Q&A 1 - My Answers!

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I was incredibly eager to see all of your answers! I have similar answers to you guys, but there are some slight differences here and there.

Answers to your questions:

Q1: Where do you live?

A1: USA! Texas, if you want me to be specific.

Q2: What would you do if you had a free day?

A2: I would probably spend a lot of time with my family, hang out with my friends, 

or noodle around with my guitar, trying to learn some songs.

Q3: What three artists would you love to see live?

A3: I've only been to one concert so far; I saw "The Smashing Pumpkins" 

during the summer of 2018. I would love to see The Strokes, Paramore, 

and probably All Time Low live in concert.

Q4: What would you do if you woke up to a message from The Strokes?

A4: First, I would scream out loud and probably faint lol. 

Then, when I wake up again, I would text back and tell them 

how much I love them and how much their music means to me.

Q5: How did you find out about The Strokes?

A5: Originally, thanks to Guitar Hero 3, lol. I bought the game probably 

10 years ago, and Reptilia was on there. I remember that being one 

of my favorite songs off of that game. When I turned 13, I would listen to 

The Strokes on and off; just a few songs at the time, probably Reptilia, 

Someday, and Juicebox. But it wasn't until quarantine when I really started 

to get into their music and started to explore the band more. I remember in May 

I watched a video from the "Reverb Potent Pairings" series on how to sound like 

"The Strokes", and that's how I discovered some more of their songs. I remember 

loving the overdriven sound in the guitar riffs, and that's when my 

obsession began with them.

Q6: What inspired you to write this story?

A6: I had a dream one night where I was stuck in New York in a 

gelato shop out of all places for some reason 🤷‍♀️🤔. I don't remember 

why I was stuck there or what happened before that; I just remember having 

nowhere to go, and then I bumped into Julian, (and he specifically looked like 

"2003 - Room On Fire" era Julian), and he offered to take me to his apartment. 

After he said that in my dream, I remember waking up at, like, 3:30 AM, feeling 

super excited and happy. I decided to convert it into a fanfiction, basing the first 

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