Final Q&A - My Answers!

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(A/N: I just want to apologize because two of the questions are so horribly worded, so the idea I was thinking didn't really come out properly when I asked the question, but you guys still somewhat answered it lol. I have rephrased those questions here [you'll probably be able to catch them.])

Answers to your questions:

Q1: What were some of your most difficult chapters to write?

A1: I would say Chapters 9 and 20. In Chapter 9, I wasn't sure how the ideas would turn out; I wasn't sure if I was conveying my ideas correctly and whether or not they were good lol. Chapter 20 was also physically tough to write, just because it is the longest chapter in this book, and I wanted to make it extra special, so I typed A LOT. I probably went through seven different drafts for that chapter because I really wanted it to be kind of dramatic and have a big impact on the storyline.

Other than those two, I did have quite a dilemma with Chapters 24 and 25, going back and forth between deciding whether or not Julian should be arrested, and I was confused on how I was going to carry the story afterward. But, in the end, I don't think it was all too bad.

Q2: Did you base Sophie on someone you know?

A2: I actually did not. All of the things I make up about her life and personality come from the crazy and interesting ideas in my head. I sometimes have no idea what's going on in there, but I commend it for giving me the ideas it gave lmao!

Q3: If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

A3: I wish everybody in this world had at least the

basic resources and necessities to survive in life.

Q4: What album would you add your favorite demo of theirs to?

A4: I think I'm interpreting this question correctly... My favorite demo of theirs

is "I'll Try Anything Once," so I think it would be logical for it to fall under

the "First Impressions" album.

Book-related questions:

Q1: Favorite chapter(s)?

A1: I think my most favorite chapter is Chapter 18 - their date (if I had to pick one),

but I have sooo many favorite chapters. If I were to list all of my favorites, it would

literally cover one-third of the book lmao, so I guess I'll list my top 5 favorites. I'm

gonna give each of them some cute captions to recap each chapter in a nutshell.

Chapter 18 (I hope my Mom and Dad don't ruin the best night of my life!)


Chapter 23 (I need a beer, a make-out session with you, and a

night where we sleep in the back of your car to relieve my stress)

Chapter 6 (Miracles and Magical Kisses)

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