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"Come on Koo, I've already told you that they'll love you, hmm" Tae said holding his hand firmly.

The two were walking to a cafe, which holds fond memories for Tae. The cafe belonged to, two of his best friends. His friendship group consists of 6 people, including him. They have been friends since a young age and as a group they have done everything together. Two of the members ended up marrying each other, and another two are in a strong relationship.

"Come on baby" Tae said pulling him into the cafe.
The door bell chimed and the couple walked in. The sweet smell of coffee and caramel filled the room, relaxing the younger's nerves slightly.
The cafe was empty, as it closed early for the day, so the group could catch up in peace.

Out of no where, Tae was engulfed in a hug, making Tae let go of Jungkook's hand.
"TAEEE" the person hugging Tae screamed.
"JIMINIEEE" Tae screamed back sillily.
All of a sudden loud noises of chairs scraping along the floor was heard. Heavy footsteps came running closer, and stopped when grunts were heard instead.
"THE GANGS BACK TOGETHER" Jin screamed loudly.
"Tae, you've grown so much!" Hobi huffed.
"Ewwww Hobi just breathed on my neck" Jimin shrieked making Tae smile.
"I've missed that boxy smile" Yoongi admitted.
"OMO never thought I'd hear you say that yoongs" Tae laughed.
"I swear your voice is getting deeper by the day" Namjoon gawked in amazement.
"Literally hubby it's so not fair" Jin sighed.

While the reunion was taking place, Jungkook was stood there frozen in the distance. He didn't want to interrupt the moment, so he just hung around in the background. His eyes darted side to side, and his arms snaked over his stomach, holding his body slightly. Although he loved seeing Tae all happy with his friends, he would much rather be cuddled up in his boyfriends arms instead of awkwardly standing there out in the open.

Without realising Jungkook had drowned out the world and didn't notice the room going quiet. He finally looked up when he felt eyes glaring right through him. He looked at the five pairs of eyes staring at him, and bit his lip nervously.

"Yah stop staring at him like that!" Tae shouted at his friends, snapping them all out their thoughts.
Tae ran over to his nervous boyfriend and snaked an arm around his waist.
"This is Jungkook, my boyfriend" Tae smiled brightly.
Jungkook watched everyone's facial expression, his heart beat racing rapidly.
"H-hello" Jungkook squeaked out in a small, fragile voice.
There was a small pause. It was like the world stopped spinning and the whole atmosphere just froze for a split second.

"What the hell Kim Taehyung! Why didn't you tell us that you're in a relationship!" Jin yelled, marching over and flicking his head.
"Owwww" Tae whined rubbing his forehead with a pout.
"Yah introduce us!" Jimin whined at Taehyung.
"Ah yeah koo, this is Jin and his husband Namjoon they are the owners of this cafe, this is Jimin and his boyfriend Yoongi, and lastly this is Hobi the sunshine of the group" Tae said pointing at each person.
Jungkook bowed slowly to them all.
"There's no need for that" Namjoon chuckled at the boy bowing.
"A-ah s-sorry" Jungkook stuttered.
"Come, I've made us all hot chocolates, let's catch up" Jin smiled walking back over to the table.

Everyone sat down and began chatting, catching up on all the time they missed. It wasn't easy meeting up, as everyone all had busy schedules at busy times. So the times they were all free, they'd treasure the moments they spent with one another.

Jungkook just sat and watched the group get along. He didn't want to be rude and not respond, but he respected that they haven't seen each other in ages, so he wanted to let them do their own thing. Tae held Jungkook's hand the whole time, to show that everything is okay.

After some time, everyone died down with their chats and looked at Jungkook once again.
"So Jungkook, how old are you?" Jin asked.
"Uh 18" Jungkook squeaked out shyly.
"You're not much of a talker" Jimin chuckled.
"S-sorry, I-I'm not g-great with n-new people" Jungkook sighed.
"Don't apologise, we get it" Yoongi said feeling sympathetic.
They all began telling Jungkook facts about them and they asked a few questions, which obviously he answered.

However, Tae was worried, he knew Jungkook was shy, and it was probably quite overwhelming for him. But he wanted to tell his friends about Jungkook being a little, in case he slipped.
"He koo, can I tell them about you being little?" Tae whispered so only Jungkook could here.
"I-If you trust them, then s-so will I" Jungkook whispered back shyly.
"By the way, we want to address something now. Jungkook is a little, so if we hangout and he slips, don't freak out or anything. You've all met my cousin before and helped me look after him, but Jungkook just isn't as naughty and he has a younger headspace" Tae announced to his friends.
Jungkook kept his head down, fiddling with Tae's fingers gently.
"That's adorable" Hobi squealed excitedly.
"Oh my god, that's so cute!" Jin smiled brightly.

They all told Jungkook that they support him and promised that there's no judgement. This made Jungkook look up and look at all their smiley faces. Jungkook looked at them fondly and smiled softly.
"T-thank you" Jungkook said with contentment.
Tae looked down at his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around the boy. He lifted him up and put him in his lap and held him close.
"I can't believe you didn't tell us you got a boyfriend, I'm really offended" Jimin huffed.
"Sorry, I've been so busy, I haven't had the time"

"Oh my god Christmas is in 2 weeks! Are you all free?" Namjoon asked.
"Yeah Jimin and I are both free" Yoongi smiled.
"Yeah same, i thought I was going solo on Christmas" Hobi sighed feeling single.
"Yeah koo and I are free... what do you think bun?" Tae asked the boy.
"I-I've never celebrated Christmas, but yeah I'd l-like that" Jungkook smiled.
"You've never celebrated Christmas! Well we will make this your best first Christmas ever" Jimin clapped, making Jungkook smile.

Tae was happy everyone was getting along with Jungkook. Tae knew that over time the younger would get used to the loud, chaotic group, but it was just the matter of time.

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