Chapter 26: The Heart Beats in its Cage

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(A/N: First Chapter of 2021!

Happy [belated] New Year everyone!

and Happy 15th Anniversary to "First Impressions of Earth!"

Without jinxing it, I hope that this year is [in some way, shape, or form] better than 2020. We have learned a lot of lessons last year and have been through a rollercoaster of emotions. I hope you guys are staying safe! Let's make the best out of this year!

Love you all - RubytheSapphire)

Sophie's POV:

We get to the police station; the officers just tell us to wait outside and they will carefully get rid of all of the files, trying to mask any evidence about this case and doing it without any suspicion from anyone around them.

I give a huge sigh of relief as I turn to Julian. "That was a close one."

"Yeah, it really was. I'm sorry you had to go through all of that."

"Me? I'm sorry that you had to go through it! You're a huge celebrity... I'm just a random fan from Quebec," I look down and chuckle a little.

"You're not just a random fan. You're a good friend of our band, and more importantly, you're my beautiful girlfriend," he says, caressing my cheek.

I smile back at him.

"Are you sure you're okay, Jules?"

"I've never been through this before, so it's all kinda nerve-wracking."

"We got lucky this time. We can't have sex again, not until I turn 17."

"At least your birthday's a little less than 2 months away."

I give a small laugh and roll my eyes. But that sentence reminds me of my parents, and how they can cancel the trip whenever they want.

"Julian... what's gonna happen if my parents find out? This might be one of the last few times I see you."

He strokes my hair repeatedly. "Mmm, I know. Is there any way that we can get away with this without your parents finding out?"

I slump my shoulders and give a small sigh. "Sadly, I don't think so. They will get the truth out of me one way or the other. And I'm not the type of person that can easily lie to my parents, you know? Even when I do lie to them, I always end up telling them the truth sooner or later."

I give him a small "sympathy rub" on his shoulder as I see his face look rather disappointed.

The police officers step out again and make their way towards us.

"Okay. You guys are clear. We shredded all of the evidence. If anyone asks us, we'll say that Sophie is 17."

"Thank you, officers."

"But, just for our sakes and so that it doesn't cause any suspicion, would you mind coming inside the station, Sophie? We need you to take a 'rape kit exam' to prove that the sex wasn't forced. Just for show."

I understand what they mean and enter the police station. I take the test, and it comes back negative. Good thing I took it; after I finish, another random police officer walks up to Officer Davenport and asks about the case.

I hear him explain, "The case is clear. She failed the test; there was no abuse or coercion involved. And, she is 17, so it's legal. We can dismiss it."

He doesn't ask any further questions and just moves along. Officer Davenport looks at me and gives me a small nod and smile.

I go back outside and walk towards Julian.

Left and Right in the Dark - A Julian Casablancas fanficWhere stories live. Discover now