Chapter 30 - Part 2: The End Has No End

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Flash Forward - August 23rd, 2003 - Julian's 25th Birthday

Julian's POV:

I wake up to a text from Sophie, and a smile immediately blooms on my face.

'Hey, Jules! Happy birthday!

How are you? Hope everything is going well there.

Thank you so much for that wonderful birthday package btw! I loved all of it.

If you check your mailbox, you should find something special :)

Have fun, and happy birthday again! - Sophie <3'

I immediately become curious to see what she sent to me. I rush down to my mailbox on the ground floor, quickly opening the mailbox door and noticing a small package inside (a little smaller than the one I sent to her.) I am eager to see what's inside. I soon get back to my apartment and grab a pair of scissors to open the box.

I take out all of the items; there is an envelope/letter at the very top, and there are four other items underneath it.

I lay out all of the items next to each other and take note of them:

A mix CD (with five songs on them) labeled: Five Covers - Sophie and a Guitar

A long, black and gold military-style jacket, with a patch sewn onto it on the right side that reads "Let's Dance". It is neatly folded so that it fits into the box. It looks really cool.

A small bouquet of mini fake roses, similar to the ones I gave her.

Finally, there is a small bottle of men's cologne; I open the bottle and take a whiff. It has a very interesting scent, almost a warm, somewhat spicy scent. There are some undertones of leather in the scent, which I really dig.

I am overjoyed by all the stuff she sent to me, let alone thinking about sending me a package for my birthday. I decide to text her back and send her a message of 'thanks'.

'Hey, Sophie! Thank you so much for the gift.

It was fuckin' amazing! Really, it means a lot.

I love all of the gifts, especially the jacket.

It looks so sick; I'll definitely wear it soon :)

I also can't wait to hear your CD. I'm sure it's gonna be great.

Have fun - Jules <3'

I switch off my phone after sending the text and turn my attention over to the letter she sent.

I open it up; her handwriting is really pretty, almost cursive in a way.

Dear Jules,

Happy Birthday, darling! Hopefully you have an absolutely perfect day.

I sent you a CD I made with some covers by me from different artists I enjoy.

I do hope you like them!

The jacket was something I found in a store here, and I thought you

would like it, so I bought it, made the "Let's Dance" patch by myself,

and sewed it onto the jacket.

What can I say about the roses? You have described them perfectly when

you sent your letter to me. You are such an amazing and cool person.

I hope you have fun :)

With love,

Sophie ❤️

I fold the letter back up; a wide smile is spread across my face.

Even though we're not together anymore, it still feels really nice to still have some kind of contact with her. And I'm very aware that this might be the last time we text; we will go on with our lives and be busy in our own ways. But, in the end, I'm happy that she is going on a clear path. There aren't any troubles now, as far as I'm aware. She seems really happy now, and that's all I want for her. I still care about her. My heart warms up as I think about her...

Our relationship might have ended, but my love for her will never end.

-----------------------------End of Book One-----------------------------

(A/N: Yeah, I know, it's a short ending. I wasn't exactly sure how to write this lol. But I had so much fun writing this story, and I hope you had fun reading it. Stay tuned for two more parts!)

Title Credit: The End Has No End - The Strokes (Album: Room On Fire)

Left and Right in the Dark - A Julian Casablancas fanficWhere stories live. Discover now