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Jungkook was feeling better after a few days of resting. He was finally back at work, although Tae told him he didn't need to, but Jungkook insisted on coming in.

He was currently sitting at his laptop, pressing print on some documents he made and spent a while on. He stood up from his chair and left his office. He walked towards the printer and saw that it was out of order. Jungkook huffed and went into the elevator to the floor below him. He walked down the corridor nervously, seeing everyone look at him as he walked towards the printer. The floor he was now on was the finance floor, the busiest floor in the whole department. Everyone, absolutely everyone watched Jungkook. Jungkook didn't like it at all, his social anxiety hit him like a truck.

He nervously typed his code in and pressed print release. His pages started printing, and Jungkook looked down at his fingers, wanting the whole situation to be over. But it just got worse.
"Ahhhh, if it isn't for little kookie, in the finance department" an annoying voice was heard behind him.
"P-please Heechan l-leave me alone" Jungkook said annoyed.
"And why would I do that to my baby kookie" he said trying to force Jungkook into little space.
"Heechan s-stop" Jungkook said, nearly slipping.
"Come on kookie I know you want to slip for master" Heechan smirked.
"Stop Heechan leave me alone" Jungkook screamed loudly.

But everyone who was watching didn't do anything. They just sat there and watched.

"Come on Kookie, just slip for master"
Jungkook shook his head but he unwantingly slipped. His eyes glistened, and he kept his head down not wanting to meet Heechan's eyes. Jungkook picked up the paper which had finished printing and held onto it tightly, not knowing what to do as his mind was all cloudy.

Heechan grabbed Jungkook's chin and forced him to look straight into the eye. Jungkook's eyes widened at the physical contact, hating his hands on his face, bringing back bad memories for the little.
"Oh my god everyone Kookie here is crying like the baby he is" Heechan mocked the younger.
"Stwop t-touching koo" Jungkook cried out.
"Come on kookie, give your master a kiss" Heechan smirked tightening his grip around the younger's face, making him scream in pain, it was so tight that it would leave a bruise.

"D-don't hurt Koo" Jungkook cried in pain.
Heechan leant forward and forcefully attached his lips on Jungkook's, he bit down, making his lip bleed. Jungkook threw weak punches to his chest, trying to push him away.
Heechan moved his lips away and attacked Jungkook's neck, leaving bloody hickey's all over his neck.

Jungkook was finally able to push him off, he backed away, and stumbled on the floor.
Heechan grabbed a fistful of Jungkook's hair pulling him up, making Jungkook scream loudly. Jungkook shuffled back and ended up in the corner of the the room next to the printer.
"Look at the little baby, crying in the corner"

Heechan was about to hit the boy again but the elevator doors opened and heavy footsteps were made, heading straight towards them.
"Get the fuck away from him!" A growl was heard from behind them.

Heechan rolled his eyes and looked at the person shouting at them, his annoyed expression quickly turned into a scared expression.
"I..M-mr Kim what are you d-doing here?" Heechan stumbled, not knowing how to get out the situation.
"What the fuck were you doing?" Tae shouted, his deep voice filling the walls, making everyone terrified.
"I...uh.. y-you see Jungkook here, n-needed help and he..."
"Stop making up such pathetic lies" Tae spat causing Heechan to flinch.
"I don't want to hear another word leave your mouth" Tae demanded.
Tae turned to his security guard who was standing next to him and whispered something in his ear. He quickly nodded and held onto Heechan's arm with a tight grip and dragged him away.

Tae looked at the rest of the cowards in the room.
"Get back to fucking work, I can't believe you stood around and did nothing. You all are a disgrace to this company. This is your last warning, if you ever do something of the sort again, I won't hesitate to fire you" Tae growled at the large group, who were sat there looking like they just shat themselves.
"Now get back to work!" He screamed, making everyone scramble back to their work.

While this was happening, Jungkook was crying in the corner. His little self, was terrified of Heechan. After everything that had happened to him in the past, it's scarred his small mind and every touch he felt on his body from Heechan made him want to puke.

When Tae came in Jungkook's heart became a steady pace, knowing that Tae would save him. As Tae yelled, Jungkook covered his ears, not wanting to hear Heechan's lies.
"Ish okie koo, daddy ish hewe" Jungkook whispered, repeating the same sentence, gently rocking himself back and forth.

No too long after Jungkook felt a soft touch on his arm, which his body craved for. The sweet tingles ran up his body and he instantly opened his eyes, and saw Tae with a soft gaze. Tae gently took hold of Jungkook's arms and took them away from his ears. Tae saw the boys bruised face and neck, anger flared up inside.

However he didn't want to scare the little anymore so he lead the boys arms around his neck. Jungkook held onto him tightly and moved closer. Tae picked the boy up by his thighs and kissed his cheeks, making the younger sigh in relief. Before Tae left the department he turned around and looked at the rather shocked employees.
"If you ever treat anyone like you did today, I hope you go to hell. The boy could of been raped and you would of just sat there and watched. That's disgusting. You're vile for letting someone physically and sexually abuse a boy, who has suffered so much trauma he slips into a younger state of mind. You sat there and did fucking nothing, after all the screams and cries, all the times he repeatedly said stop you just did nothing. This world is a fucking disgrace" Tae harshly spat before walking off holding his boyfriend protectively.

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