Chapter 15: I Wanna See You Wednesday

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Sophie's POV: Three days later, quick context

The last few days have been pretty weird. We just continued our trip like normal, as if nothing happened before. It seemed like my parents just brushed past the moment I told the truth about me and Jules dating. Probably because I never brought it into a conversation.

Alex started his pre-college program this week, and he was supposed to move into his dorm, but I guess he wanted to be with us just a little bit longer, so he just stayed with us. And it also worked out for his roommate, Miles. He's majoring in Visual Arts, and since his program starts a week after Alex's, he and Alex decided that they would move in at the same time.

The same day (Monday), morning: Alex's POV

I wake up to see my parents already dressed and ready. How did I not notice this? I look over at the alarm clock:

8:00 AM.

I guess Sophie and I had a deep sleep last night. I get off the bed, trying not to wake her up.

"Morning, Alex," Dad says softly.

"Morning," I say, rubbing the crust out of my eyes. "You two are already dressed."

"Yeah, we woke up early. You two slept well?"

"Apparently, since we couldn't even hear you both in the bathroom," I chuckle back. 

Mom and Dad look over to see Sophie still sleeping.

"Okay, you both get ready. We will have our breakfast at the buffet and bring some upstairs for you both.

"Okay, then. See you!" I say as they walk out of the room and I lock the door.

I brush my teeth, and about two minutes later, Sophie wakes up.

"Morning, loser," she jokes as she walks into the bathroom. 

I pull her into a side hug. "Morning, snoozer."

She combs her hair as I finish brushing my teeth.

"Where are Mom and Dad?"

"They went downstairs to get us some breakfast. They already finished getting ready, and they didn't want to wake you up."

"Ah. When did you wake up?"

"Shortly before they left."

We both turn towards the glass table as we hear Sophie's phone chime.

"Boyfriend?" I ask.

"I don't think it can be anyone else."

"You just can't seem to stay away from him, can you?" I joke.

"He's probably just saying 'good morning' to me," she laughs.

Sophie's POV:

I open my phone and see Julian's text.

'Morning, sweetheart :)'

A smile blooms on my face; Alex sits next to me on the bed.

'Morning, darling :) What are you up to?'

'Nothing much. Just woke up and felt like texting you.'

'Thanks. I just woke up too haha.'

Left and Right in the Dark - A Julian Casablancas fanficWhere stories live. Discover now