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It was finally the weekend and it had already been 3 weeks since Tae and Jungkook became a couple. It was late morning on Saturday and the two boys had just woken up, as they don't work weekends meaning they can sleep longer. Jungkook was snuggled up to Tae in a warm embrace.
"Good morning baby"
"D-da-d" Jungkook tried to make out but was unable to.
Tae was rather confused as Jungkook has never woken up in Little space.
"Baby can you tell me how old you are?"
Jungkook softly brought his hand up and put 1
finger up.
Tae internally cooed, but freaked out a little, as Jungkook had never been in baby space before. Although it was terrifying, he was also excited. All he knew was that Jungkook will be clingy for the whole day, but he wasn't complaining.

Tae was quickly knocked out his thoughts as the boy started to sob.
"Awh my baby boy what's wrong?" Tae cooed pulling the younger into his lap.
He wrapped his arms softly around the younger's waist and started to sway them back and forth. Within seconds the younger stopped crying.
"Let's get you changed into clean clothes bub." He stood up and laid the younger on the bed. The minute he let go Jungkook started to cry. Although the sound pained Tae's heart he had to get the clothes. So he quickly grabbed comfy clothes for both him and Jungkook and ran back to the crying boy. Tae wiped the boy's tears and peppered him with kisses which made Jungkook emit into giggles.
Tae attempted to undress the younger. He started with the top and successfully took it off. The boy started to whine as he became cold but Tae quickly put a big jumper on him which warmed him up straight away. He then moved to the pants.

The couple have only been together for a few weeks and already they've made a strong bond. But neither have seen each other naked and well Tae doesn't really have permission from big Jungkook to see him naked. But because he's in baby space, he has to put a diaper on him otherwise Jungkook will most likely have an accident during the day.

Tae sighed and decided he'd do it but just not look, just praying that nothing would go wrong. He pulled the jumper which Jungkook was wearing, down so it covered most of his lower body, down to his thighs. Tae carefully pulled off Jungkook's pants making the younger squirm a little. Tae quickly put the diaper on, thanking that it was the one which you put on as if they were underwear. He put them on and then put some pants on over the top of the diaper.

Tae quickly changed his top and joggers, with a fresh pair of both and put both of their clothes which they wore earlier to the side so they can wear them again tonight.
"Okay baby lets go get you some food" Tae smiled and picked the younger up. Jungkook clung to Tae like a koala, and began suckling on Tae's neck.
"Uh koo baby what are you doing?" Tae asked confused at the weird feeling on his neck. He soon gathered what the younger was doing and decided to let the boy carry on as he wasn't doing any harm. With Jungkook still in his arms suckling on his neck he made their breakfast. He didn't really know if Jungkook would be able to eat solid food or not so he decided to make toast and porridge so he could see if the boy would eat the toast or not and if not he has porridge already made.

Tae put the food on the table and then went to sit down. He gathered that Jungkook wouldn't want to sit on a chair so he let him sit on his lap. Tae gently made Jungkook sit up and come away from his neck, which earned a whine from the boy. Tae chuckled at the boy ruffling his hair, thinking how cute the younger is.
"Common baby you need to eat"
Tae ripped a piece off from the toast and put it up to the boys mouth. Jungkook began to chew and swallowed the food.
"Thank god, I really didn't want to make loads of mushy, yucky food for you" Tae sighed in relief that the boy could still eat solid food. He finished feeding the boy the rest of his toast, while Tae ate the cold porridge quickly as he couldn't be bothered to make something else.

Once they were done he put the plates and bowls in the dish washer and then carried to boy to the couch. He gathered that today was probably going to be a lazy day so he decided that they could sit on the sofa and watch films, as he didn't know what else to do. He put a movie on which was suitable for Jungkook to watch, even though he may not understand it.

Jungkook was currently sat on Tae's lap, snuggled up in Tae's chest comfortably. They were watching some random film which Tae had never heard of before until Tae heard a small whine come from the boy on his lap.
He looked down the see Jungkook gripping Tae's shirt, lightly tugging it.
"What's wrong baby?" Tae asked softly knowing that he wouldn't get a verbal reply. Jungkook yet again tugged on Tae's shirt and looked at Tae with soft, pleading eyes.
Tae was confused and decided to look it up on his phone quickly and that was when he read nursing. Tae sighed in confusion. Jungkook began tearing up in distress, becoming frustrated that Tae didn't understand him. But that was when Tae finally found the answer. Jungkook wanted to be nursed, it made so much sense as Jungkook was in baby space. He was slightly skeptical but he didn't want to make the boy anymore upset than he was already.

Tae quickly took off his top to make it easier for the younger. Jungkook started sucking on one of his nipples. It was a weird feeling that's for sure, but it didn't hurt, Jungkook was gentle, which Tae was overly thankful for although he knew if it did hurt he wouldn't do it on purpose. Jungkook was so immersed in sucking Tae's nipple that he didn't even notice that Tae had changed the channel to something more interesting; Tae knew Jungkook wasn't watching the television so he didn't have a problem changing the channel. After 10 minutes, Tae heard light snores and looked down to see Jungkook's head resting on Tae's shoulder completely passed out. Tae looked at him fondly, loving the cute sight in front of him.

++I'm sorry these chapters are so boring, they will get better ❤️

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