Chapter 24: I'm Gonna Take What Comes My Way

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(A/N: This is a lengthy chapter! Sorry if some parts seem confusing lmao🤣)

Julian's POV: Early morning

I groan as I accidentally bump my head on the window. I slowly wake up and rub my head to try to get rid of the pain. I look at my watch:

7:30 AM.

Goddamn it.

"Soph. Sophie!" I whisper while shaking her a little.

She moans a little as she looks at me. "What time is it?"


"Shit!" she gets up immediately, opening her eyes wide. "My parents might be up. I need to leave now."

"Mhm," I nod. "Do you have everything with you?"

She quickly checks her pockets to make sure she has everything she needs. "Yep."

"Okay, you better go then," I warn her.

"Will you be alright?"

"Yeah, I will. I'll leave back to my apartment in another- probably ten minutes. I want to somewhat fix myself before driving in public so I don't look super shabby," I chuckle a little. "But I'm more concerned about you. What if you get caught?"

"If my parents catch me, I'll think of something to say. I love you," she says before kissing me.

"I love you too," I smile before she swings her jacket over her arm and leaves the car.

Sophie's POV:

I run inside the lobby. Thank goodness there is a different hotel receptionist at the front desk; there's no chance of any suspicion.

I run to the bathroom in the lobby and quickly rinse my mouth and wash my face. I pat my face with some paper towels and comb through my hair with my fingers before sprinting out and putting my jacket on.

I soon make it to my room floor. I tiptoe quietly through the corridor before slipping my key card out and unlocking the door.

I grab ahold of the handle and start to slowly open the door, but I suddenly gasp as I can feel the door being opened from the other side. I almost trip as the pull is rather fast.

"Busted," my mom says with her arms crossed; Dad is behind Mom, shaking his head at me in disappointment. They both are dressed and fully ready; I assume it's because they were going to go out and search for me.

"We woke up this morning and saw your note. Where were you?"

I guess they already answered one of my questions (when they woke up). At least they don't know that I was out on the streets late last night.

"I was just walking around the hotel," I say softly. I mentally punch myself for coming up with such a shitty excuse.

"Oh, don't give us this nonsense!" Mom says.

I try to hold up the lie. "No, really. I felt bored and figured it was too early to get ready, so I just walked around. I changed my pants so that I wouldn't look somewhat embarrassing in public."

My parents aren't buying it. It is blatantly obvious that I am making up a story on the spot. "We want the full truth from you from now on, otherwise we're packing our bags and leaving this instant!"

I don't like hearing that threat, so I have no choice but to tell them the truth. I walk over and sit on the bed.

"Where were you?" she asks again.

"Ok, fine. I'll tell you everything. I couldn't sleep last night so I snuck out of the room, called Julian using the phone in guest reception, and met up with him."

Left and Right in the Dark - A Julian Casablancas fanficWhere stories live. Discover now