Chapter 21: You're Sad but You Smile

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(A/N: Please bear with me; there will be a lot of crying involved between characters for the next few chapters.😭😆)

Sophie's POV: Back in the hotel room

"Alright, first things first: give me your phone. I'm breaking off your contact with Julian. As I said before, you won't be getting this back for the rest of the summer. And for the remainder of this trip, we won't let you go anywhere out on your own," Dad commands.

Knowing that I don't have a choice, I roll my eyes and sigh as I hand over my phone. Dad makes me turn in the other direction as he puts the phone in the mini safe so that I can't see the passcode. I sit down on the bed.

"This is your last year of school, Sophie. You have important exams that are going to set you up for the rest of your life!" Mom explains.

"But I'll work hard and keep my grades up, isn't that all you two need? And it's literally summer right now! School doesn't start for another three months!"

"But it's much more than getting good grades! You have college after this. You need to keep your mind fresh and ready. Now is not the time to be having distractions in your life."

"Julian isn't a distraction, Mom. I'm in love with him. He cares about me and I care about him. He isn't using me."

"I'm sorry, Sophie. But you are underage. What you did yesterday is unacceptable. I can't let you see him anymore."

"You know what, I'm setting a rule. New York is no longer an option for college," Dad says firmly.

"You both are pushing the limits!" I scream.

"Anything to keep you away from that boy."

"That boy has a name! And you can't stop us from seeing each other."

"Oh, can't we?"

"By doing this it's like you are both stopping me from seeing him for the rest of my life! You two need to back off at some point, " I say, venting out the anger and sadness from inside me.

"Keep giving us attitude, and this vacation will end entirely," Dad looks straight into my eyes and warns me with a glare.

I stay silent, as I would rather spend 2 months in the same city as Julian rather than not being able to see his face at all. At least this gives me a somewhat bigger chance of communicating with him.

My heart is shattered. I bury my face in the pillow and sob. All I can think about is my darling, my handsome devil, and how he isn't with me right now. He isn't here to comfort me and give me hope. He isn't here to cocoon around my shoulders and hold me lovingly. He isn't here to kiss me sweetly and wrap me up in his blanket of love and happiness.

When I met him, something opened up in me. A feeling that I've never felt before. I've never felt this sad about being away from someone. It's weird; he's so close to me in distance, yet I already feel like I'm a million miles away from him.

But I know how he constantly reminds me to stay positive and think about the happiest things I can. I replay all of those happy memories we had in my mind and lightly smile to myself:

The coffee shop, going to his apartment for the first time, meeting the band that I love, claiming our "special spot", having our first date, and experiencing my first time.

"Jules..." I sigh as I cry myself to sleep.

Julian's POV:

After we experienced the confrontation with Sophie's family (my visit to hell), we try to clear our minds with some rehearsing.

Left and Right in the Dark - A Julian Casablancas fanficWhere stories live. Discover now