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A year later...

Taehyung and Jungkook were happily married, living the best life possible. Jungkook had cut off all contact with his father, and made a restraining order against him, so he was unable to call or go anywhere near him. Jungkook had started giving online classes to help people with photography and editing. He started a course online for young adults who wanted extra support while they were in school. So because of this he was earning money and passing time.

Tae was still the richest ceo in South Korea, and put a lot of time and effort into his company. The couple had a daily schedule, which was the following... Jungkook would wake up at 8am and go downstairs to make breakfast. Once it was done he'd go upstairs and wake his hubby up. Most days Tae would pull Jungkook next to him and try to sleep while hugging Jungkook but Jungkook would always protest. Tae would leave about 9:30. Jungkook would stay at home and start his teaching at 10am-1pm. He'd ring Tae and make sure he's eaten and if not he'd make something and drop it off. Jungkook would then start teaching again at 2pm-5pm. He'd then make dinner for them both and be ready at 6pm for Tae to come home.

Which brings us to the present. Jungkook had finished making dinner and placed it on the table. It was their anniversary, and Jungkook had made a special dinner for the two. He lit some candles and went upstairs to get ready. He dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans and wore a silky turquoise, long sleeved buttoned up shirt. He put some light make up on and ruffled his hair lightly. Once he was done he ran back downstairs and cleaned up, waiting for the door to open.

Not too long later, the front door flew open. Jungkook gasped and ran to the door seeing his husband taking his shoes off.
"Hubby" Jungkook squealed excitedly.
Tae smiled widely at the boy and opened his arms out. Jungkook jumped into Tae's embrace, wrapping his legs around Tae's waist.
"You look beautiful bub" Tae complimented seeing Jungkook's attire and make up.
"Thank you hubby" Jungkook placed his lips onto Tae's, cupping the elders face with both his hands. Tae bit on Jungkook's lips and slid his tongue into Jungkook's mouth. The kiss was passionate and filled with love. Tae moved his lips away, and looked at the younger with a smile tugging at his lips.
"Did you put on cherry chapstick?" Tae asked, licking his lips while staring at Tae.
"Mhm just for you, do you like it?" Jungkook smiled happily.
"You know I love it baby" Tae winked.
"Good" Jungkook kissed him again briefly before wiggling off Tae and holding his hands.
"Go freshen up, dinners almost ready" Jungkook stated happily.
"Okay baby, I'll be quick" Tae kissed him before sprinting upstairs making Jungkook giggle.

Jungkook platted up the food and took it to the table. He poured a small glass of wine for Tae and banana milk for himself. He heard Tae run down the stairs so he quickly stood up and ran to him. Jungkook pulled Tae to the dining room excitedly and showed him the table.
"Oh wow baby, it's so pretty" Tae gasped, kissing Jungkook's head sweetly.
They sat down and ate the food, which was amazingly delicious.
"I don't think I'll ever be able to get over your cooking!" Tae said taking another mouthful happily.
As they finished Jungkook brought out a cheesecake he had made early that day during his break.
"You didn't" Tae gasped dramatically.
"I so did" Jungkook chuckled, giving his husband a huge slice.
Tae dug into the food and clapped happy.
"You are the best person ever" Tae cheered while chewing.
"I'm glad you think so"

Once they were done, they put all the plates and cutlery in the dish washer and made their way into the living room. Tae pulled Jungkook onto his lap and looked at him softly.
"I got you a present" Tae chimed.
"You didn't have too" Jungkook pouted.
"Of course I did, it's our anniversary, why wouldn't I"
Tae grabbed a massive present bag which was hiding next to the sofa. Jungkook wriggled off his lap, and placed his legs on Tae's lap.
"Here we go baby" Tae smiled giving the bag to him.

Tae held onto Jungkook's leg and rubbed it slowly as he watched Jungkook open the bag.
He pulled out the first item, which was the least expensive out of them all. Jungkook furrowed his eyes brows at the blanket. He opened it out so he could see everything. He gasped happily, seeing different photos which to two had taken together printed onto the blanket.
"Awh hyungie I love it" Jungkook smiled happily. He draped it over him and Tae and looked through the bag.
Tae had bought him some other small things of make up and perfumes. He got the last one and opened the box. There was a note and a small bag. Jungkook picked up the note and read.

Happy anniversary baby, I love you so much baby!
- love hubby

Jungkook smiled brightly and opened the bag. He pulled out a pretty silver locket which had take my hands engraved into it. Jungkook slowly opened it and there was a small picture of him and Jungkook on their wedding day. Jungkook gasped happily and put it on straight away.
"I love it, thank you so much" Jungkook screamed, he leaned forward and captured Tae's lips in a kiss.
"You're more than welcome" Tae mumbled back.
"Your turn!" Jungkook clapped, standing up and going out the room and running back sitting next to Tae closely, dumping the bag in Tae's lap.
"Oof, why is it so heavy" Tae groaned.
Jungkook playfully rolled his eyes and giggled.
Tae opened the bag and pulled out the thing inside.
"Oh my god baby!" Tae gasped holding a personalized briefcase for work.
"It's perfect" Tae kissed the boy quickly and pulled him into a big hug.

The evening was spent with them looking at photos from over the 2 years they had spent together. It was cheesy but it brought back many memories and that was when Jungkook suddenly broke into tears. Tae turned his head to look at the younger and noticed the boy had slipped.
"Hey baby what's wrong?" Tae moved the photo album away and pulled the boy onto his lap.
"Koo emowtional, koo lobs daddy a lot" Jungkook sniffed, gazing at Tae with the whole galaxy in his eyes.
"I love you so much koo, I'm glad we found each other and I'm glad I have you"

The end

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