10 Chapters Celebration! Q&A

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Hey readers! RubytheSapphire here. Thank you guys so much for checking out this fan fiction; I hope you guys like it so far. Special shoutouts to pomaiokalani and KatieGallear for actively voting and commenting on chapters! I really enjoy all of your reactions and I want to thank all you readers for checking this out. 

I think for every ten chapters, I'm going to do a Q&A filler. If any of you readers are Strokes fans, I would love to get to know you. Please feel free to comment any type of question below, whether it's related to the story or not. I will try to answer all of them. 

It will take a bit of time before Chapter 10 comes out, because I have a busy schedule. But when it comes out my answers to this Q&A will be released as well.

Comment your questions here!

In the meantime, I wanna get to know you readers...

My questions to you:

Strokes-related questions:

Favorite album/era?

Favorite member?

Favorite song (right now or of all time)? Demos and B-sides count!

First song you heard by them?

A song you wish they play live (for the first time or more often)?

Do you listen to any of their solo projects?

Have you listened to Julian's solo album "Phrazes For The Young?" If so, do you have a favorite song?

Favorite chapter of this book so far?

Non-Strokes-related questions:

Do you play any sports?

Do you play any musical instruments?

Favorite pastime?

Favorite food?

Favorite drink?

What are some other bands or genres you enjoy?

If the world were to end in a month, and you could only travel or stay in one place, where would it be?

If you could spend one day/night with any celebrity, who would it be? What would you do with them?

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