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Tae sighed, knowing this would probably happen, but he only focused on Jungkook.
"Don't look up baby" Tae whispered so only he could hear.
He didn't want the little to be scared by the amount of people looking at him, and the flashes from cameras would probably hurt his eyes. Jungkook nodded in Tae's neck and shut his eyes.

Reporters surround them, with only leaving a few steps space.
"Mr Kim who is that you're carrying?"
"Is it true you're in a relationship?"
"How's your company?"
"It it true that your ex left you for someone else and ran away with your money?"
"Is this another one of your gold diggers?"

Reporters were throwing random questions to Tae. Mrs Kim's eyes widened at some of the questions, shocked that a human could ask such questions.

Tae heard them all, every sickening question. He tried ignoring them, thinking of a way out but he heard the last one, and something switched inside of him.
"Will everyone be quiet!" Tae screamed over the top of a hundred voices.
Everyone went dead silent, only camera clicks were heard.
"Do you not feel guilty meddling with someone else's private life? Are you hearing yourselves, and the sickening words coming out your mouths? This world is corrupted. Why are so many people, judging books by their covers? I understand you want answers, as to why I'm carrying someone. But don't you dare call him a gold digger. There's more than just money in this world. I'll have you know, this boy right here is the purest, most kind hearted boy I know, he wouldn't hurt a fly. Yet here you are calling him a gold digger. Please, go home and have a reality check, because the life you're living is toxic" Tae finished taking a deep breath.

"Now to answer your question, he is my boyfriend, and I don't want you to interfere with our relationship, and our private life. When I want to announce something to the public I will, and I'll do it by my own accord. I don't want reporters stalking me to answer made up statements" Tae demanded, leaving all the reporters speechless.

"Now please excuse us" Tae commanded walking through the crowd, holding onto Jungkook tightly and keeping his head down. Mrs Kim was following close behind, and kept close to them till they got to their cars.
Tae put Jungkook on the floor and cupped his cheeks. Tears softly flowed down his cheek, from listening to Tae's speech. He came out of little space when he told everyone to be quiet. He was stunned, as no one had ever stood up for him like that.

"Why are you crying baby?" Tae asked softly.
"You're an amazing boyfriend. I love you so much" Jungkook admitted, hugging him closely.
Taehyung smiled and kissed Jungkook's head.
"I love you too, so much"
"Awh you two are so cute" Mrs Kim cooed.
"I'm so proud of you Taebear, you were amazing in there" she said holding her heart happily.
"Thanks mum" Tae chuckled.
They said their goodbyes and left the car park and went home.

Once they got home, Jungkook and Tae were hugging on their bed.
"Baby" Tae called out to the younger.
"Can I post something on my Instagram, announcing that you're my boyfriend?" Tae asked his consent before doing anything.
"If you think that's best, then of course, just make sure the picture is good"
"Of course, every photo of you is perfect" Tae kissed his head and began making the post. Once he was done, he pressed share, and within minutes his phone blew up.
"Can I see?" Jungkook asked.
"Of course" Tae said going onto Instagram showing his post.

Most of the comments were really supportive and others weren't so much, but of course Tae didn't tell the younger that

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Most of the comments were really supportive and others weren't so much, but of course Tae didn't tell the younger that. He didn't want the boy to feel even more self conscious, so he just simply didn't tell him. Tae was thankful that Jungkook didn't have Instagram, but he knew he'd want to get it soon.

"How about we order a take away? We haven't had one in ages?" Tae asked the younger.
"Omg yes please, can we have a Chinese?" Jungkook pleaded, giving him puppy eyes.
"Of course baby, anything you want" Tae smiled, stroking the younger's chin.
Tae went onto deliveroo and ordered what they wanted.
"Do you want anything else other than a Chinese?" Tae asked before ordering.
"Uhm can we have a bubble tea as well?" Jungkook questioned.
"Of course, which one do you want?"
"Vanilla sky please"
Tae placed the order and put his phone away.
"It'll be here in 20 minutes"
"How about we get dressed and put a film on?" Tae suggested.
"Good idea!" Jungkook clapped, jumping up from the bed running to the wardrobe and putting an oversized top on, exposing his neck and thighs.
Jungkook made his way to Tae who had also changed into some shorts and tshirt.
"You look so pretty baby" Tae smiled as he stood up, wrapping his arms around Jungkook's waist. Tae began nibbling on Jungkook's neck, causing small marks to show up.
"T-tae n-not now" Jungkook whined.
"Don't worry baby, I was just marking whats mine" Tae smirked.
"Aish you tiger" Jungkook sighed, before sprinting off downstairs, with Tae chasing him.

Not too long later the door bell rang. Tae was currently feeding Tannie, so Jungkook ran to the door and opened it.
"Hi here's your deliv.." the man choked, seeing Jungkook.
He turned bright red, seeing Jungkook's thick thighs, and his curved waist poking out.
"U-uh are you going to give me the f-food?" Jungkook asked confused as to why he just stood there staring.
"Oh uh yeah sorry, here's your delivery" he said shaking his head, giving the younger his food.
"Thank you" Jungkook smiled.
"I- can I have your number?" He asked.
"Uh are you blind? I have marks on my neck for a reason... I have a boyfriend and he will probably chop you thingy off, if he heard you say that. So I'd run if I were you" Jungkook suggested.
"Ah sorry" He said before running away.

Jungkook shut the door and turned around, bumping straight into a chest.
"I told you not to answer the door, and now look, that dude wanted your number" Tae huffed.
"I'm sorry hyungie, I won't do it again, I promise" Jungkook said holding out his pinky.
"Good, otherwise I will punish you" Tae said with sharp eyes, and holding his pinky, and sealing it with their thumbs.
"Okay let's go eat, I'm starving" Tae said dramatically, pulling the younger to the kitchen.

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