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Jungkook gulped and trembled in fear. Taehyung held him tightly, rubbing circles on his waist to calm the boy down. Jungkook swiped accept on the call and put the phone on speaker, so his husband could hear.
"H-hello" Jungkook chocked, trying to keep a stable voice.
"Jungkook, is it true? Is it true that you married Kim Taehyung... The Kim Taehyung. The rich CEO, Kim Taehyung!" Jungkook's dad yelled into the phone making Jungkook flinch ever so slightly.
"Y-yes sir" Jungkook muttered.
"What were you thinking! Did you turn into a gold digger or some shit? Does he know your secret about being a fucking child? Are you selling your body? Fucking hell Jungkook, you're useless! Why would you ever think a rich, high class man like Kim Taehyung would want to marry someone so worthless and stupid. He deserves someone so much better. Leave him this instance, pack up your stuff and leave. I don't want my reputation ruined due to you selling your body to Kim Taehyung and it then gets exposed to the world" Mr Jeon spat nastily.
"S-sir I'm no.." Jungkook tried to explain holding his tears.
"Excuse me Mr Jeon, I'm Kim Taehyung, your son's husband. I can tell you now Jungkook is not a gold digger, nor is he worthless! I don't understand why you think it's okay to treat your son so disrespectfully. You can't choose who he's with and you certainly can't assume that he is a slut and selling his body to me. Now please if you have nothing else to say, kindly leave us alone" Taehyung growled deeply, pass caring that he is supposedly Jungkook's father.
"I- Mr Kim I can't believe.."
"Please, you're the last person I want compliments from, now we're leaving" Tae ended the call quickly and placed Jungkook's phone on the bed side table.

Jungkook was hugging Tae's chest tightly, hiding his tear filled face.
"Baby, don't cry! He won't be in the way anymore I promise. Don't listen to him, he's just jealous that you've got an amazing husband" Tae joked which thankfully made the younger giggle.
Jungkook looked up at Tae and looked at into his eyes deeply.
"I love you" Jungkook kissed Tae's chest where his heart sat.
"I love you too baby" Tae brushed some hairs out of the younger's face, tucking some behind his ear.

Jungkook rested his forehead against Tae's chest and shut his eyes, till finally Jungkook squeaked quietly.
"Koo baby?" Tae called, wondering if he had slipped and right on cue Jungkook looked up smiling softly.
"Hey baby" Tae called out happily to the little.
"Hewo daddy" Jungkook giggled as he felt Tae tickle his sides.
"D-daddy stop" Jungkook laughed loudly.
"You're so adorable" Tae stopped tickling him, squishing the boys face.

"Daddyyy" Jungkook called out sitting cross legged in front of his caregiver.
"Babyyy" Tae called back in the same tone.
"Koo hungryyy" Jungkook pushed his bottom lip out, forcing a pout onto his lips.
"Do you want room service?" Tae questioned as he looked at the time making sure it wasn't too late to eat.
Jungkook nodded with a smile on his face.
"What do you want to eat?"
"Hm koo wants garlic bread" Jungkook asked with big doe eyes, pleading.
"You want garlic bread...just garlic bread?" Tae asked looking at him with a cocked eyebrow, as it was a bit of an odd request.
"Pwease daddy, koo wants it" Jungkook whined.
"Okay baby, I'll order some. Do you want some fruit as well?" Tae said as he gradually picked up the phone.
"Yesh pwease" Jungkook smiled widely.
Tae nodded and asked for a plate of garlic bread and a bowl of chocolate covered strawberries.

Not too long later the doorbell rang, Jungkook jumped up and ran to the door, well hobbled quickly to the door. He opened it and smiled widely.
"Hiiiii" the little cheered.
"H-hi beautiful, you ordered garlic bread and chocolate covered strawberries?" The bell boy asked.
"Yeshhhhh" Jungkook giggled excitedly wanting the food.
"Want me to join you?" He said licking his lips seductively, looking at Jungkook's thighs.
"Daddy!" Jungkook called to his caregiver who was taking a phone call.

Seconds later Tae rushed to the door. His eyes widened seeing Jungkook at the door with the lustful eyed bell boy scanning him.
Tae pulled Jungkook behind himself and grabbed the food before slamming the door shut. He put the food on the counter and dragged the little to their bed.

"Baby what has daddy told you about answering the door. This isn't the first time you've done this. I don't want to punish you as you're fragile at the moment, but if this happens again daddy will have to punish you. There are a lot of bad people out there okay and I don't want them to eat you" Tae said with a dark tone in his voice.
Jungkook gasped shaking his head.
"Koo no wants to be eaten"
"Daddy won't let that happen, so don't open the door anymore okay"
Jungkook nodded immediately.
"Sowy daddy" Jungkook sighed, kissing Tae's cheek.
"Good boy! Now let's feed that little tummy of yours hm" Tae ran and grabbed the plates and brought them to the little.

Jungkook gasped excitedly seeing the garlic bread and shoved a piece in his mouth. Jungkook moaned in pleasure when the flavours hit his mouth.
Taehyung watched him and smiled lovingly.
"Daddy eat" the little picked up a piece of bread and pushed it in front of Tae's lips making him eat it.

After they finished the food, alternating in feeding each other, they settled down for the night. They had finished their night routine and went back to bed. They were holding each other tightly, talking about random things. Well more like Jungkook blabbing away about different things he's dreamt about, or weird fantasy stories he had made up in his head. They both became sleepier and their eyes became heavier.
"Thank you for an amazing day baby, I won't ever forget it" Tae kissed the boys head and they fell into a deep sleep.

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