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It's been a few weeks now, Jungkook was finally at a point where he didn't have to hold onto Tae the whole time. It had only been a week since the police phoned Taehyung telling him that Heechan had been arrested and has a life sentence. Jungkook and Tae were more then relieved. They knew the bastard wouldn't be able to hurt the boy anymore, they we're finally safe.

It's taken a while for Jungkook go back to normal. He had been slipping much more than usual and had been in baby space most of the time. Of course Tae didn't mind, he was there for the boy the whole time. But things were finally going back to normal. The past few days, Jungkook had been much more responsive, and more happier. He was finally returning to his usual self. He had suffered a few nightmares during the night but Tae would always be there to help him, he hugged the boy till he fell back to sleep again. Another good thing, was that they had been preparing for their wedding. It was mainly Mrs Kim but they had just finished organizing it and the date was in a week.

Jungkook and Tae were currently at work. They had taken time off due to everything that had happened but they had to go back. Jungkook was sitting in his office finishing up on one of his projects. He puts so much into his work, trying to make it perfect for both Tae and the company. It's already been over a year since the boy joined and the company was doing amazing, and had gotten more profits than ever. But the whole thing was so draining. He also felt bad because he has so much time off, due to events it takes so much time away. Jungkook submitted his work and let out a sigh. His phone shorty after rang. Jungkook picked up the phone and answered.
"This is Jungkook, how can I help you?"
"Hey baby, can you come to my office please" Tae asked sweetly.
"Of course hyungie, I'm on my way"
Jungkook put the phone down and left his office.

He greeted the security guard as usual and walked into Tae's cabin.
"Hey taetae" Jungkook smiled, making Tae return his boxy smile.
"Hey baby, come here" Tae patted his lap and extended out his arms.
Jungkook sat on the others lap comfortably and circled his arms around Tae's neck.
"You feeling okay koo?" Tae gently asked, seeing the boys eyes droop slightly.
"I'm exhausted" Jungkook admitted, knowing that Tae wouldn't believe him if he said he was fine.
"I'm sorry baby. I wanted to talk to you actually about work" Tae admitted.
"Hm what are you thinking?" Jungkook curiously asked.
"Well we will be married soon, and I know we've discussed it before, and you said you wanted to be a proper house husband and I said no because I didn't want it to be like I'm using you. Well I thought about it, and I realised, you've put so much effort into this job, but long term you're becoming more tired by the day. As long as you're okay being at home, then I'm more than happy if you want to stop working here. You can visit here whenever you want, I mean you can come here all the time if you really want. So what do you think?" Tae asked holding onto the boys waist.
"Really?" Jungkook gasped happily.

They couple had discussed it before. But Tae didn't like the sound of it. He didn't like the idea that Jungkook would clean the house and everything all by himself. But Jungkook loved the idea, knowing that Heechan was locked up, he didn't feel the need to be scared anymore and he always feels sorry for Tannie. Since he was 13 he always wanted to be someone who would care for his husband, if he ever got one and as he was finally getting married he wanted to become one.

"I'm sure, as long as you're okay, I'm not forcing you. I just want you to be happy and live you're life to the fullest" Tae cupped the younger's cheeks.
"Yes, as long as you're okay with me not working here anymore" Jungkook pouted not wanting to affect the company.
"It will be fine baby" Tae kissed the younger's nose.
"I love you hyungie, I love you so much" Jungkook Tae's cheek lovingly.
"I love you too baby"

"Well koo you're officially not working here anymore" Tae announced an hour or so later after finishing up some work as Jungkook sat on the couch watching a movie.
"I'm free" Jungkook punched the air jokingly, giggling at himself.
He jumped up from his seat and ran over to his fiancé, standing behind his chair. He wrapped his arms around the front of his neck and squished his face on the side of Tae's cheek.
"In a week, I'll officially be your husband. I'm so excited" Jungkook squealed.
"I'm excited as well, you will be the best huswifey ever, I'll love you forever" Tae kissed Jungkook's hand softly making Jungkook giggle.
"Continue watching your film, I've got a few more things to do, and then we can get your stuff from your office and leave. Wait actually, why don't I change your office into a hangout space just for you and me. I won't need the new editor to work near me so..." Tae said thinking out loud.
"Wait...why wouldn't you need the new editor near you. You put me next to you, so you could help me if I needed help, wouldn't you do the same with the other.." Jungkook furrowed his eyes brows.

Tae cleared his throat and answered his question.
"About that, usually I wouldn't be the one to supervise the editor, uhm that would be the marketing team, but when you came for your interview I literally fell in love with you there and then, so I begged my assistant to clear out the storage room and turn it into an office for you. So she agreed and did as I asked. But obviously I won't need to do that anymore, so we can change the room into something else, I'm not having anyone else up here" Tae chuckled.
Jungkook's mouth hung wide open, with a huge blush on his face.
"Awhh you're so cute" Jungkook said giggling at the boys silliness.

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