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It was getting late, and it was only hours until Tae's birthday would end and the day of New Year's Eve would begin. Jungkook had been treating Tae to things all day, taking him to places... well more like Jungkook telling Tae where to go as he couldn't drive himself.

Tae and Jungkook were walking around the city of Seoul. It was fairly quiet, as it was quite late, but Jungkook had one more thing he wanted to do to end the day. It was something on his bucket list, which he had always wanted to do with his soulmate if he ever found them and today would be the day he would finally be able to check it off his list.

"Come, I want to do one last thing with you tonight" Jungkook quietly spoke, pulling the male down a familiar road.
They walked past the apartment complex Jungkook used to live in and headed straight down the long road. They finally came to a stop  and Jungkook dragged the man to a tall building.
"Baby, is this safe?" Tae asked worriedly, seeing that it was abandoned.
"Of course, trust me" Jungkook smiled.

They kept walking up the stairs, till finally they made it to the top. They took deep breathes after the long trek. Jungkook guided him to the edge of the building and sat down. Tae looked at him with wide eyes, but saw how calm Jungkook was about it, so he copied his actions and dangled his legs over the edge. Jungkook held onto Tae's arm and rested his head on his shoulder looking at the view.

It was stunning. They could see a long stretch of tall buildings, billboards, screens all brightly lit under the night sky. It took Tae's breath away.
"It's amazing" Tae sighed feeling somewhat free.
"I know, its been my dream to sit on top of a building at night, and look at the city with my soulmate. I came up here before I met you and hoped that one day I'd be able to share the same moment but with my soulmate. And finally, here I am, living my dream, with the best person I could imagine. I never once thought my dream would come true, but it has and I'm loving it" Jungkook admitted, never leaving his eyes from the scene in front of him.
Tae simply kissed the younger's head and rested his head on top of the younger's.

"Thank you for sharing this experience with me baby, I love it"
"Taetae, I know you never celebrated your birthday for a few years. What did you do instead of celebrating?" Jungkook asked curiosity washing over him.
"Well obviously the company was consuming my life and I just never felt the need to celebrate my birthday. My mum and dad would always phone me and ask if I was around but I said no. I was too busy to even care for one second that it was my birthday. So it became an every year thing and so I never really celebrated it" Tae sighed.
"Well celebrating your birthday is important. It's another milestone of your life and it should become a necessary thing. From now on I'll try and make each birthday special" Jungkook smiled brightly.
"Thank you baby, I'm looking forward to your birthday!" Tae chuckled.
"Yah thats months away" Jungkook pouted.

They sat there taking in the amazing scenery cuddled up keeping each other warm. They spent an hour or so talking about anything and everything. It was one of those moments were  you could just talk about anything freely without being judged. So the two shared stories from their past which they've never shared with someone before.

As the night dragged on, and the air became colder, Jungkook wanted to do make Tae so one last thing before they go.
"Make a wish hyungie" Jungkook urged the elder as they looked at the stars.
Tae tilted his head up, shutting his eyes and spoke to himself in his head. Once done, he kissed his hands and looked back up at the sky.
"Okay I'm cold now, so let's go home" Jungkook whined and shuffled backwards before they stood up and went back to the car. Tae blasted some calming music, which the both sang along to, harmonizing with one another.

Once they got home they ran indoors into the warmth and ran upstairs to put warmer clothes on. As they were getting dressed Jungkook fell to the floor.
"Dadddyyyy" The little called.
Tae ran to the younger, seeing him half naked.
"Daddy" Jungkook squealed excitedly.
"Hi baby" Tae chuckled, seeing how excited Jungkook was although he was half naked.
"Let's get you in your clothes hmm" Tae smiled.
He took off the shirt which big Jungkook had put on and changed the boy into his bunny onesie. He finished changing himself turned his attention back to Jungkook.
He made grabby hands in the air towards the caregiver.

"You look so cute and fluffy baby" Tae cooed picking the boy up by his thighs.
He carried the boy downstairs and into the kitchen. He placed the boy on the counter, while he got two mugs out. He poured milk in them and put them in a microwave warming the milk up.
Tae then poured the milk into a sippy cup so the little doesn't spill anything on himself. "Here we go baby" Tae said handing the cup over to the boy.
"Thank chu daddy" Jungkook thanked, giving the elder a big kiss on his cheek.
They drank the milk, instantly feeling warmth wash over their body. Once they were done, Tae carried the boy back upstairs and cleaned their teeth, before taking them to bed.
"I love you baby, thank you for today. Daddy loves my baby so much" Tae said, towering over the top of the younger, kissing his face all over.
Jungkook burst into fits giggles and rolled around from the ticklish feeling.

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