Chapter 4: You Won't Say it Now, But in Your Heart it's Loud

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Sophie's POV:

We get ready to head on out. I put my hair up in a high ponytail and style it a bit as I walk out of the bathroom. I wear a short and simple plum frock with a thick brown belt around it and a black leather jacket.

"You look pretty."

I almost scream as I swiftly look up and jump back a little. 

"Oh my god, you scared me!" I gasp.

Julian is lying in bed, fiddling around with a keychain.

"How long have you been sitting there?"

"Long enough to hear you singing beautifully in my bathroom. Not to mention they were all my songs!"

I blush and quickly turn away to hide my face. I reply with a small 'thanks'.

"But you're lucky this time. What if I didn't bring my clothes into the bathroom and just came out here with nothing but a towel wrapped around my body?"

"Well, I would have been luckier," he smirks.

Jules, you dirty boy.

My mouth falls open, taken aback by what he just said. I give a light scoff and said "Too bad that will never happen."

"I figured you were that kind of person."

"What, like I'm a little more innocent? Yeah, I guess you can say that. I don't use a robe so I just bring my clothes with me and directly change into them."

God, why I am explaining this to him? I feel like a fool.

"This is so awkward," I mumble after a brief pause of silence.

"What is?"

"Explaining these kinds of things to a guy 6 years older than me, not to mention a singer I look up to."

"Wait, you're 16, right? That means I'm 8 years older than you."

"Shit, you're 24?!" I reply with a raised voice. I give myself a moment to process how big the age gap actually is between us. I mean, I'm only 2 years off from my original guess, but it's still pretty big, especially for my age.

"Why, is there something wrong?" Julian asks, inquisitively.

I can't have him find out that I am falling for him, that I am thinking about him, him and me, and visioning what it would be like if we were both in a relationship. I secretly dreamt about the two of us last night being in a pretty romantic relationship. But now the chances are even smaller knowing that he's 24.

"I thought you were 22," I ask, a little puzzled.

"The press gets a lot of things wrong. I'll turn 25 in 2 months."

"Oh, you were born in August? Same here. My birthday is on the 19th."

"23rd here."

"Yeah, I probably shouldn't trust that newspaper as much now," I laugh.

"I wonder how much information they screw up in the papers," he says before getting out of the bed and forcing out an exhale. 

"Ok, I'm gonna get ready and then we can leave," he thinks out loud as he grabs some clothes from his closet and slips past me into his bathroom. 

"Sounds good to me," I speak before turning around towards my suitcase and unzipping it to bring out my laptop, chargers, compact mirror, jewelry, and makeup bag.

I find an outlet to plug in my cell phone and laptop chargers and plug my laptop and cell phone straight in. I set the mirror and makeup bag on Julian's bed and start to apply some minimal makeup while softly humming 'Trying Your Luck'.

Left and Right in the Dark - A Julian Casablancas fanficWhere stories live. Discover now