Chapter 27: Watched her as She Wiped her Eyes

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(A/N: Hey guys! It's been a minute! Hope you guys are all doing well. I think this break was very much needed for me and it helped me a lot since I have been pretty stressed out recently because of school 😔. But now I am feeling better and ready to keep on moving! This book is coming to a close soon, but I feel really excited about finishing up the book. Have fun and stay safe!)

Sophie's POV:

I text Julian to meet up with me at Gramercy Park. I reach the park by 10:15.

It's incredibly sad knowing that this is the last moment I will be spending with him in person, but all hope isn't lost now since my dad gave my phone back. I wait for Julian while sitting on the park bench. I feel the excitement through my body; I can't wait to break the news to him.

A few moments later, I notice Julian entering the park. I check my watch, calculating how much time I have left.

It's 10:20 right now. I have about 2 hours to spend with him.

"Jules!" I stand up and call out his name.

"Hey Sophie," he responds with a light smile as he speed-walks over to me and gives me a big hug. I hug him back; we both sit down at the bench.

"So, I need to tell you a couple of things."

"Oh, me too," he says. For some reason, he looks a little worried. It could be because he doesn't know about what my parents compromised with me about.

"You can go first," I offer.

"No no, it's fine. You go ahead."

I take his opportunity in order to avoid the back-and-forth. I give a deep breath before I start.

"So, I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that my parents are canceling our trip. We're leaving tonight. I have about two hours to spend with you, so we might as well make the most of it. But, my dad compromised, and he gave me back my phone. That means that we can still communicate with each other when I go back home. We can still be together. Our relationship isn't ruined," I say, giving a huge smile as I begin to feel more and more excited.

But I don't see any expression of excitement from him. He gives a light smile, quickly glancing at me and nodding his head before looking down.

The same thing happened this morning after we left the police station. I'm still a little suspicious about why he is acting this way, so I finally decide to ask him.

"What's the matter?"

He gives out a long exhale before softly speaking, "I'm so sorry, Sophie, but... I don't think I can do this anymore."

My smile immediately drops. I become stunned and concerned. "What?" I ask, wide-eyed.

"I don't think we can be together anymore."

My heart stops in shock. My face quickly morphs into an expression of worry.

"Jules, where is all of this coming from? Please tell me you're joking."

He gives a small sigh and shakes his head, "I'm sorry. I wish I was, but I'm not. It's not a joke."

"Are you actually breaking up with me?"

He stays silent; I see a small nod from him.

"Why, Julian?" My eyes start to get glassy as I feel a little bit of anger inside me. "Why are you doing this to us? To me?" I shake him a little bit, trying to get an answer out of him.

"I really don't mean to sound horrible, but I just can't see us continuing this relationship. Your parents don't like us being together, hence they canceled the trip. Since they found out about us, they have been doing anything they can to keep us from seeing or contacting each other."

Left and Right in the Dark - A Julian Casablancas fanficWhere stories live. Discover now