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"Wake up you lazy cows, I want to open presents" Hobi screeched, waking everyone up.
"Yah Hobi do you want a death wish?" Yoongi growled.
"No, I told you, I want presents" Hobi smirked.
Everyone began stretching and appearing out of their duvets, other than Tae who was fast asleep.
"Kook can you wake Tae up please" Hobi begged.
"Sure hyung" Jungkook giggled, as he sat up.
He lazily rolled on top of the older and held Tae's face. He pressed his lips roughly onto Tae's lips and began kissing him. Tae responded, but kept his eyes shut. Of course Jungkook knew Tae was awake otherwise he wouldn't of responded to the kiss, but the others still thought he was still in a deep sleep.
Jungkook moved away and smiled, shaking his head gently.
"Oh my god, is he in a coma or something. I thought he would wake up straight away. Right let me try" Hobi huffed standing up and hovered over Tae. He was about to pinch his nipple but Tae knew it was coming and did it to him first.
"Oh my god you brat!" Hobi whined.
"Thats what you get for being impatient" Tae smirked before sitting up and stretching.

Everyone got up and brushed their teeth before sitting on the beds, waiting to open presents.
"Let's do secret Santa first" Jin directed.
"I bagsy handing them out" Jimin sprung up running to the pile of secret Santa gifts and handed them out.
"We will go around in a circle and tell who got who at the end." Namjoon instructed which everyone agreed to.
Yoongi was up first and he opened his present. He opened the box and saw a new speaker and personalized microphone.
"What the fuck, thank you so much whoever got me this, I needed a new speaker!"

Next was Jimin, he excitedly opened his present and saw a box of freshly made dumplings and a new pair of flash sunglasses.
"Oh of course dumplings! But these are so cool, thanks!" Jimin smiled happily, laughing at the fact he got dumplings.
"Let's not have another argument over the dumplings" Tae chuckled.
"Yeah no stealing them TAEHYUNG" Jimin snapped.
"Woah woah woah, it wasn't even my fault, you took them!" Tae shouted back.
"Yah be quiet, it's my turn" Jin scolded.
He opened his present and there was a hamper of cooking supplies, which looked pretty expensive.
"Oooo this is such a good present, thank you!" Jin clapped excitedly.

They turned to Namjoon and watched him open the bag. He looked inside and saw new AirPods and an AirPod case which would could clip to a bag.
"Oh wow, this is so smart"
"Let's see how long it takes this time before he loses them" Yoongi laughed.
"Alright alright, I can't help it, I forget they are in my ears and then they vanish" Namjoon huffed, making Jungkook in particular giggle.
"Okay my turn" Hobi smiled, opening the gift bag.
He pulled out a black bucket hat and an expensive mini red bag, with a long chain.
"Omg stylish, I love them" Hobi squealed.

Next it was Tae he pulled out a Gucci shirt, which was personalised with the word Vante on it. There was also a pair of Gucci sliders.
"Woah, whoever bought this, you didn't have to spend so much, but thank you, I love them!" Tae smiled gratefully.
"Your go bub" Tae nudged the younger.
Jungkook slowly opened the box and looked at the hamper full of things. He first saw some make up, a bracelet and some other small things. But then he was the stuffed animal at the bottom. Jungkook gasped and grabbed the polar bear animal. Jungkook's eyes glistened and pulled the stuffed animal in his arms.
"T-thank chu, koo loves it" Jungkook giggled.
"Okay let's tell each other who was their secret Santa, go in the order we opened our presents and tell the person who got them that present"
"Yoongi I got you" Namjoon smiled.
"Jimin I got you" Jin clapped.
"Jin I got you" Tae cheered.
"Namjoon I got you" Hobi laughed.
"Hobi koo got chu" Jungkook giggled.
"Tae I got you" Jimin smirked.
"Koo bub I got you" Yoongi smiled.
Everyone said thank you to one another, while Jungkook hugged Yoongi who was sitting next to him.

"Ahhh he's actually adorable, I think my heart might melt" Jimin held onto his chest.
"I know he will forever be my favourite person" Jin smiled.
"I'm not even going to argue, cause I agree" Namjoon snorted.

Jungkook got shy, he let go of Yoongi and scrambled onto Tae's lap. Tae chuckled and wrapped his arms around him.
"Awhh look at my little shy baby" Tae squished the boys chubby cheeks.
"Daddy stop" Jungkook giggled, as Tae began to tickle the boy.
"Right men, today is the day we attack" Jin screamed.

Everyone charged at Taehyung and tackled him to the floor. Everyone flipped onto him, piling up. Jungkook watched laughing and they flattened his boyfriend. But that was when he noticed Tae struggling to breath, well that's what it looked like.
"Daddy can't bweathe" Jungkook called out but they couldn't hear him as they were all yelling out.
Jungkook started crying thinking his boyfriend was in pain. He wailed loudly, making everyone turn their head around. They got up and went over to the little.
"Why are you crying sweetie?" Yoongi asked him softly.
"Daddy c-couldn't bweathe, koo called, b-but u-uncles didn't hear koo" Jungkook sobbed.
Tae heard and ran over to the younger.
"Baby, don't cry. Daddy's fine, see, I'm fine. You're uncles were just being silly, don't cry" Tae wiped the younger's cheeks and peppered his face with kisses. Jungkook sniffed and smiled.
"There we go" Tae smiled.

Everyone sat back down and went back to opening presents. It was mainly what the couples had bought each other and everyone buying Hobi presents so he wasn't left out.
Tae had bought Jungkook a load of presents. Of course he let the little open the presents which were meant for the little instead of presents for big Jungkook. He got given new paci's, stuffies, a new blanket and some new clothes. While he opened his other presents, he turned back to big kook.
He opened his presents from Tae, all of them were so thoughtful and he loved them. He even got the younger a new phone, which obviously he made a Instagram account straight away.

Jungkook also had put a lot of effort in for Tae's presents. He bought his new clothes, a new watch, which he saved up for and some other things.

Everyone had finished opening all their presents with huge smiles. But there was still one more present to go.
"Baby, I've got one more present for you" Tae smiled.
"Taee you've got me so much already" Jungkook whined.
"Just one last one" Tae smiled.
He grabbed something behind him and put it into his lap.
Jungkook looked at it and widened his eyes. He opened the small box and saw a beautiful ring.
"T-tae it's beautiful" Jungkook gasped.
"It's a promise ring, I'm glad you like it"
"Like it, I love it" Jungkook threw himself at Tae and hugged him tight.
"I love you hyungie"
"I love you too baby" Tae kissed the boys head lovingly.

"Come on let's take a picture, and make Tae post it so we can be more popular and get his 15 year old fans follow us" Jimin laughed.
"Wowww I don't have 15 year old fans" Tae huffed.
"Oh sorry I meant 13 year old girls" Jimin smirked.
"Come on just do it, everyone huddle in" Jin said dragging them all.

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