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They were already at Jungkook's apartment. He didn't have a lot of belongings to pack as he didn't have the money to spend on items. Jungkook was in his bedroom sorting out his stuff, till he came across cookie.
"C-cookie" Jungkook squeaked out.
His eyes glistened as he stared at the plushie.
His little self came out, and he started to play with his teddy instead of packing.
"Okay Kook I'm done with everything are you nearly finis..." Tae was talking till he noticed the younger playing with his plushie.
"Koo baby, are you okay?" Tae asked softly, wanting to check that the younger was in little space.
"Y-Yesh daddy, koo sorry" Jungkook sighed.
"Don't apologise baby, now let's get this room all tidied up and then we can leave"

Tae finished tidying up and putting things in the last bags while Jungkook sat and watched, telling Tae all about his plushies. He tried his best to clean but he wasn't really getting anywhere.
"Shall we go baby?"
Jungkook nodded excitedly.
Tae had already taken most of the bags to the car and there was just one more.
"Don't forget cookie, we don't want to leave her behind now do we"
"Nuu" Jungkook pouted, not wanting to think about leaving cookie behind.
Tae scanned the apartment one more time and made sure that there was nothing left other than the stuff which came with the apartment.

"Okay baby hold my hand tight and don't let go, I don't want you walking off somewhere" Jungkook did as he was told and held the elders hand tightly, and gripped onto cookie with his other hand. Tae picked up the last bag and took them out of the apartment. Tae locked the door and put the key under the door mat as he was told to buy the apartment owner which he had rung during the day to tell him that Jungkook was moving out.

They were about to walk away until they heard the door open from next door.
"Looks like jungcock is leaving" a drunk man slurred, as he leant against the door frame.
"Thank fuck you're leaving I got so fed up with your baby like cries every night"
"Shut the fuck up" Tae growled.
Jungkook hid himself in Tae's arm.
The drunk man pulled on Jungkook's head making Jungkook's head swing backwards.
"Such a fucking brat"

Tae grabbed the mans wrist and pushed him away from Jungkook.
"Don't you dare touch him and call him such names" Tae hissed, making his eyes darken.
"Mind your own business" He went to slap Tae's face but he quickly blocked him.
"Don't you fucking dare" Tae growled.
He shoved the man out the way and pulled Jungkook along. But the man held onto Jungkook's teddy and ripped it. Jungkook started crying his eyes out, he loved that plushie a lot.
Tae took a deep sigh and turned to the younger.
"Hey baby, don't cry. I'll get you a new one okay"
Jungkook nodded still crying from the shock of watching his favourite teddy get ripped in half.
"Now kindly fuck off" Tae shouted at the man.

The couple walked off to the car. Tae helped buckle Jungkook up and got into the car himself.
"It's okay baby, I'll get you a new one as soon as possible . You can choose which one you want okay"
Jungkook sniffed and dried his eyes.
"Thank chu daddy" Jungkook breathed out.
"No problem, let's get you home. How about we watch a film when we get home?"
"Yesh" Jungkook clapped.
"Okay, let's get you home" Tae chuckled.

The couple made it home safely. Tae packed away all of the younger's possessions. Placing his little stuff in a specific draw which is easy to get to.
Once he had finished packing everything away. He helped dress the younger into his little pyjamas and took him downstairs to the couch to watch a film.

"Daddy can koo have milkie?" Jungkook asked cutely.
"Of course baby, get comfortable, I'll be right back"
Tae got up and got a glass of milk, a notepad and pen. He went back to the couch and sat next to Jungkook. He pulled a blanket over the two and pulled Jungkook close.
"Baby, while we watch the film can we make a set of rules?"
"Yesh daddy" Jungkook said leaning back onto Tae's body.
Tae pressed play on the film which was frozen, and gave the boy his milk.
"I'll write down the rules, if you want to add any then just tell me okay" Tae kissed the boys head and began writing.

Koo's rules
1. Always tell daddy when you feel little, and how old you are
2. Tell daddy when you're stressed or if anything is worrying you
3. Always listen to daddy, and do what daddy says
4. If there's been an accident tell daddy straight away
5. If you're sad come straight to daddy
6. Never lie to daddy, always tell the truth
7. No swearing, or bad language
8. Don't be bratty towards daddy
9. Never hurt daddy or yourself
10. Always tell daddy if you want something

Rewards                     Punishments
New toys                        Time out
Late nights                    Early bed time
Cuddles                          No cuddles/kisses
Kisses                           Toys taken away
Snacks                            No treats             
Paci                                 Spankies

"Is this okay? Are you comfortable with me giving you spankies?" Tae asked after writing out everything.
"Yesh daddy, koo trusts daddy, but Koo doesn't know what's kishies are?" Jungkook's head tilted slightly.
"Like this" Tae smiled, placing his index finger under Jungkook's chin. He leaned forward and placed his lips on the younger's. The two started kissing in sync, Jungkook loving every single moment. They pulled away, which made Jungkook whine.
"Now baby, only daddy can kiss you okay!" He placed his fingers on Jungkook's lips. "These are reserved for me okay"
Jungkook nodded, not fully understanding, but he knew that only his daddy can kiss him like that.
"Daddy can koo hwave kissie?"
"Of course baby, you can have lots of kissies" Tae smiled before attaching their lips together again.

Finally the film had ended and Jungkook was about to pass out. He picked the younger up and carried them to their shared room. They quickly did their night routine and walked back to their room. He placed the boy on the bed and laid next to him. Just before he was about to pull the younger into a hug he noticed the younger sucking on his thumb.
"Hey baby, do you want your paci?" Tae asked getting a bit worried, as sucking his thumb isn't the best think ever.
"Yesh pwease daddy" Jungkook yawned tiredly.
Tae reached down to his bedside table and opened the draw. He grabbed one of his paci's and shut the draw. He slid down further and snuggled up the the boy. He kissed the younger's lips before bringing the paci up to his lips and pushing his softly into his mouth. Small noises was made as the younger sucked on the paci and the two fell asleep almost straight away in each others arms.

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