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Jungkook was cuddling Tae on the couch at home. The boy had his head on Tae's lap,  hugging one of Tae's arms, as Tae's other hand was raking his fingers through the raven hair.

It was a lazy day as Tae granted his workers a week off, by law all employed people are entitled to 5.6 weeks holiday. It was half term for the children (for those who don't know, half term is like a weeks break in the middle of the term, so we have winter break, half term and then spring break) so he let his workers have the week off to spend time with their family. Jungkook couldn't be happier, he had been giving his all to his job and stressed a lot over it, hence why most nights he'd be in little space. So this week he would be able to relax with his boyfriend and spend the week care free. Well that was until they got disrupted by the door bell.

"Ding donggg" Jungkook imitated the sound.
Tae laughed and carefully got up moving Jungkook's head off his lap.
Tae walked to the door and opened it.
"Oh Soobin what are you doing here?" Tae asked his cousin's boyfriend.
"Hey Tae, it's been a while. I know I haven't been here in ages, but Yeonjun has been going back into little space, and I have a meeting today. I had no one else who would look after him. Do you mind looking after him."
"Oh really, sure, but I have my boyf.."
"Great thanks Tae, see you later" Soobin pushed Yeonjun lightly towards Tae and said goodbye to them.
"Hi hi Taehyungie" Yeonjun smiled hugging him close.
"Hi bub, guess what!" Tae smiled shutting the door behind them.
"What!" Yeonjun clapped in excitement.
"I have someone I'd like you to meet"
"Really?" The boy smiled widely.
"Yeah come this way"

They walked into the lounge and there was Jungkook laying upside down on the sofa.
"Daddy" Jungkook screamed happily, not seeing the other boy standing next to him. Jungkook sat up and immediately saw the other person. Jungkook gulped nervously, not knowing how to act.
"This is Yeonjun, he is a little as well, but he's a bit older than you baby"
"H-he's a little like koo?" Jungkook tilted his head in confusion.
"Yep, he'll be spending the day with us okay, so make him feel welcome"
Jungkook slowly nodded his head not wanting to upset his caregiver.

"Can we play with some toys?" Yeonjun asked.
"Sure bub"
Tae went off to get some toys for both Yeonjun and Jungkook. While the two littles were left alone.
"So how old are you?" Yeonjun asked sitting on the other sofa which Jungkook wasn't on.
"T-thwee" Jungkook quietly spoke.
"Well I'm six, so I'm older than you. Shall we annoy Taehyungie"
Jungkook shook his head not wanting to be punished by his caregiver.
"You're so boringggg" Yeonjun huffed.
Jungkook sat there with his thumb in his mouth not knowing what to do.

Tae quickly ran down the stairs with toys in his hand and made his way over to the two littles. He gave yeonjun some Lego, knowing that he liked Lego a lot.
"Thank you Taehyungie!" Yeonjun smiled.
"No problem" Tae ruffled his hair and made his way to Jungkook.
"Baby what has daddy told you about sucking your thumb hmm" Tae said taking the boys thumb away from his mouth.
"Sowy daddy" Jungkook whispered.
"It's okay baby, do you want your paci?"
"Yes pwease" Jungkook played with his fingers nervously.

Tae noticed the nervousness of the boy but decided not to say anything. He went to the kitchen and found one of his paci's. He quickly washed it and went back to them. He walked over to Jungkook and squatted down in front of him. Jungkook opened his mouth and Tae placed the paci gently in his mouth. Tae kissed his head before turning around.
"Do you want me to put the tv on as you build your Lego?"
"Yes please!" Yeonjun shouted.
"What do you want to watch?"
"Lion king"
"Lion king it is" Tae laughed putting the film on.
The two began watching it as Tae went and did something else quickly.

When he came back, Tae saw Jungkook was fast asleep. He walked up to him and slowly lifted him up into his arms.
"I'll go put him to bed and then I will help you with your lego" Tae said to Yeonjun.

Tae took the boy to their bedroom and tucked him in bed. He kissed the younger's forehead and pulled the door shut. He then ran downstairs and went to yeonjun. But he wasn't were he left him. Tae looked around and finally found the boy scoffing his face with chocolate in the pantry.
"Yeonjun you know the rules. You're supposed to ask me before eating. Come on sit in the corner for 5 minutes." Tae demanded.
"But that's not fair I'm a big boy now, I don't need to go sit in the corner" Yeonjun huffed.
"Come on it's only 5 minutes"
"Fine..." Yeonjun started walking to the wall but quickly sprinted away running upstairs.
"Yeonjun!" Tae called out, running after him.
Yeonjun ran around upstairs and opened the door to Tae and Jungkook's room. He ran in and jumped on the bed, where Jungkook was sleeping. Tae ran in and saw Yeonjun jumping up and down.
"Yeonjun stop, Jungkook is sleeping" Tae growled.
"Noo, come get me first" Yeonjun stuck his tongue out.

Jungkook woke up from the moving bed, and started crying as he was woken up unexpectedly.
"D-daddy" Jungkook sobbed.
"It's okay baby" Tae rushed to the boy and picked him up swaying him side to side, rubbing his back gently.
"Yeonjun come on, I'll tell your daddy!" Tae said sternly.
"Nooo please don't, I'll be good" he said, crossing his fingers behind his back.
"Okay fine, I want you down stairs facing the wall. Then when I come back down we can play"
"Okay" Yeonjun said, jumping off the bed and running back downstairs. But Tae failed to see the smirk plastered on his face.

Jungkook's sniffles had died down and Tae had put him back on the bed.
"I'm sorry baby, he didn't mean to"
Jungkook tiredly nodded and snuggled into the duvet.
"Kishie?" Jungkook tiredly said.
Tae leant over and kissed the younger softly. He caressed the younger's cheek and left him so he could sleep.
But Tae wasn't ready for what he was about to witness...

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