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Jungkook woke up early one morning. He turned around to hug Tae but he wasn't there. Jungkook's eyes flickered opened and saw that the bed was empty.
"D-daddy" Jungkook pouted.
He sat up and took hold of his plushie which Tae bought for him weeks ago when his other one ripped. He scrambled off the bed and slowly walked downstairs. His feet hitting the floor echoed through the house. Once he got downstairs he looked around. He noticed that it was still dark outside meaning it was still really early in the morning.

"Daddy" Jungkook called out, but there was no answer.
He ran around the massive house and still couldn't find Tae. As he ran around, panicking that he couldn't find him, he didn't watch were he was going. Jungkook tripped over Tannie's bed and crashed to the floor. His eyes began watering as he held his knee in pain. He watched as a small drop of blood trickled down his leg. Jungkook began crying in pain. Tannie came running up to the crying boy, nuzzling into him trying to calm the boy down, but all the boy wanted was his caregiver.

Moments later the front door opened, and a sweaty Taehyung came through the door. He pulled his head phones out and heard cries. Taehyung immediately stopped what he was doing and ran to where the cries came from.
"Baby" Tae called out.
Jungkook looked up at him through his tears.
"Daddy" Jungkook cracked, making grabby hands towards him.
Tae bent down and picked the boy up.
"What happened baby?"
"Koo fell over, koo missed daddy" Jungkook pouted.
"I'm sorry baby, daddy went for a run. I thought I'd be back before you woke up" Tae kissed the younger's cheek.
"Koo missed daddy a lot" Jungkook held Tae tighter.
"Awh baby I missed you too, now let's go clean your wound and get you back to bed hm"
Tae walked them upstairs to their shared on suit. He put the boy on the counter and got the antiseptic wipes.
He cleaned the boys cut and put a plaster on the wound. Tae leant down and kissed his knee.
"There we go, all better. Now let's get you back to bed" Tae said picking up the boy and walking him to the bed. He carefully laid the younger down and wrapped him up in the heavy duvet.
"Ish daddy coming?" Jungkook pouted holding Tae's arm.
"I have to have a quick wash. I know you have a delicate nose, and I smell. I'll be quick"
"Thank chu" Jungkook smiled gratefully that Tae understood him when he told him about how he is picky with smells.
Tae left and had a quick wash, as he was going to have a shower later anyway. Once he got back he slipped in the duvet next to the younger and pulled him close. Jungkook snuggled up to the man immediately, placing his head in Tae's chest.
"Goodnight baby"


"Taetae let's gooo" Jungkook whined standing at the front door being impatient.
"I'm coming hold your horses" Tae said rushing down the stairs holding his bum bag and making his way over to him.

It was later in the day and Jungkook had regressed out of little space. Tae wanted to take the younger on a date so they decided to go to the shopping center. They both knew that they would have to wear masks, as they didn't want to get mobbed by a load of people due to Tae being famous.

Tae was finally ready and they were in the car. Tae rested his hand on Jungkook's inner thigh gently rubbing it every now. While Jungkook placed his hand over the top of his hand shyly.
"You're so cute, my heart can't take it"
"Am not" Jungkook pouted.
"Yes you are, you're the cutest person to ever live"

Once they finally arrived they put their masks on and they both got out the car and walked towards the entrance. Jungkook didn't know whether to hold his hand or not so he just kept on walking. Tae looked down and saw Jungkook fiddling with his fingers. He took the boys hand and laced their fingers tightly. Jungkook looked up rather shocked but smiled nevertheless.
"Come on baby, I want to spoil you" Tae dragged him excitedly into the shopping center.
"Noo you don't need to, I've got my own money" Jungkook huffed, wanting to use his money which he earned himself.
"I'm not taking a no as an answer! Please, just let me spoil you. Pleaseee" Tae whined like a baby.
"Look at you, my big baby. Only if you let me buy you things as well"
"But I don't need anyt.."
"Shh I don't need anything either yet you're making me agree to you spoiling me"
"Fine whatever, where do you want to go first?" Tae huffed jokingly, making Jungkook giggle and shake his head at his big baby.
"Hm I wanna get more over sized shirts, so let's go to forever 21" Jungkook smiled dragging Tae to the shop.

He looked around and grabbed tshirts which he liked the look of, of course they were all oversized. Some had pretty patterns on and some where plain. The shirts would at least go down to around his mid thighs. Jungkook took his clothes to the counter and started digging around to find his credit card card, but just as he got it, a beep was heard and Tae was bringing his arm back. Jungkook looked at him and glared.
"You snooze you lose" Tae laughed.
Jungkook rolled his eyes teasingly.
"Awh your brother is so cute..." the shopping assistant spoke to Jungkook.
"...and really hot" she whispered loud enough for Jungkook to hear.
Jungkook looked at her annoyed, and with dark eyes. All he wanted to do was kiss the elder, but he couldn't because of their masks.

"He's not my brother, he's my boyfriend"
Jungkook took hold of Tae's hand once again, grabbed the bag and stormed out the shop.
"Pft, brother, my ass" Jungkook tutted angrily.
"Come on baby, don't be annoyed lil bro"
"Kim Taehyung never call me your "lil bro" ever again" Jungkook snapped under his breath so he didn't get people looking at them.

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