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⚠️Smut is present in this chapter⚠️

"Come on" Tae hurriedly dragged his wife into the hotel they were staying at for their honeymoon, well sort of honeymoon.
They decided to push their honeymoon back as Tae had a meeting tomorrow which he couldn't move and so he couldn't go out of town. So he promised in the near future that they'd go on holiday, and Jungkook could pick the destination. Jungkook was completely fine with it, as he knew the meeting was important and he was happy that he gets to pick where they go.

Tae pulled Jungkook into their suite and shut the door behind him. Jungkook looked at the room and gasped in amazement. There was a slight pause, and all of a sudden Jungkook felt arms wrap around his waist.
"Today still feels surreal" Tae husked out into Jungkook's ear, causing goosebumps to run down Jungkook's body.
"I know, I can't believe we got married today" Jungkook breathed out.

Tae turned Jungkook around, and attached his lips to the younger's hungrily. Jungkook moaned, feeling the hot sensation in his stomach. Jungkook wrapped his arms around Tae's neck and kissed back with the same passion. Tae dropped his hands to the younger's tighs and patted them gently. Jungkook jumped up, after getting the signal and wrapped his legs around him.

Tae walked to the bed and leaned down, laying Jungkook down. Jungkook took hold of Tae's tie and pulled him closer, to deepen the kiss. Tae then detached their lips and studied Jungkook's face.
"My beautiful boy" Tae smiled, grazing his hand down Jungkook's waist.
Tae attached his lips back on Jungkook's face trailing them down his neck. He got to the edge of Jungkook's suit and pulled away. He took Jungkook's suit coat off and unbuttoned his shirt. Tae smirked seeing Jungkook's waist chain and fiddled with it as he kissed Jungkook's chest.

They were both fully naked, and were kissing passionately. Jungkook patted Tae's chest making Tae stop what he's doing. Jungkook pushed on Tae's chest making him fall down next to him. Jungkook turned around and straddled Tae's chest. He took hold of Tae's member and kissed the tip making Tae let out a groan. He pushed his mouth down, and began bobbing his head up and down. He swirled his tongue around the males hard member, making Tae moan loudly.
"I'm close baby"
Jungkook fastened his pace till finally Tae released. Jungkook swallowed, licking his lips making sure he didn't leave a drop.
"You were so good for me" Tae praised, as he massaged Jungkook's ass which was right in front of his face. Jungkook let a whine as he felt Tae's wet finger enter his hole. Tae thrusted his finger at a face pace making Jungkook moan loudly. Tae added another finger and began scissoring the boy.
"M'want you" Jungkook whined.

Jungkook pulled away and shuffled away from Tae's face. He turned back around so he could see Tae's face. He held Tae's member and used his own spit as lube and then he aligned himself using his Tae's member. He slowly pushed down making Jungkook moan out loudly. He sunk down till finally Tae filled Jungkook all the way up. He took a few breathes to get used to the feeling till finally he felt pleasure rush through his body. Tae watched the younger, with lust filled eyes, loving the way Jungkook took his dick so well.

Jungkook started to bounce up and down at a quick pace. Their skin slapping echoed the room, along with both Jungkook and Tae's moans. Jungkook's bounces became sloppy and slow so Tae held the younger's curvy waist and thrusted upwards. Jungkook moaned feeling Tae hit his prostate. Jungkook legs shook from the overstimulation. He hung his head back, feeling weak all over.
"T-tae m'close" Jungkook screamed out.
"Go ahead baby, I'm close too"
Jungkook released all over Tae's stomach, while Tae released inside Jungkook, making him feel filled up.

But just as Jungkook thought it was over, Tae began thrusting into his again. Jungkook thought he was going to collapse any second. The sound of wet slapping, filled the room, which began to turn Jungkook back on. Jungkook moaned out from all the pleasure he was getting. Taehyung sloppily hit Jungkook's prostate, which made Jungkook whine, until again he released, with Taehyung following.

Tae reached over for a tissue and wiped his stomach clean, and threw it to the side once done. Jungkook crashed himself down on top of Tae's chest, keeping Tae inside him. Tae wrapped his muscular arms around Jungkook back and held him close. He kissed Jungkook's sweaty head softly and rubbed the boys back.
"You're so pretty" Tae complimented the weak boy.
Jungkook hummed, digging his face into Tae's neck, not really listening to what he said.
"Come on baby, we need to get you in the bath" Tae mentioned, trying to persuade the tired boy.

"Okie hubby" Jungkook smiled.
He moaned again as he pulled himself off Tae's member. He felt Tae's cum drip down his thighs onto Tae's stomach. Tae pulled the boy up his body and wriggled off the bed holding onto Jungkook's body close. He walked them to the bathroom and placed the boy on the counter of the bathroom. He ran the bath and put a bath bomb into the hot water. He picked the boy up and placed him into the bath. Tae got in the bath behind him and guided the boy back to lean against his chest. Jungkook leaned his head back tiredly onto Tae's shoulder, snuggling into his embrace.

Tae bought his hand away from his waist and washed the boys body softly. He rubbed Jungkook's chest, cleaning his fully. Until finally when Tae was done Jungkook held Tae's hand and fiddled with his fingers.
"I love your hands so much" Jungkook whispered softly.
"You love your hands more than me?" Tae dramatically gasped.
"N-no I love you so much more, but your hands are godly" Jungkook lazily giggled.
"Well thank you, my hands appreciate it. But I love you so much bub" Tae pressed kisses all over Jungkook's cheek.

They finally got out the bath and got into comfortable clothing before laying on the bed. Tae scrolled through his phone, when he read a newly released article stating about his marriage with Jungkook.
"Looks like the media already know about our marriage" Tae sighed, knowing his private life isn't very private.
"Well at least they know you're mine" Jungkook smiled innocently.
"I'll always be yours" Tae hugged his wife tightly.

Jungkook was about to say something but he was cut off by his phone ringing. Jungkook reached for his phone, not losing contact with Tae. He looked at the caller ID and his face paled quickly.

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