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Tae carried the boy inside after being briefed by the police officer as to what will happen next. He locked the door behind him and took their shoes off. He then went straight up to their bedroom and sat down on the bed. Jungkook didn't move away from Tae, not even an inch. He couldn't let go, in fear that Tae would disappear again. The little was wrapped around him tightly, still crying into the elders neck, feeling distressed.

"It's okay baby, you're safe" Tae whispered in the little's ear with his deep, soft voice.
He wanted to treat Jungkook's wounds, as they were fairly bad but he wanted to comfort the little first. He feared that the boy might be in so much pain, but just couldn't explain it. He whispered praises into the younger's ears, making Jungkook's cries die down and only sniffles were heard.
"There we go baby, take deep breathes for daddy" Tae kissed the boys forehead.

Jungkook moved his face slowly out of Tae's neck and looked at Taehyung. Tae's eyes teared up seeing Jungkook's injured face, but he held himself from crying fully. He caressed the boys face and kissed the boys lips softly.
"I love you baby" Tae whispered, looking at him sweetly.
He moved strands of hair out of the little's face and looked at him peacefully.
"Can you let daddy treat you're wounds?" Tae asked softly, not wanting to scare the younger.
Jungkook weakly nodded, exhaustion hitting him from everything that had happened.

Tae settled the boy down comfortably on the bed. Tae was about to go to the bathroom to get the medical kit but he felt something grab his hand. Jungkook looked at him with worry written all over his face, not wanting Tae to disappear out of his sight.
"I'll be right back" Tae kissed the boys head sweetly before running off and getting the stuff he needed and ran back.
"See, I'm back" Tae smiled seeing the younger male's grabby hands towards him.
Tae put the stuff on the bedside table and picked the younger up, hugging him closely. He bounced the younger up and down lightly knowing it calms him down. As Tae felt Jungkook's tight grip, he could tell how vulnerable the boy was, and he would do anything to show that he's safe now.

"It's okay princess, we can cuddle after, but daddy needs to treat your wounds" Tae put the boy back on the bed and laid him down.
Tae slowly took off the younger's shirt and tossed it to the side. He traced his fingers over the bruises on his stomach and trailed them down to the bit marks on his thighs.
"Oh baby" Tae sighed kissing the boys stomach, feeling anger deep inside.
He got the cream and wipes, cleaning the boys wounds. He wrapped bandages around the younger's wrists and kissed them lightly. He then treated Jungkook's face, and lightly rubbed the cream into his cheek.
"Good boy baby, daddy's so proud of you" Tae kissed the boys forehead lightly and then packed everything away in the box.
He got some clothes and helped change the boy before getting changed himself.

He laid down on the bed next to Jungkook and pulled Jungkook closer to him. Jungkook latched onto Taehyung, just as tightly as he did earlier.
Everything came back to Jungkook's mind and began crying again. He pictured himself in the room with Heechan, touching Jungkook all over. He held onto Tae tightly and he sobbed into his chest.
"Baby you're okay, I've got you, you're safe" Tae held him, pulling him onto his lap. He covered the boy with him arms and rocked him back and forth.
"D-daddy" Jungkook chocked out.
"It's okay baby, I've got you, he can't get you anymore I promise" Tae kissed the boys head repeatedly.
"K-koo s-scared" Jungkook sniffed.
"I know baby, I'm so sorry this happened. There's no way he'll get you this time, I won't let it happen"

They held onto each other for a while till Tae heard some light blabbing from the younger. Tae looked down at Jungkook and saw him sucking his thumb.
"Oh no baby don't suck on your thumb" Tae pulled his thumb out of his mouth.
"D-d-dada" Jungkook whined.
"Oh baby, you slipped further" Tae sighed, thinking this would be happen.
"Do you want some milk?" Tae asked the little.
Jungkook nodded snuggling into Tae's neck.
"Okay baby, let's go" Tae got off the bed holding the boy tightly.

He walked downstairs and went to the kitchen placing him on the counter. Tae poured some milk into a mug and warmed it up in the microwave. He then poured the milk into a sippy cup and gave it to his baby. Jungkook had his eyes tightly shut, like he didn't want to look at something. Tae caressed his cheek and kissed his nose.
"You're safe baby"
Jungkook opened his eyes and saw Tae's eyes straight in front of him. Jungkook smiled weakly and kissed his cheek.
Tae smiled at the little and gave him the sippy cup. He helped the boy hold the cup as Jungkook finished the drink.

Once he was done Tae took hold of Jungkook once again and took him back upstairs. Once they were back in a comfortable position Jungkook tugged on Tae's shirt. Tae smiled and took his shirt off and let the younger suck on his nipple. Jungkook shut his eyes and enjoyed the moment, holding onto Tae as tight as he could. Tae had his laptop out and played some videos to pass time.
"Baby, n-no biting" Tae scolded the little as he felt pain shoot through his chest.
Jungkook looked up at him with his big doe eyes. He kissed Tae's chest as an apology, and carried on suckling softly, loving the comfort it gave him.

Snores were emitted from Jungkook's mouth not long later and Tae ran his fingers through his hair.
"I love you baby so much"

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