Okay I think that's all, anyone else have anything they want to discuss?" Tae asked.
"Nope I don't think so" one said.
"Great well, I'll address some of these things to my colleagues after the new year. Happy new year" Tae said before ending the call.
"Finally" Tae sighed, he put the sheets in his folder and put it to the side.
"Let's go koo baby" Tae smiled looking at the younger who was starring at him with big doe eyes.
"Aigooo look at you" Tae smiled, pinching the younger's chubby cheeks.
Tae stood up and carried the younger downstairs to the living room. They sat down on the sofa with Jungkook sitting next to him, resting his head on Tae's lap.
"D-dada" Jungkook called out, holding onto Tae's arm softly.
"Yes my beautiful baby?" Tae softly cooed.

Jungkook moved his hand down Tae's arm to his hand. He took two of Tae's fingers and brought it up to him mouth. Tae watched the little, as he put his fingers in his mouth and sucked on them gently. Tae didn't really understand what the boy was doing but he let him do what he wanted. So Tae sat there watching television while letting Jungkook suck on his fingers. It's not really something you'd witness everyday, but Tae didn't mind as long as the younger was comfortable.

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