Chapter 5: Everything's Just Great

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Sophie's POV:

We go to "Waverly Diner" for some breakfast. It's about a 10-minute walk from his apartment.

The diner is relatively packed. I notice the amount of mahogany and burnt terra-cotta color that dominates the room through its furniture and staircases.

We sit at a booth and a waiter soon comes to take our orders

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We sit at a booth and a waiter soon comes to take our orders.

"Good morning, welcome to Waverly Diner. My name is Frank and I will be your server today. Is there anything I can get you started with?" he speaks with a cheery tone.

Not knowing what to pick, I ask, "What would you recommend, eh?"

"My favorite is the Belgian Waffles with fresh strawberries."

Julian chimes in when he sees the corners of my lips slightly raise as the waiter speaks. "We'll take two, please."

"Anything to drink?"

"Apple juice?" I question as the waiter nods.

"Coca-Cola, with ice." Julian says coolly.

The waiter writes the order on a small notepad and takes our menus away.

As he leaves, Julian grasps my attention by asking, "So, you never really gave me any info about your family. What are they like?"

I chuckle a little before I reply, "Well, I have an older brother named Alex. He is going to be a freshman in college this year."

"What college?"

"Columbia University, majoring in Psychology."

"Oh, that's here in Manhattan! Cool," he replies, impressed.

"He and a school friend of his are both involved in the pre-college program for their respective majors, so they are planning to leave in 2 weeks to set up their dorm rooms."

"Yeah, I think the campus is like 30 minutes away from here by drive."

"Oh, and his interests and hobbies are really cool. Some of our interests overlap actually; both of us are extreme fans of your music."

"I can tell you are a big fan considering how often I catch you humming our songs, so I can imagine he's just as big of a fan as you are," he chuckles, making me smile even more.

At that moment, Frank comes back with our drinks.

"He's been mentioning to me how he wants to start a band; he just needs to find the right people with similar musical interests," I continue.

"Why don't you join?" Julian asks while stirring the straw around inside the glass, causing the ice to tumble around in the coke.

"Maybe when I'm finished with my studies," I think out loud, casually sipping some juice after that.

Left and Right in the Dark - A Julian Casablancas fanficWhere stories live. Discover now