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Tae carried the younger into his own office and placed Jungkook carefully on his desk. Tae went to let go of the younger, but Jungkook only held onto him tighter.
"Hey baby, I'm not going anywhere" Tae spoke sympathetically.
Jungkook relaxed his grip and Tae let go. He pulled away from Jungkook's body and quickly held the younger's hands to show that he wouldn't be going anywhere.
"Baby" Tae called again feeling sad for the younger.

Jungkook met eye to eye with Tae, his eyes looked red raw from crying so much.
"I'm sorry koo, daddy is so so proud of you. You were amazing sweetheart, you did so well" Tae praised the boy, to make the younger feel better.
"Koo was good?" Jungkook titled his head in exhaustion.
"Yes baby, the best boy ever. I won't let him get away with what he did to you, but baby I need you tell daddy how Heechan knows you" Tae spoke, placing some of Jungkook's hair behind his ear.
"H-he was Koo's old caregiver" Jungkook sighed sadly.
"Oh baby, how did he treat you?" Tae asked not wanting to hear the answer, but needing to hear it.
"H-he hit koo, and gave Koo boo-boo's, h-he hurt koo and p-pun-punished him, a-and did the nasty on purpose" Jungkook teared up again, thinking back to his past.
"Oh my. It's okay baby, daddy is here for you" Tae kissed Jungkook's forehead.
"How did you escape baby?"
"Koo ran away too apawtment"

Tae sighed in relief, that he was able to get away without getting caught. But the fact that he had to go through all that was awful and Tae was ready to do as much as it would take to get justice for him.

"Okay baby, I promise I'll never hurt you purposely"
"Koo knows, daddy ish da best"
"Thank you baby, I'm glad you think so"
"Koo loves daddy" Jungkook smiled at the elder.
Even after everything that had just happened, Jungkook still smiled because of his boyfriend.
"Daddy love koo so much" Tae smiled as he saw the younger smile so bright.
"Koo get kishie" Jungkook asked.
"Are you sure koo?"
Jungkook quickly nodded, wanting to kiss his daddy. Tae obviously couldn't ignore his baby's request. So he touched the younger's chubby cheek and leaned in for a kiss. Their soft lips attached together, Jungkook leaned into Tae's touch, liking the warm feeling.

"Baby I need to go speak to Heechan, can you stay here for me and be a good boy?"
"B-but daddy might get hurt" Jungkook teared up not wanting Tae to get hurt.
"Hey baby I won't get hurt, the police are here. I just need to talk to them, and he should be be sent to prison for at least 10 years. Do you mind letting me take a picture of your bruises?" Tae asked gently.
Jungkook shook his head letting Tae quickly take the photos of the bruises left from earlier.

"Here do you want to watch a film?"
"Yesh pwease"
Tae lifted Jungkook up and put him on the couch. He put a random film on for the little and covered him with a blanket.
"Okay baby, the security guard is outside so no one will hurt you. If you need me, ring me okay"
Jungkook nodded and Tae placed a kiss on the boys head.
"I'll be back soon"

Tae left the younger and left his office. He stopped in front of his security guard and cleared his throat.
"Don't let anyone in there unless it's me, not even yourself, otherwise there will be serious consequences!" Tae demanded.
"Yes sir" he said standing firmly in front of the door.

Tae walked off fixing his suit and entering a meeting room. There sat Heechan looking pissed off, two police officers and the security guard from a while ago.
"Sorry to leave you waiting, I had to calm my boyfriend down" Tae bowed towards the police officers before sitting in front of them.
"No problem Mr Kim, how can we assist you?" One of them asked.
"Well, this here is Kim Heechan, he has forced himself on my boyfriend and physically assaulted him. As well as that, they were previously dating a while back and assaulted him. I have photographic evidence, and also have camera footage from earlier" Tae said showing his phone with the photos he took from earlier.

Heechan sat there bouncing his leg in annoyance. All he wanted to do was march over to Jungkook and choke him. He was fuming that he had told Taehyung about his past when they were dating. He was so zoned out he missed the whole conversation.

"Thank you again for coming" Tae said standing up and shaking the officers hands.
"No problem Mr Kim, we will tell you how long his sentence will be soon" they spoke before making their way over to Heechan. They got the handcuffs out and started cuffing him.
"You are being arrested under the suspicion of physical abuse and sexual assault, to Jeon Jungkook. Anything you say or do can be used against you and will be used as evidence"

They yanked him up to his feet and pushed him out of the room. Mr Kim followed and went back to his office to collect his boyfriend. He saw the security guard outside.
"Nothing happened sir" he said.
"Good, you may leave, I'll will be going home now" Tae dismissed the man.
"Thank you sir, have a good night" He bowed before leaving.

Tae walked into his office and saw his boyfriend cuddled up in the blanket, laying on the couch watching the film. Jungkook looked up when he heard footsteps and quickly left the couch. He ran to Tae jumping on him, holding onto him tightly.
"I missed you" Jungkook whispered.
"I missed you too baby, shall we go home?"
"Yes please" Jungkook sighed tiredly. "You can put me down if you want"
"Yeah no that's not happening, I don't care if our colleagues know we are dating, I love you and that's all that matters. I need them to know that you're mine"
Jungkook giggled and kissed Tae's cheek sweetly.

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