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Tae ran around the house and checked all the rooms again. His heart pounded against his chest, not knowing where his baby was. Tae scanned the room to see if the boy had left a note or anything. He saw something on the floor and quickly grabbed it. Tae opened his clenched hand and saw the younger's necklace which the boy had bought for himself, which matched Tae's bracelet.
Tae sucked in the toxic air and felt a tear leave his eye.
"Jungkook always wears the necklace, I haven't seen him take it off once. Wait... the security cameras" Tae gasped, making the other two turn their heads, and they ran upstairs to the security room.
They skipped backwards until finally something flagged up. Tae turned the volume up as a unknown car pulled up on the drive. Someone got out the car and walked up to the door. The face was quite fuzzy, so they carried on watching.

As time passed they heard Jungkook screaming and crying, making Tae's heart skip beats. Till finally they saw Jungkook get dragged away. The figure turned around and looked at the door. Tae zoomed in and got a clear shot of the persons face.
"Fucking prick, how the fuck did he get out of prison?" Tae slammed him hands on the table.
Jimin was already on the phone to the police, while Yoongi tried calming Tae down.
"We'll get that dick I promise and we'll get koo into your arms again in no time" Yoongi ruffled his hair.

The police were already at Tae's house and they were tracking Jungkook down.
"Okay we've found Jungkook!" The officer said, he held his walkie talkie and spoke to his colleagues.
"I need you to go to to this address, with back up! We've got a man called Kim Heechan holding Jeon Jungkook hostage, they are ex boyfriends and Heechan has abused Jungkook in the past, and has also been put into jail after assaulting him a few months ago, but he was bailed out by his dad" the officer explained.
"Okay, we're on our way, we are 13 minutes away from the destination" they replied.
"Right let's go" the police officer instructed to the other three.
They all ran to the police car and they drove off with sirens and lights on. Tae fiddled with the bracelet sitting effortlessly on his wrist. His heart clenched again and brought the chain up to his lips, kissing it slightly.
"I'm coming baby" Tae whispered under his breath.


"Stop fucking whining" Heechan spat.
They were currently at Heechan's house, in his basement. Jungkook had a zip tie tightly secured around him hands, cutting his skin every time he moved, making his wrists bleed. He also had rope around his ankles.
The basement was pretty much empty. It was cold and damp, which had no furniture nor carpet. The floor was stone cold which made his body freezing cold.
Heechan bent down and ripped off Jungkook's trousers. He rubbed his hand with a smirk and slapped the boys thigh making a hand print mark on Jungkook's pale thigh. Jungkook screamed out in pain, feeling sick to his stomach.
"P-pwease stop" Jungkook begged emotionally.
"No brat, you ran away from me and this is your punishment" Heechan smirked.
He leant down and bit on the littles skin, causing bloody bites all over his thighs.
Jungkook squirmed trying to move away but is unable to. Once Heechan was done, he pushed Jungkook harshly onto the floor, smacking his face on the cold floor.
Tears spilled out his eyes and he cried in pain.
"Koo wants daddy" Jungkook sobbed under his breath.
Heechan rolled his eyes and shoved a cloth in his mouth and kicked the boy for a while before attending something on his laptop, only a few steps away.


"We're here, we've got him surrounded" the police officer heard from his walkie talkie.
"Great, wait for my lead, we are pulling up now" He responded quickly, as he parked the car.
"Stay here till I say so" he demanded as he filled his gun getting out the car, stealthily running to the front door.
He made a hand signal and quickly kicked the door down. They all ran inside and crept around the house, checking all the rooms. Till one of them came across a trap door. They opened it up and heard screaming. The officers ran down the steps and saw Jungkook cold, pale and covered in blood.
They saw Heechan bolt from where he was and ran out an escape door.
Some officers chased him while the some others were about to make their way to Jungkook. But Tae, who was supposed to be in the car, ran passed them and got to the boy first.
"Koo baby" Tae's voice cracked, as he fell to the floor next to him.
He quickly took the cloth out of his mouth, which made Jungkook breath fully again. He took a wheeze and opened his eyes to see Tae.
"D-daddy" Jungkook chocked, not believing his eyes.
"Daddy's here baby, you're safe" Tae said as he untied the rope and helped the younger sit up. Tae helped bring Jungkook's arms above his head and slammed them down, breaking the zip tie.
Tae sighed thankfully, and brought the boy into his embrace. Jungkook had his arms and legs wrapped around Tae tightly, crying into Tae's shoulder. Tae held him just as tight, rubbing his lower back.

The police officers finally caught Heechan and arrested him pushing him into one of the cars.
"Heechan is caught" the walkie talkie beeped.
The police officers made their way to the couple who was sitting on the cold floor.
"Heechan has been caught, he will be put in prison and he won't be able to he bailed out, I'm sorry this happened. Anyway, Jungkook do you need to go to hospital or go straight home?" He asked sadly.
"Can you take us home?" Tae asked, knowing the younger won't want to go to the hospital.
"Of course, let's go" the officer waited till Tae stood up holding Jungkook close and they walked to the car, where Jimin and Yoongi were nervously waiting.
"Omg Koo!" Yoongi gasped, seeing Jungkook's state.

They got in the car, Jungkook still on his lap, as there was no way he was letting go. The seatbelt was safely over them and the police officer had given them a blanket to cover Jungkook's legs.
They safely got home and both Jimin and Yoongi left the other two alone knowing they were safe.

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