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Jungkook came running down the stairs to assist Tae in the kitchen, well more like hug the boy and just watch as he freaks out. He back hugged Tae, placing his head against Tae's back.
"I know you're nervous baby, but you really don't need to be. They know that you are a little, so if you feel little at any time just tell me okay, and don't be shy"
"Are you sure they are going to like me?" Jungkook sighed nuzzling his face further into Tae's back.
Tae stopped what he was doing and turned around, wrapping his arms around the boy. He placed a small kiss on the tip of Jungkook's nose.

"I promise they will love you, don't stress yourself. They know that I'm happy and that's all that matters to them"
Tae placed a kiss on Jungkook's lips and it turned into a heated kiss. It was quickly stopped by the door bell ringing loudly, making Tannie bark. Jungkook whined not wanting to meet Tae's parents.
"It will be fine" Tae whispered, kissing the younger one more time before walking off to answer the door.
Jungkook looked around not knowing where to stand but quickly followed Tae and hid behind his back.

"Taebear my handsome son, I've missed you" a sweet voice came from the door, pulling her son into a big hug.
"Hi mum, I've missed you too" Tae laughed hugging his mum back.
"Hey son, how have you been?" Mr Kim pulled Tae into a bro hug, patting each other's backs.
"Good thanks dad"
"Sooo where's this cute boyfriend you won't shut up about?" Mrs Kim squealed as she and Mr Kim walked into the house. Tae shut the door and felt someone behind him. He put his hand behind him and felt a smaller hand hold onto it. Tae lead him out from behind him and pushed him a little.

"Here he is, Koo meet my parents"
They looked at him and gasped. Mrs Kim squealed and ran to the boy, pulling him into a tight embrace.
"Oh my gosh you're so adorable and so beautiful!"
"T-thank you m-mame" Jungkook said into the hug.
She pulled away and held Jungkook's shoulder.
"I can't believe my son has found such a sweet, beautiful boy"
"Okay hunny let me greet the boy" Mr Kim tapped his wife.
"Finally we get to meet Jungkook" Mr Kim brought the younger into a sweet hug, much different to the hug he gave Tae, it was more delicate.
"H-hello sir, it's nice to m-meet you" Jungkook said as he let go of the hug.
"Please don't be so formal with us, call us mum and papa. Obviously call me mum" Mrs Kim laughed.
"Oh god here comes the jokes. Come, dinner will be ready soon" Tae said, taking hold of the younger's hand and walking to the kitchen with him while the parents go to the dinning room.

"Feeling better?" Tae asked as he dished up the food.
Jungkook leant of Tae's arm and smushed his face into it.
"Hmm they are nice, really nice" Jungkook admitted.
"I'm glad you think so, can you take these plates in for me please"
"Sure hyungie" Jungkook kissed his cheek and walked off holding the two plates.

He walked in and placed the two plates in front of Tae's parents.
"Wow this looks great!"Mr Kim said, as Tae walked in putting plates in Tae's and Jungkook's place.
"Thanks Mum, I made it myself and Jungkook helped by hugging me while I did it" Tae smiled looking to his side, where Jungkook was blushing shyly.
"That's adorable!" Mrs Kim squealed.
The four began eating and started having a general conversation.

"So Jungkook, Tae tells me you work at his company?" Mr Kim asked.
"Ah y-yes I do, I'm the photographer and e-editor of the company. So I take p-photos and videos inside the company and on set, and I edit them, these then go to the m-marketing team and they produce adverts using these photos or videos that I've made" Jungkook nervously spoke, drinking water straight after.
"Wow that's quite cool actually!" Mr Kim says in surprise.
"Yes sir, photography is my passion, so I really enjoy my job" Jungkook slowly smiled.
"So tell us about yourself dear" Mrs Kim asked intrigued about the boy.
"Well I'm 18, my birthday is September 1st. I'm a l-little from the age of 6 months-4years old, I've been a little since I was a-around 14 years old. I love animals, especially bunnies. Uhm I think that's it, I'm not that much of an interesting person, s-sorry" Jungkook said looking down at his fingers.
"Don't be sorry hunny, you are an interesting person, don't put yourself down" Mrs Kim cheered the boy up.
"Thank you m-mum" Jungkoom smiled after saying mum again, a word which he hasn't said in a very long time.
"So Tae, how's work?" Mr Kim asked his son.
"Hm it's good, it's tiring though. But I still enjoy it, even if it comes with a lot of paper work" Tae dryly chuckled to himself.
"Work is work, it's not going to get any easier" Mr Kim laughed.
"Gosh what boring business men you are, talking about boring work while we are eating" Mrs Kim playfully rolled her eyes.
"Sorry mum" Tae said drinking some wine.

"Jungkook, when you come to ours, I must show you the photo albums of baby Tae, they are the cutest things ever" she squealed in delight.
"I never realised you squealed so much till today" Mr Kim turned to him wife.
"Wow, the whole 32 years of our marriage you've only just noticed, I can't tell whether I should be offended or not" Mr Kim playfully hit her chest.
"Wow you've been married 32 years!" Jungkook gasped.
"Yep 32 years and 8 months unluckily" Mrs Kim laughed.

They continued to eat their food, talking about different things, until they got onto the topic of parents. Jungkook began fidgeting a bit on his seat, feeling nervous if they asked him about his own parents. The stress built up and it got to the point Jungkook couldn't take it anymore...

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