Thank You Message, Updates, and Sequel!

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Hello everyone! I just wanted to come on here and announce a few things...

First off, thank you so much for reading this fanfiction! It means a lot to me, and I hope you enjoyed this journey as much as I did. At the time of publishing this, there are 1.76k reads! Wow, I wasn't expecting that many during the course of writing this story, (and I know that it's not really much in the long run lol), but thank you so much, and I want to give a huge shoutout to everyone that commented, voted on chapters, and shared/checked out this story.☺️❤️

Second, I'm going to have to go back and re-edit parts of this book, mainly the first third since all of that is written in past tense, and everything else is written in present. I have also noticed some horrendous grammar mistakes that I somehow didn't catch before. It's the most annoying thing ever!😫😂 I have been doing some editing and republishing some chapters here and there while I was working on this book, but now that the whole book is finished, I can really focus on it. (Update: It's all done!)

Lastly, I am really excited to say that there will be a sequel!!! It will be coming out this August, and it will be set six years in the future (2009). I'm preparing some cool storylines, so get excited for that!

I hope you all enjoyed this book and I hope to see you all in the sequel!✨

Love you all❤️ - RubytheSapphire

Left and Right in the Dark - A Julian Casablancas fanficWhere stories live. Discover now