Chapter 12: How Long Must I Wait?

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(A/N: Another chapter with all of The Strokes! This chapter will go through a time frame of 4 days, starting from the morning after Sophie leaves Julian's apartment.

Fun fact: I am writing about how Nick got his guitar tone for 12:51 in this chapter. I think it's pretty neat! I read it off of an interview that he and Albert did back in 2003.

And sorry it took so long lmao!)

Julian's POV: Day 1

The day's been going pretty well so far. I made myself a morning cup of coffee, checked my mailbox, and after I couldn't find anything else to do, I decided to turn to my music. I grab my sheets of lyrics from under my bed and my Fender Telecaster from the living room and sit down on the couch as I lazily play a song.

I strum out a chord progression with a small melody I had in my head earlier. I soon put my guitar aside and grab a pen. I keep the cap between my teeth as I write out some lyrics:

So many fish there in the sea

I wanted you, you wanted me

That's just a phase, it's got to pass

I was a train moving too fast

Didn't understand what to see

Yeah, then I got a different view, it's you... no

I lay back on the couch, tapping my pen on the paper a few times, trying to continue the lyrics, but nothing was coming out.

Suffering from writer's block, I put all of that stuff away and decide to go outside. I get out of my apartment and immediately light a cigarette. I breathe out the cloud of smoke and shake my head a little, trying to clear my brain.

What is happening today? I can't seem to think straight.

Sophie's POV: Day 2

We take a bus in the morning to get to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I insert my 'Is This It' cassette in the slot and skip to Someday. I keep the volume relatively low, just to be respectful to the other passengers. Alex sits next to me as we both smile and tap our toes to the rhythm.

We both act out the lyrics with funny gestures like we're in a music video.

In many ways, they'll miss the good old days (we point to each other with raised eyebrows)

Somedaayyy (look to one side)

Somedaayyy (look to the other side)

Yeah it hurts to say (keep our fists on our hearts and start dropping at the last three words)

But I want you to stay (we puts our arms around each other's backs)

Sometiiiiimes (look in opposite directions and nod)

Sometiiiiimes (look at each other and nod)

As we continue the song, some people around us start to stare, but we don't care. This is what makes us happy. It makes us playful. It makes us enjoy the trip much more.

Our parents just laugh at us as we stand up from our seats and passionately lip-sync and act out the line:

Maya says I'm lacking in depth, 

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