Happy Holidays! (Christmas One-Shot)

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(A/N: Hello everyone! Merry Christmas and/or Happy Holidays!

I hope everyone is safe and doing well out there!

I thought it would be fun to write a short 'Julian Casablancas x reader' Christmas one-shot!

Hope you guys enjoy it and have fun this Christmas!)

(y/n) = your name

It is 3:00 PM. You wake up in Julian's bed after a short nap with him; he is cutely sleeping next to you, cuddling your body.

You slowly move his arm away from your body and rub your eyes as you get off the bed and walk towards the window to open up the curtains.

You immediately become excited as you look through the windows and see snowfall. It wasn't snowing at all this morning, so this is a sweet Christmas surprise.

You jump back on the bed, waking Julian up from his peaceful nap. He rubs his eyes and moans a little as he props himself up on one elbow.

"Jules, look! It's snowing!" you jump up and down on the bed, pointing to the window. You make him laugh as he tries to signal you to stop jumping. You come down and kneel on the bed, ruffling his hair.

"Let's go outside! I wanna play in the snow," you plead to him.

"Alright, let's go to the balcony," he agrees before kissing your cheek. You both put on your boots, heavy coats, hats, and gloves.

It looks absolutely beautiful how the snow is covering a lot of things on the balcony, like a thick, powdery white sheet. Both of you walk around the balcony, enjoying the snow and the view of the city from the top.

You run to the center and grab a small bit of snow and make a snowball. Julian doesn't pay attention until he gets hit on the back with your snowball, making you smile.

"Hey! What the hell was that for?" he laughs.

"Snowball fight!" you scream excitedly.

"No, I don't think so," he chuckles.

You know that you can pull him in, so you make a bigger snowball and throw it at him again.

"Okay, (y/n), that's enough!" he tries to warn you in a friendly way.

But you don't stop; you continue to slightly tease him, throwing snowballs, hitting all around his body. At one point, you smack his face, making you burst out loud in laughter.

"What the fuck?!" he exclaims, wiping the cold snow from his face.

He smirks a little before saying, "Alright, that's it!" He quickly gathers some snow and starts to chase you around the balcony. You start to playfully fight with him, making snowballs as quick as possible to hit him back.

Both of you laugh as you have fun running around and attacking each other with the snow. You are quick to dodge his snowballs, but he doesn't give up yet. He makes another giant snowball and starts to target you.

You squeal as he catches up to you, pushes you onto the snow, and falls down with you. He turns so that he is on top of you. You both laugh before you lock your eyes with his; his beautiful doe eyes captivate you.

He catches you off guard by quickly planting a small kiss on your lips.

"You're so cute, (y/n)," he smiles as he sees you cover your mouth as you giggle.

"Alright, do you wanna go back inside now? It's getting pretty cold," he says, getting off of you.

"Not yet," you tease. You stay on the ground, deciding to make a snow angel. He likes how adorable and playful you are being.

After finishing, you slowly get up, trying not to ruin your snow angel.

He gives a chef's kiss with his hand as he looks at you and says, "It's a masterpiece."

"Thank you," you say while taking an elegant bow.

He puts his arm around your shoulder; you both walk back inside and take your coats, hats, gloves, and boots off. The heat from his apartment warms you up a little bit, but it still isn't warm enough.

Julian starts up his electric fireplace in the living room and makes two cups of hot chocolate; you slip on some fuzzy socks. You sit on the soft rug in the living room and sit close to the fireplace to heat yourself up.

He soon hands you a freshly made cup of hot chocolate with a swirl of whipped cream. He sits right next to you and puts his arm around your back.

"Thanks, Jules."

You have a nice time talking and drinking your hot chocolate with him. You rest your head on his shoulder after the two of you finish your hot chocolate.

"Want to go ice skating in the nighttime? There's a great rink close by. It has a giant, elegantly decorated Christmas tree in the middle."

"Sure. Sounds like fun."

His eyes trail down to your neck. On your neck hangs a beautiful necklace that he bought as a Christmas present for you. He lifts the pendant up a little with his fingers and moves it around. 

"It looks so beautiful on you, (y/n)," he smiles.

"Thanks again."

"I know how much you wanted it. You've been talking about it for a few months now, so I wanted to make it your Christmas gift."

You smile at him.

"And I thank you again for buying me that acoustic guitar and the leather jacket. I dig both of them. The design on the back of the jacket's really cool, like an angry shark face or something."

"You're most welcome," you say before he ruffles your hair. He takes away your cup and places it behind him, along with his cup.

"There's still snow in your hair," he chuckles a little bit as he runs his fingers through your hair, wiping the snow away.

"Yours too," you say as you start to do the same.

You both gaze into each other's eyes and you get lost in his beautiful face. You slowly move closer towards him. You both close your eyes as he gives you a slow, romantic kiss while caressing your cheek. Your heart starts to warm up as well as your body.

He pulls away, still keeping his head close to yours; your foreheads are still touching.

"Mistletoe," he whispers as he gestures his head upwards. You look up at the ceiling and smile, not noticing the mistletoe beforehand.

"I placed it up there last night, while you were sleeping," he smiles.

You smile and wrap your arms around his neck.

"Merry Christmas, Jules."

"Merry Christmas, baby," he smiles back.

He kisses you sweetly as you both start to fall back on the rug. The two of you slowly peel off layers of clothing, embracing each other.

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