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"Baby why are you laying in Tannie's bed?" Tae chuckled at his fiancé who was currently curled up on Tannie's bed.
Jungkook looked up at him and pouted, showing huge puppy eyes. Tae laughed harder bending over and picking up his big puppy.
"Aren't you a cute puppy" Tae squished Jungkook's cheek softly.
Jungkook licked Tae's face jokingly like what a dog would do.

"Okay my beautiful puppy, I know we don't work today, but the company has called me and I need to go to an important meeting. I need you to stay at home for me. I've rang Jimin and Yoongi to come over so you're not alone for too long, can you be a brave boy?" Tae asked bouncing Jungkook up and down the best he could.
"Okie daddy, should big koo come back?" The little asked with a sad tone.
"If possible, only until Jimin and Yoongi come here and then they can look after you, okay baby. Daddy loves you" Tae kissed the boys forehead and Jungkook slightly shut his eyes, feeling Tae's lips linger on his forehead.
Jungkook moved his head away and looked at Tae.

"You okay baby" Tae kissed the tip of the boys nose, seeing that Jungkook had regressed back to headspace.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Will you be gone long?" Jungkook asked placing his head on Tae's shoulder.
"The meeting will be a few hours, but the minute the meeting ends I'll come straight home and of course if anything happens call me straight away. If you miss me, call me, don't hesitate" Tae held him close.
"Thank you hyungie" Jungkook sighed.

"Okay baby I'm leaving" Tae called out about to open the door.
He head footsteps coming from the kitchen and saw Jungkook running towards him. Jungkook ran into Tae's arms hugging him close.
"I love you" Jungkook mumbled into his chest.
"I love you too baby" Tae kissed the boys head and they let go of each other.
Tae waved him goodbye as he opened the door and left the house.
Jungkook huffed out, and looked around to see what he could do to occupy his time as Yoongi and Jimin were running late. He tidied up the house for a while till he heard the doorbell ring.
Jungkook thought it was Jimin and Yoongi, although they weren't supposed to be there until quarter to, but it was quarter past.

Jungkook walked to the door and opened it. There stood Heechan, smirking widely.
Jungkook gasped, his throat going bone dry.
"H-h-heechan? W-what are you d-doing here?" Jungkook choked out, cautiously stepping back.
"My dad bailed me out, and I wanted to pay you a visit babe" Heechan smirked stepping into the house closer to the younger.
"G-go away" Jungkook mumbled, feeling a lump at the back of his throat.
"That's not happening kookie, where's your daddy hm? Where's the man who saves the day? Has you left you, did he finally come to his sense" Heechan spat, making Jungkook whimper under his breath.

Jungkook ran to the kitchen and hid under the counter, trying to hide away from the other. Heechan walked slowly, to scare the younger as the sole of his shoes hit the floor board.
"Come on kookie don't hide from your master. Don't be a little scaredy cat" He sang wickedly before bending over, staring into the younger's eyes, with a huge smirk on his lips.
"I've got you now kookie" He laughed.
"Nu g-go away" Jungkook sobbed as he slipped into little space.
"Awh look little kookie came to play, well let's play then, you like the game hide and seek. We let's go hide and see if you're daddy can seek" Heechan grabbed the boys wrists and pulled him out from under the counter. He dragged Jungkook along gripping his wrists tightly. He looked at the boy who was squirming and saw his necklace around his neck. He pulled on it harshly, and dropped it on the floor.
"I don't want him to cheat with a tracker or anything" He growled before dragging Jungkook out the house and into his car.

Not too long later Jimin and Yoongi finally arrived. They got out the car and walked up to the mansion.
"Why would the door be open? It's freezing outside!" Jimin furrowed his eyes brows.
Yoongi shrugged and the walked in.
The atmosphere was odd, it was unsettling for some weird reason.
"Koo" Jimin yelled, thinking the boy was upstairs as downstairs looked pretty empty, but there was no answer.
Yoongi ran upstairs, and checked all the rooms quickly.
"He's not up here" Yoongi yelled downstairs.
Jimin checked outside but no one was there.
"We have to ring Tae" Jimin said breathing heavily thinking something bad had happened.
"Here let me do it" Yoongi grabbed his phone, calling Tae, and putting it on speaker.
After a few rings, the ringing ended as Tae picked up.
"Hey is everything okay?" Tae asked.
"Did you take Jungkook with you or something without telling us?" Yoongi wanted to check before jumping to conclusions.
"No why?" Tae's voice deepened.
"Jungkook is missing, we've checked the house, and garden but he's no where to be seen! The door was wide open when we got here, but your home doesn't feel right, it's unsettling"
They heard shuffling and some people talking from the other end of the phone.
"I'm on my way" Tae hurriedly said, trying not to stress too much.
Yoongi and Jimin ended the call and checked the house a few more times. Looking in small places in case Jungkook was hiding for some strange reason.

Taehyung was in the car, speeding down the roads, wanting to get home as soon as possible. Thoughts ran through his head, not knowing what could have happened. He gripped the steering wheel tightly, his veins popping out, the more he thought.
'This can't be happening' Tae cried in his mind, not wanting to cry.
"Please be safe" Tae mumbled.

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