Chapter 9: It's Not Wrong, but It's Not Right

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(A/N: Warning! This chapter will contain mentions of self-harm towards the last third of the chapter. If you are uncomfortable, please skip that part.)

Julian's POV: The Next Morning

I wake up as the bright sunlight hits my eyes. I look over at Sophie, still cuddling my body, with her head on my chest. She looks adorable...

I slowly move her hair away from her face, trying not to wake her up. The light casts down on the side of her face, making her cheeks glow beautifully.

I smile as I question myself out loud, "How come I can never say 'no' to you?"

She gives a quiet moan as she moves around the bed, gradually waking up.

"Morning, beautiful angel."

"Morning, handsome devil," she teases back, her eyes still closed.

"Why the fuck am I a devil?" I laugh as she begins to open her eyes.

"Because one, the angel and devil are a package deal," she speaks with a hint of fry in her voice. She rubs her eyes and starts to move up on the bed before continuing to talk. "And two, even though I know this doesn't look right, I can't stay away from you. You hypnotize and lure me into your charm and love. Hence, you are the devil."

"So poetic," I say, jokingly, to which she gives me a small, playful slap on my cheek with her palm and laughs.

Then a thought occurs in my mind: how we are both aware of our relationship, and how it might not look right to the public. But we can't help ourselves. I have fallen in love with her and I know she feels the same way about me.

"Do you have anything in the kitchen?" she randomly asks.

"Yeah, I do. Why?"

"Well, I was thinking I could make us some breakfast today."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, why not?"

She hops out of the bed and goes into the bathroom.

"Alright, then. What are you thinking of making?"

"French Omelette."

"Oh, cool. I should have some eggs in my fridge. I'll get the things ready."

"Sweet," she says as I start to hear the tap running.

I go into the kitchen and pick out all sorts of ingredients, not really knowing what constitutes a 'French Omelette'. I bring out some bread, butter, and my toaster. I grab a porcelain bowl for her to mix the ingredients in, but there's literally no point because as soon as I set it down on the table and go to get more ingredients, I accidentally knock it down with my arm, and it shatters into dozens of pieces on the floor.

Goddamn it.

Seconds later, Sophie is running into the kitchen, with her toothbrush still in her mouth.

"What happened? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry. I'm a shitty human so I accidentally knocked over the bowl."

She sees the broken bowl on the floor and giggles cutely before saying, "Please be careful; don't cut yourself!"

"Yeah, I will be," I smile back before she returns to the bathroom.

I carefully discard the glass and clean up before getting out another bowl, being more careful about this one. I leave that aside for Sophie and start to brew a coffee with my Moka pot.

Left and Right in the Dark - A Julian Casablancas fanficWhere stories live. Discover now