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"Taehyungie" Jungkook called out to his boyfriend.
Tae turned around after putting a tshirt on and made his way over to Jungkook who was sitting crossed legged on the bed.
"What's wrong my beautiful baby?" Tae asked cupping the younger's cheeks.
"Can you carry me downstairs, I can't move my lower half" Jungkook pouted.
"I'm sorry baby, I'll get some pain killers for you" Tae chuckled kissing the younger's forehead.
Jungkook made grabby hands and Tae immediately picked him up. Jungkook clung to him like the koala he is, and giggled happily.
"Ahh the sweet sounds of my baby giggling" Tae sighed in bliss, loving the sounds of his boyfriend giggles.

Tae placed the younger on the counter and ran to the bathroom to get painkillers. He came back and gave him the pills. Jungkook gulped down the pills with some water and breathed out.
"Thank you Taetae" Jungkook hugged Tae's waist and looked up at him resting his chin on his chest.
"Ahhhh no problem bunno, now let's feed you"

After some time, the pain killers kicked in and Jungkook was able to walk, pretty much normally. The two were playing with Tannie, when the door bell rang. Tae went to the door as he had told Jungkook in the past not to open the door even if he wasn't in little space.

He opened the door and saw his mother standing at the door step.
"Hey Taebear" Mrs Kim smiled, pulling him into a hug.
"Hi mum, what are you doing here?" Tae asked, allowing her inside, shutting the door behind them.
"Well I wanted to take you and Jungkook out for the day" Mrs Kim clapped happily.
"That would be great mum, baby come here" Tae called out.
Jungkook came running to them and saw Tae's mum standing there.
"Mama" Jungkook called happily, running over to her and hugging her tight.
"Hey sweetie, do you want to have a day out?" She asked.
Jungkook pulled back softly and looked at her with wide, excited eyes.
"Really! Yesss" Jungkook danced.
"Well go get ready and we can all.." she was cut off by a phone ringing.
Tae looked down, and saw the contact.
"I just need to take this" Tae said answering the phone and rushing off the another room.
"I wonder who that was" Mrs Kim pondered.
"I'm not sure, probably work" Jungkook shrugged.

Not too long later Tae walked out a bit angry, in a suit which he wasn't wearing before hand.
"I'm so sorry, work calls. I need to get going, you two have fun without me" Tae said putting his shoes on and walking over to Jungkook. "Don't let Jungkook out your sight. If he turns little, hold his hand at all times. If there's any problems don't hesitate to call me" Tae hurriedly spoke grabbing his keys from the side.
"Don't worry Taebear, I had to look after you when you were younger. I've got this" Mrs Kim laughed.
"Okay, well I'll see you later" Tae said. "I love you" Tae kissed the younger and ran out the door.
"Okay now it's just me and you. Let's get you ready and let's go" Mrs Kim dragged the younger upstairs.

Jungkook finished getting ready, and the two left the house. Mrs Kim drove away to the shopping center. Once they arrived, they got out the car and went inside. Jungkook shyly hooked his arm inside Mrs Kim's arm, which made her smile.
"Awh you're so cute" she complimented.
"Thank you" Jungkook blushed.
"Come on love, let's shop till we drop" Mrs Kim gleamed happily, dragging Jungkook into their first store, a make up store.
They looked around together, testing a few products out.
"What do you think of this one?" Mrs Kim asked Jungkook who was currently trying to find a new eye shadow palette.
Jungkook came closer and looked at it. The palette was filled with neutral colours, with a few pinks as well.
"This is exactly what I was looking for!" Jungkook exclaimed.
They looked around a bit more before going to check out. They both paid for their items and left for the next shop.

This repeated throughout the whole day. Every shop they'd go into, they'd both buy something. They both spent a fair amount, but they weren't bothered. As it was nearly Christmas, they both decided to buy presents for people, mainly their partners.

They were currently walking into forever 21, Jungkook's favourite shop.
"This is the shop which will make a huge dent in my credit card" Jungkook joked, knowing himself too well.

"I'm not surprised this shop has the best clothes" Mrs Kim chuckled.
They began looking around, and started picking out different items. Jungkook walked to the skirt section. Jungkook was looking at some pencil skirts which were right next to a group of middle age women who were looking at dresses.
"E-excuse me, I-I just want to get t-to these skirts please" Jungkook stuttered politely.
The women turned around and looked at Jungkook.
"And why would a man like you be looking at the female skirts?" One of them stared at him folding her arms.
"I-I want to buy a s-skirt" Jungkook said, feeling a lump form in the back of his throat.
"Well boys like you shouldn't be wearing skirts, that's disgusting. You're supposed to wear joggers like all the normal men, why do you have to be so difficult? God this generation" she tutted, and the others shook their heads towards Jungkook.
"I-I'm s-sorry" Jungkook bowed, with tears rolling down his face.
His eyes began to glisten, but Jungkook tried to fight it off, not wanting to embarrass himself anymore but it was too late. Jungkook regressed.

Jungkook began crying out loud, trying his best to be quiet but it was no use.
"Oh gosh look he's such a child. I'm so happy my son isn't like him" she laughed at the boy.
"P-pwease s-shtop" Jungkook sobbed.
"Uh what the fuck, why is he talking like a toddler" she spat looking even more disgusted.

Mrs Kim looked over to see where Jungkook was and saw him crying, with a group of women surrounding him. Without a delay she quickly ran over to him.
"Excuse me what's going on here?" Mrs Kim asked darkly towards the woman.
"The boy, is acting like a girl toddler" she laughed.
Mrs Kim knotted her eyebrows and stared darkly at them.
"Do not say that to my son in law! How dare you shame someone who you don't know. You are supposed to be mature, but I think you're the childish one!" Mrs Kim screamed, before pulling the little into a tight embrace.
"Whatever" the woman said before storming off with her friends.

Mrs Kim huffed as she watched them walk away to the other side to the shop. She softly pulled Jungkook away from her body and looked at him. The poor boy was overflowing with tears, choking on his breath.

"Koo sweetie are you okay?"

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