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"I miss hyungie" Jungkook whined, standing in front of the mirror getting ready for the big day.
"Kook you literally saw him yesterday morning" Yoongi laughed, brushing off the dust on Jungkook's shoulder, starting to straighten up his suit.
"I know but it's been so long" Jungkook pouted.
"You know I thought you'd be complaining about how nervous you are, not that you miss Taehyung" Jin chuckled, making a mental note to tell Tae later.
"Well of course I'm nervous, but I love him so much, that my heart is melting and I just want to hug him" Jungkook huffed out.
"Okay we've got 5 minutes!" Mrs Kim called out to the boys you were doing the last finishing touches to Jungkook's hair and make up.
Jungkook breathed out looking at himself in the mirror.
'You've got this koo' Jungkook thought to himself, trying to mentally prepare himself for the ceremony.

Tae was pacing up and down the room.
"Oh my god" Tae breathed out, wiping his clammy hands on a towel.
"You doing okay?" Namjoon asked, patting Tae's back.
"Oh yeah, I've wanted this for so long but my stomach feels so weird" Taehyung laughed.
"Yeah I got that! You'll be great Tae, don't be nervous. That boy loves you so much, there's no way he'll say no" Namjoon smiled.
"Yeah come on Tae you've got this, you're the power couple of the century!" Jimin cheered.
"Taekook is who I look up to" Hobi snorted.
"Right okay Tae, you've got to go to the alter" Mr Kim held his sons shoulder and pushed him out the room and to the double doors on the church.
Tae breathed out and straightened his suit before walking into the church. Everyone stood up and smiled seeing Tae walk down the aisle with Namjoon, Hobi and Yoongi who came from the separate room where Jungkook was.
"Sorry I'm here" Yoongi smiled patting Tae's shoulder.
They all got to the end of the isle and smiled at one another. The marriage officiant, quickly spoke to Taehyung, just telling him the last few details.

All of a sudden the doors opened, the song euphoria began to play. The grooms maids, who were Jimin, Jin and Hobi walked down throwing flowers around. Then finally the music got to the chorus and Jungkook walked down holding onto Mrs Kim's arm. They walked down smiling at a few people till finally Jungkook and Tae locked eyes. Their lips tugged into small curves, smiling at one another. Jungkook's eyes sparkled under the light that shined through the stained glass window.

They got to the end of the aisle and Mrs Kim hugged Jungkook tightly. Jungkook hugged her just as hard before she guided him to Tae, who took the boys hand tightly. They both felt the burning sensation when their fingers touched. Both bodies craved each other's touch, after being separated for around 29 hours.
"Hey baby, you look so beautiful" Tae smiled taking hold of the others hand pulling him along.
"Hey hyungie, you look very handsome" Jungkook smiled widely.

They went through their vows making a few jokes along the way away, and finally got to the end and to the most important part of the ceremony.
"I, Kim Taehyung, take you, Jeon Jungkook , to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish you forever" Tae stated, never looking away from Jungkook.
"I, Jeon Jungkook, take you, Kim Taehyung, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish you forever" Jungkook giggled quietly.
"Please put your rings on one another" the wedding officiant said.

Jungkook held Tae's hand and slid the ring down his finger. Jungkook then felt Tae take his hand and slid his wedding ringer down his finger, resting next to his promise ring and engagement ring.
"You may kiss the bride" The wedding officiant smiled at the newly weds.
Tae wrapped his arms around Jungkook's waist, as Jungkook circled his arms around Tae's neck. They were only inches away before they smashed their lips together. They heard cheers and clapping around them making them pull apart and look at everyone. They hugged each other tightly and smiled as big as ever.
"You're finally my wifey" Tae husked out, kissing his lips again.
"And you're finally my hubby" Jungkook smiled back.

Tae picked the younger up by his thighs, making Jungkook squeal and he walked down the aisle. Everyone laughed at the couple as Jungkook turned bright red.
"Kim Taehyung! This is so embarrassing I'm not even kidding" Jungkook whined.
"It doesn't mean you don't like me carrying you Kim Jungkook" Tae smirked.
"Oh shut up" Jungkook pouted, snuggling into Tae's embrace.

They walked out of the church and to the reception. They sat at the table talking with with their family and friends around them.
"Okay time for the soppy speeches, which I know you all want to hear" Jin called out to all the guests.
Everyone watched them and listened, silence falling the room. Tae stood up and smiled at the guests, holding his wife's hand and holding a microphone in the other.

"Okay, well I just want to start this reception by thanking you all for coming. It means a great deal to both me and my partner and thank you all for the gifts, you honestly didn't need to. Anyway, Jungkook, my beautiful wifey. I love you so much baby, more than I can even put into words. The minute I saw you, I couldn't slow my heart down. I remember when you left the office and I literally had to calm myself down. I know we moved into a relationship fairly fast, but it was so worth it. I've loved spending every second with you. I know I've already said this but I can't iterate enough how much I love you. You're so strong and I'm so so so proud of you. I can't wait to continue our journey together. Just take my hand and I promise I'll never let go"

Tae finally finished looking back down at the boy who had tears streaming down his face. Jungkook rested his head on the back of Tae's hand, as he tried to hold back his sobs.
Tae looked at the boy worried and put the microphone down. He pushed his chair out slightly and bent down, pulling Jungkook's face away from his hand and made him look at him.
Tae chuckled softly and dried the boys face.
"Oh baby, don't cry" Tae kissed Jungkook's face.
"Sorry" Jungkook smiled at himself, wiping his tears and standing up.
Tae eagerly sat in his seat and looked at his wife. Jungkook cleared his throat and picked up the microphone.

"H-hi, uhm I'm not the best at speaking in front of everyone" Jungkook awkwardly chuckled at himself but carried on.
"Anyway, again thank you all for coming today!
T-Taehyung, my handsome hubby. Thank you for everything you've done for me. You've been there for me everyday day and night. You've looked after me and stood by me the whole time. I love you so much. This man has shown me the best life I could live, and guided me through. You're an amazing man, who has achieved so much, and will continue to be a high achiever. You're my everything hubby"
Everyone clapped the couple and their speeches, whistling happily for them both.

Tae stood up and wrapped his arms around the younger. Jungkook rested his hands on Tae's chest and they moved forward. Their lips grazed against each other before they kissed passionately. Tae shoved his tongue into the younger's mouth making Jungkook squeak silently.
"Okay you can eat each other's faces off later, but for now cut the cake so we can eat it" Hobi smirked, when the couple pulled away and looked at him with flushed faces.

They got to the cake and held the knife carefully. Jungkook rested his hand over the top of Tae's and they cut the cake excitedly. Tae grabbed a fork and cut a small bit off the cake, placing his hand under the fork and bringing it up to Jungkook's mouth. Jungkook ate from the fork and smiled at Tae brightly.
"It's so good" Jungkook hummed in pleasure.
"Here hyungie have some!" Jungkook did the same and brought the fork up to Tae's mouth.
"Jin this is amazing" Tae gasped looking over at the male who was scoffing his face with the cake he made.
"Thanks kiddo" Jin smiled with cake in his mouth.

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