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It was Taehyung's birthday. Jungkook had prepared everything for the day. As a group, without Tae knowing, they decided to celebrate Tae's birthday while they celebrated New Years as it was easier. Tae didn't even know that Jungkook knew it was his birthday. Since being a ceo Tae never had the time to celebrate his birthday. But thankfully the group told Jungkook a few weeks prior, which gave him enough time to set up.

Jungkook woke up at 7am unintentionally. He saw Tae was completely knocked out so he decided to go downstairs and decorate for his birthday. Jungkook wriggled out of Tae's hold replacing himself with a pillow and slowly crept out the room, making his way downstairs.

He got the decorations out which he had ordered a while ago and kept them hidden in a cabinet which Tae never goes to. He got them out and began decorating downstairs. He put banners up. He blew up purple, white and light blue balloons. He got the cake out which he had stored away deep inside the pantry, hidden under crisp packets. He grabbed the cinnamon buns which he bought the other day and put them out on the table with a freshly made coffee and a banana milk for himself.

He then stacked up the presents, organizing them neatly close to the cake. He stepped back and looked at everything and smiled happily. He looked at the time and it was already 8am so he quietly walked up stairs, creeping back into their room. He looked at the elder and smiled fondly seeing him sleep peacefully. Jungkook took a photo of him and posted it to his Instagram.

Since Christmas, a lot of Tae's followers, followed Jungkook as well. The boy had already passed 500k, and his account became verified within just 3 days.

Jungkook giggled, as his post blew up and turned his phone off

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Jungkook giggled, as his post blew up and turned his phone off. Jungkook turned his attention back to Tae and walked over to him. Jungkook flopped onto his boyfriend and wriggled onto his body. Jungkook ran his hand through Tae's long brown hair and placed kisses all over his face.
"Hyungie" Jungkook called softly.
"Hyungieeee" Jungkook called out again.

He heard a small groan emit from the elders lips. Jungkook rolled his eyes jokingly and kissed the boys lips.
Tae opened his eyes and took charge of the kiss, making Jungkook pull away. He looked at Tae, who was displaying a huge pout.
"Why are you pouting boyfie?" Tae tilted his head.
"You pulled away from the kiss"
"Ah you big baby" Jungkook giggled kissing Tae once again.
They pulled away and looked at each other with goofy smiles on their faces.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY HYUNGIE" Jungkook screamed so loudly, making Tae gasp.
"Wait it's my birthd- wait how did you know?" Tae asked feeling a bit confused.

"Hehe I found out a few weeks ago, thank god Jin told my otherwise I wouldn't of known" Jungkook pouted, and lightly punched Tae's chest.
"Sorry baby, I haven't celebrated my birthday in quite a few years" Tae sighed.
"Well I'm changing that this year" Jungkook said showing his bunny smile.
"Come on you big lump, get out of bed" Jungkook said pulling on Tae's arms to get him out of bed, but is unable to as Tae weighs a ton from all his muscles.
"Taeeeee pleaseee" Jungkook whined.
"Okay okay I'm coming" Tae laughed, as he got out of bed.
"Shut your eyes" Jungkook commanded.
"No peaking, I'll be watching you mr" Jungkook said making sure his eyes were shut.
He guided the male safely down the stairs and placed him in a spot where he could see all the decorations.
"Okay, open them" Jungkook called out excitedly.
Tae opened his eyes and saw all the decorations. His eyes widened as he looked at the well organized display.
Tae pulled the younger into a hug and kissed his head.
"Thank you baby, thank you so much" Tae lovingly thanked.
He held onto the younger and lifted him up spinning around in circles, making Jungkook scream happily.
"Tae s-stop I'm getting dizzyy" Jungkook giggled.

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