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Taehyung looked at the boy who was sitting next to him blabbing away in a baby's voice. Tae looked at him with sweet, loving eyes. No judgment in sight.

"Are you a little?" Tae asked softly.
He watched as the boy nodded, fiddling with his fingers on his lap. Tae looked at the boy fondly with a smile displayed on his face.
"Does Koo have a caregiver?" Tae asked feeling intrigued.
"Koo no have caregiver" Jungkook pouted.
"Awh don't pout sweetie" Tae smiled ruffling the boys hair. "How old are you bub?"
Jungkook held up 3 fingers for Tae to see.
"You're so adorable" Tae chuckled at the younger.
"Rweally?" Jungkook asked with big doe eyes.
"Of course you are" Tae smiled at him.

Tae would never had guessed that Jungkook was a little. He loves littles, his cousin used to be one but as he grew older he grew out of it. He would always volunteer to look after him if his boyfriend couldn't. He never judged little's as they must of had a rough past to make them a little. There would be times were he thought about being a caregiver himself but he never found a little to be one. Tae didn't think it was even possible that someone could be even more cute than they already are, but Jungkook made it possible.

Tae was knocked out his thoughts when he heard cries coming from the boy.
"Hey hey shhhh, what's got you upset sweetheart?"
"Koo ruin his j-job" Jungkook sobbed.
"No koo didn't, it was just a small incident. Koo was very brave" Tae said wiping the tears of the little's face.
"Koo was brave?"
"So brave"
When Jungkook heard that he stopped crying and gave Tae a massive smile, showing his bunny teeth.
"Omg look how cute you are" Tae cooed, making the younger blush furiously.

Tae was about to say something, but he was cut off by Jungkook yawning.
"Are you sleepy bub?"
Jungkook innocently nodded, rubbing his eyes tiredly.
"Here lay down and have a nap" Tae said moving out the way and helped the boy lay back and get comfortable.
He picked up a blanket which he kept in a draw and draped it over the others body.
"Sleep tight koo" Tae smiled ruffling his hair and walked to his desk.

Tae emailed his assistant to go out and buy a professional camera and a Apple Mac laptop immediately and put it in Jungkook's office. She responded straight away, agreeing and left to get the stuff. Tae looked over at the sleeping boy and smiled seeing how cute he looked.
"Jeon Jungkook what are you doing to me, it hasn't even been a day! What's is this madness?"


It had already been a few hours and Jungkook had finally woken up. He moved around thinking he was in his bed but as he opened his eyes he quickly sat up when he realised he wasn't in his bed. His head darted around and he saw Mr Kim working at his desk.
'Oh shit, please don't say I... fucking hell Jungkook why did you slip! He's gonna think you're so weird' Jungkook mentally groaned.
"Ah you're awake, are you feeling better?" Taehyung asked.
"Uh y-yeah, I'm so sorry. I was probably a nuisance. I really didn't mean to go into little space, I don't usually do it in front of people. I'm really sorry, I can't believe myself. Please don't be disgusted. Oh my god, I should of been working. I'll work extra hours. Please don't fire me" Jungkook teared up, knowing that he's going to get fired.
"Jungkook, don't think so lowly of yourself. You've done nothing wrong. You having little space isn't a bad thing at all, and I'm no way going to fire you because you're a little, that's discrimination, and going against the equality act law. You're so cute, both as a little and a normal person. I love little's and you were no bother, okay" Tae spoke to the younger.

Jungkook was lost for words, he couldn't believe someone could be so understanding.
"C-can I hug y-you?" Jungkook asked shyly, it was barely audible but Tae still heard it.
Tae stood up from his chair and made his way to Jungkook. He took hold of the younger's small hands and helped him up on his feet making Jungkook shyly blush at the gesture.

He was then enveloped in a massive hug. Jungkook wrapped his arms around Tae's torso and dug his head into the elders chest. The comforting smell of the others cologne filled his nose. Taehyung held the younger close, not knowing how much he needed this hug just as much as Jungkook needed it.

"How about we go on a date?" Tae asked pulling away from Tae's hug.
"Uh r-really?" Jungkook said in shock not really knowing how to respond.
"Yeah only if you want to"
"I-I'd love to" Jungkook squealed internally.
"Great! Let's go for dinner tonight"
"I'd like that"
"Okay I'll pick you up at 6?"
"Uhm I-I live in a rough area, you won't like it"
"Don't say that, I'll pick you up. I'm not letting you walk in the dark. I'm not taking a no for an answer" Tae demanded.
"O-okay fine, I'll send you my address"
"Great, see you later" Tae ruffled the boys hair before he left the office.

Jungkook walked to his office, and shut the door behind him.
"Oh my god, I can't believe I've got a date" Jungkook screamed internally.
He went to his desk and saw a two bags on his table. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked inside.
He saw the laptop and camera, Jungkook gasped and fell to his knees and cried. He was more than shocked. How could someone be so nice and caring. He tried out the new camera and literally squealed at how focused it was. He began setting up the laptop and remembered he needed to send Taehyung his address...

Hey Tae, it's Jungkook. My address is
xxx-xxx-xxx floor 5, and I'm the apartment right at the end...please be careful.

Ps. Thank you so much for the camera and laptop. I'm so grateful, I'll make sure to pay you back as soon as I can!

Jungkook you don't need to pay me back, it's a gift from me. Let's just say this date, is my repayment! I'll see you soon

Thank you so much, see you soon

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