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Tae's secretary had left Taehyung after their discussion about Jungkook. Once the male was left alone, he huffed out in frustration.
"What the actual fuck" Tae let out.
He couldn't believe his eyes. The boy who was just in for the interview was beautiful.
His soft doe eyes, black raven hair, his mole under his lower lip and on the tip of his nose. It was safe to say, the boy was ethereal.
During the interview Taehyung took his time to study the features of the younger. He was blown away by everything the boy had to offer, and he was more than perfect for the role.

Taehyung is the youngest, yet the richest CEO in South Korea. He tends to come across really cold to the people he thinks will either use him or the people who are naturally fake with a fake personality, which is actually quite a lot of the population. From past experiences, he's been gifted with being able to read people and decide whether if they are good people or not. His family is very loving and supportive of him, which he's very grateful for. Taehyung started up the company by himself, he became so successful, and his parents would never forget to tell him how proud they were of him.

Taehyung was really shocked by Jungkook. He was ready for a slut to walk through the door, but that never happened. Instead, a cute boy walked in. The minute he saw the boy he wanted to hug him and pepper him with kisses, which is a feeling he hasn't had before. Tae sighed not knowing what was going on with him, Jungkook is a stranger.

A few hours later, Tae finished some work which needed to be done. Next on his agenda was phoning Jungkook to tell him the good news. He typed in the given number and let the phone ring. Seconds later the call was answered.
"Hello, this is Mr Kim regarding the interview earlier. I'd like to congratulate you, you've got the job"
"N-no way! Thank you so so much Mr Kim! I'll try my everything to show that you won't regret your decision!"
"Great, you start tomorrow 9am sharp. As your office is next to mine, head straight to the 18th floor and I'll meet you there"
"Thank you Mr Kim"
"See you tomorrow Jungkook, make sure you save this number in your contacts as it's my personal number"
"Will do, Goodbye"
Tae ended the call the placed the phone down.
He then got a call from his assistant and he quickly answered.
"Mr Kim, they will clear out the storage room for the office in an hour"
"Great thank you, it has to look perfect!"
Tae ended the call and looked at the screen. He studied his schedule and began work again until late at night.

Once he finished he packed away his stuff and left his office. He locked the door and dismissed his security guard. He walked into Jungkook's soon to be office and organised it a little. After he decided he was content with what he did, he turned the light off and went home.

Moments later he arrived at his mansion. It was brightly lit up and stood perfectly in the night sky. He parked his car and walked inside the empty house. He made his way to the lounge, and like usual a ball of fluff ran to his feet.
"Tannie" Tae called out excitedly.
Bending down, picking the excited dog up. The dog began the lick his face happily, making Tae chuckle at his dorky dog. He went upstairs to his room and did his night routine. He dragged himself to bed and instantly fell asleep after a long day.


Jungkook squealed in excitement after the call he got from Mr Kim. He was over the moon that he's finally got a job, with a high pay.
He walked around his apartment looking for his camera which he's had, gifted via his grandparents for his 18th birthday. It was an amazing camera, and it was very expensive in fact. He picked up his tripod and crappy laptop, making sure he had all the equipment he needed for tomorrow. After he got everything he placed it near the door so he wouldn't forget it.

Jungkook then went to his kitchen and looked through his empty cupboards. They are never full, Jungkook finds it difficult going shopping, as he usually ends up slipping into little space and it was always a problem. So due to this he pushed going shopping far back on his to do list. He looked around and finally found some eggs. He got a pan and placed it on the stove which was slowly warming up. Once the pan was warm he cracked the eggs in the middle and watched as the liquid became a solid white. He took the pan off heat and placed two slices of bread on his plate. He dished up the eggs and bread and sat down on one of the stalls at the kitchen island. He began eating while thinking about earlier. He couldn't get over the fact how godly the man looked and spoke. He was worried for his own welfare; Mr Kim was definitely damaging some parts of his heart. But he didn't want to give in to this new feeling.

Once he was done, Jungkook got dressed into an oversized top which went down to his thighs and some short shorts, and walked to his small living room. He jumped onto the sofa, laying a blanket over him and turned the television on. He looked through channels till he came across his favourite film ever...Moana. Jungkook's eyes lit up and his little self made an appearance. The boy started clapping and singing along to the songs, enjoying the film a lot. A huge smile was plastered on the boys face , as he became so immersed. His eyes never left the screen for the full 1hr and 53 minutes.

As the film drew to an end, the littles eyes were getting heavier and heavier. He turned the television off and made his was to his room, carefully walking, not wanting to lose his balance and trip over like usual. He made it to his room and took a few steps and began climbing onto his bed. He cocooned himself with his blankets and cuddled his plushie tight, before going off into dreamland.

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