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⚠️smut is present in this chapter ⚠️

It was midday, Jungkook and Tae were currently snuggled up with one another on the couch. Well Jungkook had fallen asleep, and had his head resting on Tae's lap. Tae was scrolling through Instagram not really doing much, until he heard small noises coming from the younger. Tae quickly put his phone down thinking the boy was having a nightmare, but it was far from a nightmare.

Tae brushed the boys hair with his fingers, trying the calm him down, but that's when the whimpers turned to moans. Tae chocked when he heard the moans emit from the younger's mouth.
"A-ah T-tae" Jungkook moaned out.
Tae's eyes widened when he realised the innocent boy wasn't thinking so innocently.
"T-tae p-please" Jungkook repeated.

As much as Tae was loving listening to the boys moans, he'd rather hear him moan while he was awake.
Tae shook the boy, waking Jungkook up.
Jungkook shot his eyes open, panting slightly. His eyes went to Tae's face and immediately blushed. Tae had dark filled eyes, showing pure lust.
"I-I" Jungkook stuttered.
"Do you want to do it baby?" Tae smirked, but also wanting consent.
Jungkook shyly nodded, as he sat up and straddled Tae's lap. Tae stood up and carried the younger up to their bedroom. Tae shut the door behind them and laid the younger down on the bed. Tae hovered over the top of the younger and quickly smashed their lips together. Tae trailed his hand down and bringing it under Jungkook's shirt. His hands roamed around the younger's petite body, causing Jungkook to shiver under his touch.

Tae left Jungkook's lips and started kissing down his neck. Tae started nibbling at the boys neck causing red love bites to appear. Tae lifted Jungkook's shirt up and pulled it over his head.
"You're so beautiful baby" Tae husked out, kissing the younger's chest. He made his way to the younger's small, pink nipples and began sucking on one, while he played with the other. Jungkook whined, feeling pleasure rush all over his chest, butterflies forming in his stomach.

Jungkook looked at Tae with doe eyes, as he tugged on Tae's shirt. Tae deeply chuckled and took off his shirt, exposing his six pack to the younger. Jungkook gulped thirstily, making him bit his lip.
"I'm all yours baby" Tae smirked, seeing the hungry boy.

Tae noticed the younger squirming slightly. He looked down and saw the younger's member sticking up slightly. Tae breathily chuckled and took off the boys shorts. Jungkook blushed furiously, when Tae brought his mouth to the tip of his member. Jungkook shyly let out moans and whines as Tae took his full length in his mouth.
"T-tae I'm g-gonna.." Jungkook was about to say but Tae quickly took his mouth away.
"Not just yet baby" Tae smirked kissing the younger's lips quickly.

Tae stripped off his pants and pulled the younger closer.
"Do you want me to keep going?" Tae asked, not wanting to force the younger.
"Y-yes T-tae please" Jungkook whined.
"Okay, just tell me if you want me to stop" Tae said before spreading Jungkook's legs wide.
Tae brought up his fingers to Jungkook's mouth and commanded him to suck on them. Jungkook swirled his tongue around Tae's fingers, looking at Tae as he did so. Jungkook was loving sucking on Tae's long fingers, he didn't understand why, but he knew he was going to do this more often.

Once he was done, Tae began prepping the younger. He pushed one finger into his hole, and slowly thrusted it in and out. Jungkook moaned breathlessly, feeling discomfort, yet pleasure at the same time. Tae added another and then one more and thrusted them at a fast pace, making Jungkook scream out in pleasure.
"You ready baby?" Tae asked.
"P-please Tae, I-I want you" Jungkook whined.
"Of course baby"
Tae put a condom on which he got from the bedside table draw, and slipped it on. He aligned himself to the boys hole and slowly pushed in.

Jungkook screamed in pain, tears filling his eyes.
"It's okay baby, it going to hurt for a bit, but it will turn to pleasure soon" Tae softly said as he waited patiently for the younger to adjust. Tae couldn't lie, Jungkook was looking so pretty, with his sparkly eyes, small specks of sweat on his forehead, red plump lips, hickey's littering his pale skin. Tae loved the sight of Jungkook.

"M'ready" Jungkook breathed out.
Tae smirked and started thrusting into the younger at a slow pace and began speeding up every couple of seconds, making Tae grunt as he did so. Jungkook was a moaning mess, he thought it couldn't get any worse, but Tae started slamming on his prostate making Jungkook breathless.
"T-tae ah" Jungkook moaned feeeling overwhelmed by pleasure.
"I-I'm g-gonna" Jungkook shook, not even being able to finish his sentence.
Jungkook released all over his stomach, while Tae thrusted at an animalistic pace, riding out his high. Tae moaned deeply as he released into the condom.
They both panted heavily, trying to catch their breath back. Jungkook's legs shook from over stimulation.

Tae gently pulled out making Jungkook moan, and then whine from the loss of contact. Tae tied a knot in the condom and threw it in the bin. He got a wipe and cleaned the mess on Jungkook's stomach, throwing that in the bin straight after. Tae crashed down next to him and wrapped his arm around Jungkook's waist pulling him close to his body. Tae peppered the younger with small kisses, making Jungkook giggle.

"How's my baby feeling?" Tae asked softly, brushing the hair out of his face.
"m'tired, but m'happy" Jungkook smiled nuzzling his face into Tae's chest.
"I'm glad baby" Tae smiled, kissing the boys head lovingly. "Go to sleep hm, we can have dinner and a shower once we've woken up" Tae said fiddling with the boys sweaty hair.
Jungkook hummed and gently shut his eyes drifting off to sleep.
"I love you so much baby" Tae said before falling asleep himself.

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