Chapter 28: Please Don't Be Long, 'Cause I Want Your Love

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(A/N: Hey guys! Wow, I've been gone for quite a while, but not gonna lie, I've been so flooded with different activities and homework that I haven't had time recently to come back to this. It feels nice to finally have some more free time and write the last few chapters of this book!

Two things...

First off, I want to thank everybody for checking out my story. Somewhere between publishing the last chapter and this chapter, we reached 1K reads! I know it might not seem like much in the long run, but it's still a pretty big achievement for me. So I sincerely want to thank everyone for checking this out! ❤️🥰😭

Shoutout to two special readers for constantly supporting this story and being such awesome and fun people! (You know who you are☺️)

Please continue to vote, comment, and share my story with anyone you think would like it.

Second, I will give a little warning beforehand that this chapter will get pretty steamy in a certain part, which will be kind of sectioned off (in a way). It will end when it switches to Sophie's perspective. Not exactly smut, but please skip that part if you are uncomfortable.

Love you all and have fun reading! - RubytheSapphire)

Julian's POV:

Sophie and I walk to "Stumptown Coffee Roasters" (the special coffee shop where we first encountered each other). I open the door and gesture for her to walk inside first.

"Thanks," she smiles as she walks in. We both walk hand in hand as we order two Iced Caramel Lattes and sit on a velvet, light-blue colored loveseat while we wait for our orders.

We sit close to each other; I start to slightly swing my legs back and forth as she rests on my shoulder. We look out the window and notice the different people, some couples walking romantically on the streets, while other people by themselves just getting where they need to be.

I look down at Sophie, who has a pleasant, small smile for a few seconds, but for some reason, that smile begins to fade. I notice how her face changes to an (almost) gloomy expression.

"Are you okay, Soph?" I ask her caringly.

She looks up at me. "Yeah. I mean, I'm obviously happy right now because the two of us are together, but... it's heartbreaking at the same time. This is one of the last moments that we will share together."

"I know what you mean, my angel," I say, stroking her hair.

"But I want you to know that no matter what my parents say or do, it doesn't change the way I feel about you."

She takes her head off of my shoulder and readjusts her position so that she is facing me. I tilt a little bit towards her.

"Julian, I'm so grateful to have even bumped into you in the first place, in this very shop. I'm grateful for all of this time that I've spent with you. You've taught and shown me a lot of things over the small amount of time I've been here, and I can't even tell you how lucky I feel," she expresses while running her fingers through the hair at the front of my head.

"I mean, it just seems so surreal, even now," she continues, looking in another direction. "The fact that I got to stay at your apartment, meet my favorite band, and most importantly, be super close to you. Those are things you gave me and I will never forget those things in my life."

My heart warms up at how lovely and eloquently she speaks her mind. I smile as I take both of her hands and squeeze them gently, grabbing her attention again.

Left and Right in the Dark - A Julian Casablancas fanficWhere stories live. Discover now