Chapter 10: All Together, It Went Well

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Sophie's POV:

Around 6:30 PM, Jules and I leave to go to the local airport. My family is supposed to arrive within the next 15 minutes. We decide to take his car (that was in a parking garage next to the apartment building) just so we wouldn't have to keep spending money on a taxi. I guess he also chose his car because he has a CD and cassette player in there, with a bunch of his favorite albums. We listen to a lot of Velvet Underground; I laugh as Julian sings the lyrics in a typical Lou Reed fashion.

I don't know just where I'm going

But I'm gonna try for the kingdom if I can

'Cause it makes me feel like I'm a man

When I put a spike into my vein

My mom texts me all of the flight and gate info. I can't wait to see them all. I clench onto Julian's hand, feeling giddy all over. We sit in two of the lounge beam seats close to the arrival gate.

After about five minutes, I notice my parents and Alex coming out of the gate. I quickly stand up and look at Julian, who is still sitting down.

"This is your moment. You go first, I'll come soon," he smiles.

I run over to my family and yell to get their attention. "Mom! Dad! Alex!"

"Sophie!" they spot me and come running towards me.

The four of us hug tightly with tears of joy streaming down all of our faces. It is a strong hug, symbolizing how much we missed each other, and how scared we were for one another.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're safe!" Mom puts her hands around my cheeks and kisses me on the forehead.

"Me? You and Dad went through a plane accident! I'm grateful that you two are in front of me right now," I sob happily as I pull away.

"And, once again, smart thinking, Lex," I compliment my brother.

"Thanks, Soph," He ruffles my hair as I chuckle.

"But what about our luggage? Is it safe or has it been destroyed?"

"Even though the engines failed, the pilot and crew did a good job of handling it somewhat safely. There were some jolts, but it wouldn't be what you would expect for a crash. Some parts of the plane got dented and all that, but all of the luggage was safe in the cargo hold. It's supposed to come through baggage claim pretty soon, actually."

"Oh, great!" I say, a little relieved as I start to wipe my tears away. "Alex, did you check in your stuff as well?"

"Yep," he nods. "Everything's on its way, don't worry."

"Sounds good. By the way, remember how I said on the phone that I was staying with someone named Julian for the past few days?"

"Of course," Mom replies.

"Well, he's here right now, and I want you all to meet him."

"That would be lovely!" Mom cheers.

I signal Julian to come meet my parents, and that's when I hear Alex whisper:

"Holy shit, no way!"

"Alex, watch your language please," my dad politely warns.

I turn back to my family and introduce Julian with a smile. "Everyone, this is Julian. Julian, this is my mom, dad, and my older brother Alex," I say, pointing at each person as I mention their respective name.

Before my parents can even say "hello" to him, Alex starts jumping up and down, freaking out with excitement, like a little kid in a candy store.

"Wait, so you're telling me that for the last three days you have been staying with Julian Casablancas? THE JULIAN CASABLANCAS?!"

Left and Right in the Dark - A Julian Casablancas fanficWhere stories live. Discover now