Chapter 22: We Could be in Trouble Every Night

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(A/N: Throughout this chapter, I have sprinkled in nine Strokes/Julian Casablancas references [3 phrases of lyrics, 3 album titles, and 3 song titles]. Lol some of them were just coincidentally a reference because they're also everyday things you say; I didn't even try for some of them! If you can spot them, comment them here, and please sort them out by category.)

Sophie's POV: The same day, 11:00 PM

Three people, one hotel room.

Two asleep, one wide awake.

I sigh as my eyes are glued to the ceiling; I just can't fall asleep. I try closing my eyes, but they always reopen about ten seconds after each time I try closing them.

What I'm amazed at is how my parents are still able to sleep, even after all of the chaos that went on throughout the morning.

My mind just continues to replay the whole confrontation between my family and Julian.

I decide that I just can't be here anymore. I have to talk to Jules and see if I can straighten things out.

Good thing sneaking out is one of the things I'm good at. I used to do it when I was little. My parents would try to make me take a nap with them in the afternoon when all I wanted to do was play. So, when they would fall asleep, I would crawl out of the bed, carefully trying not to wake my parents up from making any noise or messing up the bed.

It wasn't the exact same case here, but I was going to be making some noise since I would have to constantly move around. The trick is to go as slow as possible. I open one of the drawers and grab my jeans. I slip into the bathroom and change my pants and comb my hair as quietly as I can. Once I get out, I make sure that my parents are still asleep. I notice a pen and writing pad on the glass table, so I grab it and write:

I am not running away. Don't worry, I will come back. And before you both jump to conclusions, I won't be at Julian's apartment. Please trust me on this. Love you both. - Sophie

I rip the paper out and place it on my pillow before wearing my watch and jacket that I left on one of the chairs earlier. I make sure that the key card is safely tucked inside one of the jacket pockets and slip on my shoes. I place my wallet in the other jacket pocket. I turn back once more to my parents before slowly opening the room door and leaving. That whole process takes about maybe 15 minutes in and of itself.

I close the door, trying to avoid any squeaking, and tiptoe through the corridor, going to the elevator, and soon entering the lobby.

I walk over to the hotel receptionist.

"Excuse me, Miss. May I please make a call on this phone, if you don't mind? It's an emergency," I speak rather quickly.

"Oh, sure, go ahead," she warmly smiles before moving the phone closer towards me so I can make the call. She moves away from me and starts to talk to another staff member.

I type in Julian's number; he picks up after three rings.


"Hey, it's Sophie."

"Sophie? What are you doing up so late?" he asks, confused. I can hear some fry in his voice.

"I need to see you. Immediately. You know where to meet me," I tell him with anxiousness.

"Okay, I'll be there soon. See you, sweetheart," he says before hanging up.

I set the phone back down and move it towards the receptionist, who was now back at the desk.

Left and Right in the Dark - A Julian Casablancas fanficWhere stories live. Discover now