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Jungkook was working at his desk. He had taken photos the day before and so he started to edit them. As he was editing he got a phone call on his mobile. The number had No caller ID so he answered it not knowing who it was.
"Hello kid it's your father" Mr Jeon said spitefully.
"F-father" Jungkook stuttered, feeling anxious as to why he was calling.
"I heard you've fucked off somewhere else, did you get a sugar daddy or something?"
"Then how the fuck did you get enough money to move out and go somewhere else? We've been paying for your apartment for years now, and you don't even fucking thank us, you ungrateful bitch" His dad slurred.
Jungkook sat there listening to everything his father had to say with teary eyes.
"oh maybe you finally got a daddy to look after your childish ass. I hope he's just using you, why would anyone want to have a little like you, you're worthless and annoying."
"P-please stop" Jungkook whispered.
"Don't tell me what to do! Anyway this will be the last time I speak to you brat. As we aren't paying for your apartment anymore we want nothing to do with you. Don't ever contact us again, you're nothing to us from now on"
The phone was cut off. Tears were following down his cheeks rapidly. Jungkook began to hyperventilate, he's just been disowned by his own parents because he was a little. The words which his father used to call him spiraled through his head. Jungkook clutched the desk tightly with his hands trying to breathe normally but unable to.

Taehyung knocked on Jungkook's door but there was no answer, so he decided just to walk in. When he opened the door he began talking,
"Baby are you... oh fuck" Tae shut the door and rushed over to the boy who was struggling to breathe.
He pulled the boys chair out a bit and bent down in front of him. He took the boys hands and rubbed them softly.
"Hey baby listen to me, smell the flowers, blow the candle"
Tae started doing it with him, to show him what to do. Jungkook's eyes glistened through the tears. Tae looked at him and knew that Jungkook had slipped.
"Baby I need you to listen to daddy, smell the pretty flowers"
Jungkook took a deep breath in.
"Now blow out the birthday candle"
He then breathed out. He repeated it till finally his breathing was back to normal.

"D-daddy" Jungkook cried.
"Hey baby, do you want to cuddle?"
Jungkook nodded, as he tried to dry his tears. Tae picked the boy up from his chair and took him to the sofa. Tae sat down and pulled Jungkook on his lap. Both of his legs were on one side, and he leant against Tae's chest. While Tae had his arms circled around the boy and his hands rested on the younger's hip.
Tae placed a kiss on the boys head.
"It's okay baby, you're doing so well" Tae whispered.
Once Jungkook had fully calmed down Jungkook began talking.
"Koo's real daddy rang koo" Jungkook sniffled, trying to hold back his tears.
"What did he say baby?" Tae said not knowing how react.
Jungkook has never specifically mentioned his parents before so he didn't know what to do.
"Koo has been d-dwisow..owned" Jungkook cried again, trying to say the word.
"Oh baby, we will talk about it later okay. But don't worry bub it'll be okay. Now do you want to watch something"
Jungkook nodded softly.
"Okay let's go to my office, I need to do some work"
"Okie daddy"
Jungkook got off Tae's lap and Tae stood up after. Tae saved Jungkook's work and turned the boys laptop off.
"Come on baby"
Tae called out and held Jungkook's hand, intwining their fingers together. They walked out of the room and went to Tae's office. The security guard looked at them confused.
"Don't tell anyone" Tae spoke lowly.
"Don't worry sir I won't, you are cute together" He smiled at the two who were holding hands, and the younger one burying his head in Tae's arm.
They walked into Tae's office and shut the door behind him. Jungkook ran to Tae's couch and sat down immediately. Tae chuckled at the boy and grabbed his laptop. He placed it on the table in front of the younger. Jungkook clapped happily as the theme tune of peppa pig started playing. Tae went back to his work, every now and again glancing at the happy little.

They got home after a long day and Jungkook was still in little space. Tae wasn't surprised as the boy was really shaken up after the incident. They were currently sat on their bed, cuddling each other.
"Koo, can I speak to big kookie. Daddy needs to talk to him, we can play straight after hm" Tae asked carefully not wanting to upset the younger.
"Okie daddy" Jungkook smiled.
Jungkook paused for a second until he started regressing back in Tae's hold.
"Do y-you want me to tell you what h-happened?" Jungkook chocked.
"If you want to, I'm not forcing you" Tae said holding Jungkook tighter to show that he's safe.
Jungkook took a deep breath before talking.
"A few years ago I-I was kicked out of the house as my parents found out I was a little. They also found out I was gay, and they are homophobic, so they didn't want me around. But because of my grandparents, they forced my parents to pay for a living space. So they found the cheapest place and paid for me to live there. So obviously when they found out that I had moved, my father decided to call me. Before you came in earlier I was on the phone to him. He was telling me how worthless I am, and what a disgrace I am to the family. He was calling me names, and then at the end he said that....he said that I've been disowned and I'm not allowed to contact them anymore" Jungkook cried at the end, although this parents weren't nice to him, it's not a nice feeling to be disowned.
"Oh baby, I'm so sorry. It's okay, you don't need them I promise. You're not worthless okay, don't listen to them" Tae said kissing the boys head over and over again.

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