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⚠️Smut is present in this chapter⚠️

"Dadddyyy" Jungkook called out happily, looking for his caregiver.
"Koo babyyyy" Tae responded in the same tone, coming from the living room as he laid on the sofa scrolling through his phone.
Jungkook was slowly walking down the stairs holding onto the banister tightly, not wanting to slip over, as it wouldn't of been the first. Tae heard the boy struggling and quickly stood up running to the stairs.
"Do you need some" Tae gasped.

Jungkook stood in the middle of the stairs looking at the man at the bottom. Jungkook was wearing a checkered pleated mini tennis skirt which sat a little over half way down this thigh. An oversized black sweatshirt, which has the phrase 'daddy's baby' written in cursive writing across the chest. He had black knee high socks, hugging his legs tightly. His necklace which matched Tae's bracelet was on full show. His small hands were covered by the long sleeves. Jungkook had light mascara on his dainty eyelashes and a eyeliner wing perfectly done.

Tae had been staring at the boy for quite a while. Jungkook was shyly fiddling with his arms, struggling to get down the stairs.
"D-daddy" the little whined again, finally making the elder snap out of his thoughts.
"Sorry baby, daddy's coming" Tae smiled running up the steps to rescue his baby.
Tae picked the younger up by standing on the step below him, and holding his hands firmly on Jungkook's thighs. Jungkook quickly wrapped himself around him and Tae carried the male down the stairs.

Once they got to the living room Tae sat down on the couch, with his hands resting below the younger's butt.
"Is koo pwetty?" Jungkook shyly asked.
"The prettiest boy I've ever seen, my baby is absolutely stunning"
Jungkook gasped and looked at the elders with big eyes.
"Really?" Jungkook's eyes twinkled.
"Yes koo baby, you're more than just pretty. You're beautiful, ethereal, cute, gorgeous, dazzling, adorable, mesmerizing, you're everything and more"
"Koo don't unders-stand big words" Jungkook cocked his head to the side although he was still blushing furiously.
"Daddy's sorry" Tae chuckled, placing a kiss on the younger's lips.
He softly caressed the boys butt with his soft hands. Jungkook let out a small whine, as he shuffled down onto Tae's hands wanting to feel something, but the little didn't understand what.

"D-daddy" Jungkook whined again.
Tae looked at him with lust filled eyes, his pupils diluting.
"What do you want baby?" Tae husked out, his breath hitching as he felt Jungkook rub his butt against Tae's leg causing small whimpers.
"Daddy, koo's thingy hurts" Jungkook pouted.
"Do you want to have playtime baby, I need a definite answer, daddy wants to help koo's problem" Tae demanded seriously.
"Yesh, koo wants pwaytime" Jungkook looked at him with an unexplainable face.

Tae stood up, holding onto the younger tightly and took them upstairs. They got to the room,  and Tae shut the door with his foot. Tae dropped Jungkook onto the bed, not so harsh that it would scare the little, but harsh enough to show who is in control.

Tae took off his shirt and got on top of the boy.
"You're beautiful" Taehyung whispered.
He smashed his lips onto the younger's soft ones, and trailed his hands up the boys jumper. He felt around the younger's stomach and felt a chain around his waist. Tae moved his lips away stunned. He took the boys jumper off tossing it to the side and he looked down to see what his fingers were holding. A small chain ran through his fingers, making Tae smile.
"It suits you perfectly" Tae smiled, tracing kisses along the waist chain hitting the boys stomach delicately making him giggle softly.
Tae left small love bites across his chest and moved down to his skirt.

Tae gently lifted up the skirt folding it out his way and pulled the boys panties off. Tae moved his head down and lingered his tongue around the boys hole. Jungkook whined, and chocked on air when he felt the others tongue thrust in and out, making him moan. Jungkook clenched around the male's tongue.
"D-daddy" Jungkook cried not really knowing what was happening.
Tae moved away making Jungkook whine from the loss of contact. Tae smirked slightly before attaching his lips on the younger's tip, slowly sucking on his shaft. Jungkook shuffled around, slightly arching his back up.
"D-daddy k-koo feels weird" Jungkook moaned.
"It's okay koo, you can release" Tae said quickly before pumping onto his shaft and attaching his lips back onto Jungkook's tip.
Not long later Jungkook released, Tae swallowed it all and looked up. Tears spilled out his eyes, not knowing what just happened. He thought he was going to get punished by his caregiver thinking he did something wrong.
"Koo s-sowy" Jungkook wobbled.
"No baby, daddy's not angry, okay! I loved it hm, want me to carry on?" Tae asked gently.
Jungkook stopped crying and nodded shyly.

Tae took off his jogger bottoms, and slowly aligned himself with the boys hole.
"Say bunny is you want daddy to stop" Tae made sure before pushing himself into Jungkook.
Jungkook screamed in pain, but never said bunny.
"It takes time to adjust" Tae captured the younger's lips into a kiss, taking his mind off the pain.
Jungkook moaned into the kiss, as Tae slowly thrusted into him. Tae picked up the pace and began slamming into him and hit the boys prostate.
"D-daddy" Jungkook eyes leaked from pleasure, loving the way Tae slammed into him.

"Daddy k-koo feels weird again"
"Go ahead baby, I'm nearly there"
Jungkook released and Tae went at an animalistic pace till as he felt his high. Tae grunted as he released in to the boy, making Jungkook feel filled.
Tae moved out of Jungkook, with his own slick running down his thighs. Tae wiped the boys body, cleaning him up before putting the wipes in the bin.
Tae dropped next to him pulling the boy close into his hold.
"Did you like that baby?" Tae asked the tired boy.
"Yesh, Koo loved it, but not as much as Koo loves daddy" Jungkook smiled digging his head into Tae's chest before drifting off to sleep.

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