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"Koo baby" Taehyung called out to the boy who was still sitting on the floor.
"Yesh daddy" Jungkook said looking over at his daddy.
"Do you want to stay with daddy tonight?"
"Rweally!" Jungkook gasped.
"Of course baby"
"Yesh! Yesh! Yesh!" Jungkook cheered excitedly.
"Common then baby, let's get you ready for bed" Tae said walking closer to the younger.
Jungkook sat there and made grabby hands in the air towards his caregiver. Tae smiled at the younger and bent down. Jungkook wrapped his arms around Tae's neck and legs around his waist. He dug his head into Tae's neck instantly. Tae took them upstairs and he went into his room. Tae internally thanked the younger for having small frame, much smaller compared to him, meaning he was able to carry him with such ease.
"Koo likes your room daddy" Jungkook giggled, as he turned his head around to look at his room, studying the basic decorations.
"Thank you baby" Tae smiled placing Jungkook carefully on the bed. "Can you stay here, while I get you some comfy clothes?"
Jungkook nodded furiously, "yesh daddy, koo be good boy for daddy" Jungkook sat up straight obediently and didn't move an inch. Tae chuckled at the boys obedience and left him to get some suitable clothes.

He picked out a big jumper and some clean underwear, hoping it would be okay for the little. He came back and saw the younger fiddling with his shirt, with a small pout prominent on his lips.
"Ahh you're such a good boy for daddy" Tae smiled ruffling the younger's hair. "Is this okay baby?" Tae said holding up the clothes with a grin on his face. Jungkook scanned the clothes and nodded softly "Thank chu daddy"
"No problem baby, you're a very polite boy, daddy is very proud" Jungkook blushed, loving all the compliments he was getting from his new boyfriend.

"Can daddy help koo?" Jungkook pouted as he tried to take his shirt off, but he was unable to do so.
"Of course baby"
He helped Jungkook take off his shirt first. Tae noticed that the younger was fairly thin, he mentally made a note that he needs to feed Jungkook more, and make sure he's eating enough. Tae carried on and put the boy in the jumper. Jungkook giggled as he flopped his arms around, as the jumper sleeves were much longer than Jungkook's arms.
"Can koo change his pants while I get dressed?"
Jungkook pouted a little but nodded anyway, as he didn't want to be bad for his new caregiver. Tae walked into the bathroom and got changed into joggers and a black top. Once he was done Jungkook was fully clothed, draped in his hoodie.
"Shall we brush your teeth?"
Jungkook nodded and lazily walked behind Tae , slightly grabbing the bottom of his top. Once they were in the bathroom, Tae picked the younger up and put him on the counter. Jungkook swung his legs back and forth as he waited for Tae to give him a toothbrush.
"Do you want me to clean your teeth?"
Jungkook was going to say yes but he became shy. Tae noticed and stood between the younger's legs.
"Here open wide"
Jungkook did as he was told and opened his mouth wide. Tae began carefully brushing his teeth, making sure he didn't hurt the younger.
"Smile baby"
Jungkook smiled widely which allowed Tae to brush his teeth better.
"Okay bub spit in the sink"
Jungkook spat the toothpaste out and wiped his mouth with a tissue. He waited patiently for Tae to finish brushing his teeth and then they headed to bed.

They got under the duvet and snuggled close to one another. Jungkook had his arms around Tae's waist and his head laying on the elders chest. While Tae had his arms fully wrapped around Jungkook, holding him close.
"Daddy" Jungkook whispered.
"Yes baby"
"Thank chu for looking after koo"
"Awh baby I'll always be here for you, tomorrow we will set rules okay"
"Yesh daddy" Jungkook yawned.
"Sleep well baby" Tae kissed the top Jungkook's head and they fell asleep holding each other close.

Although they've only been a couple for a few hours, they were happy and content with one another. They felt safe in each other's arms. It was like they had finally found the missing piece to their life. Many people might think they're moving too fast, but they can go at their own pace and maybe this was their pace.

It was early morning the next day. Taehyung had just woken up and was now studying the younger's features. The boy was laying on top of him, snuggled deep into Tae's chest. Tae used a finger to brush some hairs out of the younger's face, which accidentally woke him up. He moved his head a bit and slowly opened his eyes. He looked at Tae who was starring at him and blushed.
"M-morning Tae"
"Morning baby, how are you feeling?"
"Good, how are you?"
"I'm good too. You know I was thinking last night. As I'm your caregiver wouldn't it make more sense for us to live together so I can be you full time caregiver? I know it's a huge step, but it seems like we are moving quickly anyway so, what do you think?"
"I'd like that, anywhere would be better than where I live" Jungkook sighed.
"It's okay, well you don't have to live there much longer. How about we get your stuff on the way home from work?"
"Really?" Jungkook asked.
"Of course" Taehyung smiled. "Now we need to get up and go to work"
"Hmm" Jungkook just agreed. "Can I borrow some clothes please?"
"Of course, choose what you want. I'll go and make breakfast for us" Tae kissed the younger's head before they both got up and out of bed. Jungkook walked into Tae's closet and looked around. Not long later he chose an outfit.

Once he was satisfied he ran downstairs and looked around for Tae. He saw the male at the table in a black suit, making him gulp ever so slightly.
"How did you get changed so fast?"
"I have my ways, only kidding I got changed downstairs"
"Here, come have breakfast and then we can leave" Tae said guiding him by the hand to a seat.
"This looks delicious" Jungkook said looking at the pancakes on the plate.
They ate their food and left the house to go to work. Once they had arrived at the building they went inside and went different ways as Tae had a meeting somewhere, while Jungkook had to look around the building some more.
"I'll see you later bub, if you need anything just come and get me"
"Thank you" Jungkook kissed his cheek quickly and went into his office, starting on his assigned project.

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