Chapter 11: Maybe Someday They'll Know

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(A/N: There will be some French terms in here. Sorry if this is cringy or triggering to anyone who can speak French or is from France lmao)

Sophie's POV:

We take a taxi to the hotel. During the ride, I enter and save Julian's number on my phone before slipping the piece of paper back into my jacket pocket.

"So, Sophie, I wanted to ask you this before: how did you and Julian meet? How did this all start?" Mom asks.

I give a quick recap about how we met and how he graciously offered to let me stay in his apartment. I stop there, not wanting to tell them all the things that happened afterward.

"That reminds me, how old is he exactly?"

"Twenty-four," I respond confidently, deciding not to lie. Whether or not that's a good choice, I don't know.

"Oh, wow! He's pretty young himself, and he was kind and generous enough to take care of you for the last three days. That's commitment."

"I don't know whether that's supposed to be a compliment towards him or an insult towards me," I joke.

"And not to mention, he is a very successful musician! He has his own busy life, and yet he still managed to shelter a fan and become close to her!" Alex chimes in.

"Yes, that too," Mom notes.

"I would literally faint if I were in Sophie's shoes. She took advantage of a golden opportunity. I'm so jealous!" Alex looks at me.

"Trust me, I'm very fortunate to have spent the last three days with him. Not a day went by where I didn't count my lucky stars. Even now, I still can't believe it happened," I reflect.

"Speaking of shoes, I couldn't help but notice that you've got on a new pair!" Mom points at my brown leather wrap shoes.

"Oh, yeah," I chuckle. "I bought these at a store called Macy's. Julian showed me around some parts of Times Square on my first night of being here to cheer me up after learning about the plane accident."

"Wow!" Mom raises her eyebrows, amazed.

As I think about these things, a question enters my mind.

"Mom? Dad? Do you two like Julian?" I ask slowly.

"I certainly do. I can't say this enough: he's a very kind boy," Mom smiles.

"I like him too. That boy's got a good sense of maturity in him. He seems like he's the type of person that doesn't mess around. Very smart and sharp," Dad adds in.

I feel my heart warming up; This is a good sign, a good first step. At least they have positive first impressions of Julian.

I sit back and peacefully enjoy the rest of the ride.


We step into the hotel. Alex and I stare in awe; It's so beautiful and modern! There are soft, velvety purple chairs with small, circular mahogany tables. In the lobby, there is a wooden bench that is worked into a design, so the wood panels continue on the wall and on the ceiling as well. There is an illuminated, rectangular wall art at the reception desk, and modern lights hanging all around the lobby. There are dozens of people walking around the lobby and in and out of the hotel.

'Dad definitely picked the right place,' I think to myself.

'Dad definitely picked the right place,' I think to myself

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