Chapter 2: I Feel So Different Now

588 20 18

(A/N: I am changing something just for the sake of this story - instead of 18 being the legal age to drink in Canada [which is true irl], I have changed it to 16.)

Sophie's POV:

We walk out of the coffee shop and onto "W 8th Street".

"So, how do you like your surroundings so far?" Julian asks me.

For some random reason, I feel like making a Strokes joke right in front of him, so I do. "Well, I've been in town for just about fifteen minutes now."

Julian, taken aback, replies with a lazy "Woooowww. Wasn't expecting that."

"Yeah, sorry for that cringey pun. But I never mentioned that I'm a huge fan of your guys' music. So it's extremely surreal to know that I'm hanging out with you right now."

"Yeah, same here. I've never really had this experience with a fan before. But I like you... you seem different. Most of our fans throw themselves and me and the guys. Girl and guy fans."

I laugh a little.

"But you seem chill and reserved."

His comments make me smile a lot.

Julian ends up taking me to a lot of different places. We go to places like the Chrysler Building, and he shows me a lot of Times Square. I marvel at the spectacular architecture and lighting of all of the skyscrapers and buildings. For dinner, he takes me to a grill close by and we have a nice, fancy steak with roasted butternut squash. By the time we finish, it's about 10:30 PM. We end up sitting at some random bus stop for a while to take a breather.

"God, that was a great but loooong walk," I say, almost out of breath.

"Glad you enjoyed it," he smiles back while fishing a pack of Marlboro out of his jacket pocket.

Oh, here we go...

Every time I see him do an interview or perform on stage with a cigarette between his fingers, I squeal. I have no idea why.

He offers me one, but I just pass his offer and say quietly with a slight smile, "I don't smoke."

"Oh, ok."

I watch as he puts the pack away and gets out his lighter. He keeps the cigarette firmly placed between his lips, cups his hand over the other end, and soon I see the orange glow emit from the tiny tobacco tube. I watch, almost in awe, as he puts his lighter away, lifts his head a little, leans back on the seat, and closes his eyes as he puffs out a cloud of smoke.

"I hope your parents are okay."

Wow, I wasn't expecting that from him.

"Yeah, I hope so too..." I look down with sadness. I have literally no way of contacting them, and I have no idea how they are doing.

Julian then moves towards me and places his hand on my chin. He slowly moves my head so that it faces his.

"Listen, Soph, I'm sure everything will be fine. You're really strong; you'll be able to get through this."

At this point, all that's running through my mind is Julian calling me by my nickname.

"Thanks, Julian. I need your support," I smile slightly.

There is a little pause before he replies, "Call me Jules."

I gaze into his eyes, his perfect brownish-hazel eyes. He then breaks the gaze as he looks down quickly and squeezes my hand for comfort. I place my hand over his and feel his wonderful skin. It stays there for a few moments before I pull my hand away.

Left and Right in the Dark - A Julian Casablancas fanficWhere stories live. Discover now