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"Baby come back here" Tae called out to the little who was currently stood in front on the plushie aisle.

They were still on their date, but little Jungkook decided to make an appearance and he ran straight to the toy store. Tae didn't mind that the younger was in little space but he just didn't want the younger to draw attention to them. He wasn't embarrassed, he just knew that people wouldn't understand the mind of the younger and so the public might react in a way the younger wouldn't like.

"B-but daddy the toys" Jungkook gasped walking further down the aisle not believing his eyes.
"I know baby but you've got loads of toys at home" Tae tried to tell the younger, who wasn't listening.
Tae looked away for one second and the boy had already ran off. Tae mentally face palmed and ran after him. He looked around for 10 minutes, panicking a lot. He finally looked over and the boy was sitting on the floor looking at some toys.
He saw his daddy and pointed at the toy with his doe eyes.
"Daddy looky"
Although Tae was thankful he found the younger, he was pissed. He thought he had lost the little and he worried a lot.
"Jungkook come now" Tae growled angrily .

Jungkook looked at him straight away and noticed how angry Tae looked. Jungkook stopped what he was doing and walked straight over to Tae, knowing that he was in trouble. Tae grabbed the younger's hand and dragged him out of the shop and then out of the shopping center. He didn't even share a glance to Jungkook.
"D-daddy" Jungkook cried, but it was no use.
They got to the car and Tae let go of his hands.
"Get in the car" Tae said not even helping the younger get in.
Jungkook carefully got in the car, struggling to put his seatbelt on while Tae took his mask off and put all the bags in the boot which they had previously bought before little koo came to play.
Jungkook didn't like being so independent, but he knew he was in trouble so he didn't say anything.

Jungkook huffed and finally buckled his seatbelt in. He pulled his mask off and held it tight in his hand. Tae drove away, not saying anything to the younger. Once they got home, Tae parked the car and unbuckled his seatbelt.
"Get out the car and come inside" Tae demanded.
Jungkook sighed, trying to hold back his tears and be strong, so he got out the car. He carefully walked to the house and went indoors. He took his shoes off and waited for his caregiver.
"Upstairs to our room now, take your jeans off"
"B-but dadd.."
"No buts, go, now"
Jungkook ran up the stairs not wanting to be in anymore trouble than he already was. He walked into their room and sat down on their bed. He took off his jeans, which ended up being a struggle and he threw them to the side.

Not too long after Tae walked into the room. The atmosphere was unsettling, and it was disliked by both of them. Tae sat on the edge of the bed. "Get on my lap, you're getting 10 spanks" Tae demanded.
Jungkook looked at the other in shock, but did what he was told. He shuffled over and laid across Tae's lap.
"Right you going to count each time, and your safe word is bunny. Okay?"
"Y-yesh daddy"
Tae slapped Jungkook's butt making Jungkook cry out in pain.
"One" Jungkook sniffed.
Tae repeated the same action and hit the boys butt. Pain shot down Jungkook's lower back, making tears fall down his cheek.
"T-two" He cried again.

Tae wasn't enjoying it either. He hated how he was punishing his boyfriend after a great day out. He really didn't like seeing the boy cry in pain and he's the reason why. But he had to show the younger that running away like that wasn't a nice thing and that it scared him a lot.
It was Tae's first time punishing Jungkook in this way. He knew Jungkook didn't mean to worry him, but he did. Jungkook is rarely naughty, which Tae liked, he never liked punishing him.

"S...s-seven" Jungkook cried out in so much pain, each slap hurt even more and his lower back was throbbing in pain.
Jungkook wanted to be a good boy and finish his punishment but he couldn't. Tae was about to spank him again but he screamed out
"BUNNY, d-daddy pwease stop"

Tae immediately stopped what he was doing and helped the boy up right. Jungkook sat up, wrapped his legs around Tae's waist and immediately cried into Tae's neck. Tae wrapped his arms around the boys waist and hugged him tight.
"I'm so sorry baby" Tae softened his voice, tears falling down his eyes discreetly.
"Nuu daddy, koo sowy! Koo worried daddy. Koo sowy" Jungkook sniffed, trying to stop crying, but he couldn't.
"No baby, it's okay. Daddy was just scared that he had lost you, I'm not angry anymore. I'm sorry for hurting you" Tae cried harder, which Jungkook noticed.

Jungkook peeled his self away from Tae's body and looked at him with soft doe eyes.
"Daddy nu cry" Jungkook pouted bringing his hands up to Tae's face, wiping his tears away.
Tae just chuckled, knowing that Taehyung was supposed to be the one tell the little not to cry, not the other way round.
"It's okay princess daddy is okay, you should be the one getting comforted" Tae leant forward kissing Jungkook's forehead.
Jungkook didn't like how his forehead was the one who got a kiss so he leant forward and placed his lips on Tae's lips.

Once the two had calmed down, Tae laid the younger down on his stomach and went to get some cream. He came back and sat next to him.
"Koo can daddy pull down your pants?" Tae asked cautiously.
The two had already seen each other naked as Jungkook wanted to shower together after work one night. But after Tae hitting Jungkook's butt he just wanted to check.
Jungkook nodded immediately and Tae took off his pants. The boys butt was bright red, and a few bruises had been made. Tae's heart tightened in regret, and quickly kissed the forming bruises. He carefully rubbed the cream on the wound and pulled his pants back up. Jungkook let out a small yawn, and Tae decided that they would have a nap. He pulled the covers over the top of them and hugged Jungkook close.
"I'm sorry baby" Tae kissed his cheek before they both fell into a deep sleep.

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