Chapter 7: I've Waited For The Time

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(A/N: The rest of The Strokes are finally in this book! There will be some "In Transit" references in this chapter 😁.

I understand that a lot of these references happen at different times and in different contexts in the movie, so just imagine that they are all happening at the same place and time here.

This is probably my most favorite chapter I have written so far.)

Sophie's POV: (After the kiss)

Tonight was incredibly magical; one of those nights that I will never forget. Not to mention that it happened only on my second night here in New York. Who would've thought?

I could see that Julian became extremely happy after that moment; all of the awkwardness and nervousness that was there in the morning was gone. And after we went inside his apartment, he cutely tucked me into his bed and kissed me again as he left to sleep on his couch.


I wake up to the smell of mild vanilla mixed in with a strong (almost bitter) and nutty scent. Julian must be making coffee...

I notice a small wall clock in Julian's bedroom that I somehow didn't see before:

"7:45 AM".

I rub my eyes and slowly get up to stretch. I hop off of his bed to quickly brush my teeth and comb my messed-up hair.

After about ten minutes, I enter the kitchen to see Julian with a 'Moka pot' and two porcelain mugs.

"Good morning, beautiful. Sleep well last night?" he asks with a bright expression.

"Very. You?"

"Incredibly. I've just been so happy ever since last night."

"Same here," I say as I proceed to walk over to him and wrap my arms around him. He gives me a small peck on the forehead.

"You did it, you know."

"What?" he asks, curiously.

"You made one of my wildest dreams come true last night," I smile back. "And I thank you from the bottom of my heart, as cliché as that sounds."

"Don't mention it. I thank you, for showing me true happiness," he winks at me as he pours me a cup.

I add some milk from his fridge and sit down on one of his wooden bar stools. I bring the cup to my lip as he asks, "So, are you ready for today?"

"Oh, of course, I am!" I reply with a delightful tone.

The day has finally come. I get to meet the rest of The Strokes. Another one of my wildest dreams is about to come true.


I choose to wear a beautiful rose lace tunic that my mom gifted to me when I turned 16. It used to be her special dress, and then she decided to pass it on. I wear some short, light blue jeans that are hidden under the tunic, along with some brown leather wrap shoes that I bought at Macy's on my first night of being here when Julian showed me around Times Square.

 I wear some short, light blue jeans that are hidden under the tunic, along with some brown leather wrap shoes that I bought at Macy's on my first night of being here when Julian showed me around Times Square

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